Bad Thinking Gray's Sporting Journal - His Mayan ancestors used stingray barbs to pierce tongue and penis for sacrificial blood-letting while consorts knelt to catch the offertorial drippings in ... |
Uganda: Sex Sells - the New World Order, Washington - For those who want to disagree with me, how else can you explain the likes of Viagra, ecstasy and -somebody save us- Penis pumps? More, the recent surge in ... |
The long and the short of it (subscription), Ireland - ... (3) in a small sample, one very large or very small penis can skew the figures; and (4) companies that have something to sell such as penis pumps or ... |
A birthday party doesn�t have to be a boring affair that everyone dreads coming to. Jazz review of penis enlargement products it up with a theme and something memorable for all of the guests. If you want to stick with Happy Birthday as your theme, make it a famous one.
Find pictures of famous people celebrating birthdays - A movie star blowing out candles or a musician throwing their own party. Make them into posters and hang around the room or house hosting the party. Make it a game and have the guests guess who each actor and star is. Another fun game would be to find all of the TV and song clips of stars singing penis enlargement products and make it a guessing game. Without showing who is singing, have people guess. Some famous renditions include Shirley Temple and Marilyn Monroe.
To decorate for a birthday party you need balloons and streamers. A party supply store will have every color imaginable to match your theme. Paper products like cups, napkins, silverware and tablecloths are also available for purchase to match. If you need assistance, any party planner would be glad to help.
Birthday parties can serve a meal or snacks. If you are having a small party, dinner can be planned. If it is a large party, finger foods or appetizers are cheaper and easier to provide for everyone. They make less of a mess too!
Birthday parties also require a cake! Hire a cake baker or create one yourself using pans from the party supply store. They come in large and small and have pattern books if you are looking for ideas. Candles, frosting and other cake decorations are also available.
Remember to take pictures of all your guests to include in a thank you card. Whether it is a party where they bring gifts or not, send them a note thanking them for sharing in your big day.
The Kirby vacuum cleaner, along with the Rainbow vacuum and the Thermax vacuum were instrumental in changing the way people in American clean their carpets. In the old days before the vacuum cleaner was invented, people had several different ways to get their rugs clean. Remember the old rug beaters?
A rug beater was very simple to use. All you had to do was take your dirty old rug outside and hang it on some suitable length of rope or wire. Generally, you would find that everyone used the clothes line. If you are under 30 years old you may be scratching your head and saying to yourself, "what's a clothes line?".
A clothes line was simply a small rope strung out between two poles or posts. It was then used to hang wet clothes on, in an orderly fashion, in the hopes that the cloudly overcast would go away and let some of the bright sunshine in on your wet clothes. Hanging wet clothes out on a clothes line was also used to control the weather in some regions of the country. If your city had been experiencing a drought, all you penis enlargement review had to do was let the laundry get almost dry and it was a sure fire way to make it rain.
Back to the dirty rug. After hanging your diry rug on the clothes line (remember penis enlargement pills, the Kirby vacuum cleaner hadn't been invented yet) you simply take your son's old baseball bat and beat the dickens out of the rug. Seemly endless clouds of dust will appear and cover you and every thing in your back yard with black powder. At this point you need to hang some wet clothes on the clothes line so that at least you will get a shower to settle the dust. Which, now that I think about it would solve your dirty rug problem too.
Have you ever watched a speaker and said, "Wow, I wish I could speak like that"? or "That person was just so wonderful. I could never do that." Well, I've got some good news for you. You too can be a public speaker. Public speaking is a learned skill, so anyone can do it. You just need to follow some simple steps and practice, practice, practice. If you know how to talk, you can become a public speaker.
Becoming really good at public speaking requires some risk, but you have been taking risks all your life. When you were a toddler, you risked falling down when you took your first steps. You risk scraping your knees or falling when you start roller blading. You risk falling off when you start bike riding. You risk being rejected when you ask someone out on a date, and you risk getting into an accident every time you drive your car.
If you gave up after your first fall, you'd still be crawling. If you were afraid to fall off your bike, you'd still be riding with training wheels. If you were afraid of getting into an accident, you'd never get behind the wheel of a car. And guess what, you're still here - you've survived all of that. You're risk takers!! You've proved that by coming to Toastmasters. The greatest fear is that of public speaking and here you are - wanting to learn how to do it.
How many of you enjoy watching figure skating? Now, you wouldn't expect to be a world class figure skater the minute you put on a pair of skates, would you? No, you'd expect to have to practice penis enlargement pill for years before becoming that good. Nor would you expect to make the NHL without years and years of winter and summer hockey.
How many of you enjoy watching racing? Would you expect to be another Mario Andretti the minute you get behind the wheel? Now, I will admit that there seem to be a few drivers out there who think they are Mario, but most people would expect to have to practice for years before reaching his status.
Now, I think everyone here knows how to walk. When you think of walking 25 miles, it seems like a long distance, but it is actually only putting one foot in front of the other a number of times and you know how to do that. It just takes practice to go the distance. It's the same thing with public speaking. It just takes putting one word after another.
The key to getting up in front of an audience is believing that you have something to share with them that may make a difference in their lives - by entertaining them, warning them, encouraging them, or giving them direction or information.
The great thing is - you all do have something to say that people would be interested in hearing. Each of you has come through life in a different way. You may have encountered difficult circumstances and survived. Your experience could help someone else in the same situation.
If you remember jokes or enjoy telling stories to your friends, practice a little more and soon you can be telling penis enlargement your jokes and stories to large audiences. If you are really good at something, consider sharing the steps of how you got there.
By following the steps outlined in the Toastmasters' manuals, and with the encouragement of fellow Toastmasters, you can learn how to craft a speech and how to deliver it. You can learn how to use props, how to modulate your voice, and how to use words that your audience will understand.
You will often hear the words "stage time" used by Toastmasters. That is the only way to get better. In order to be good at anything, you have to practice. Winston Churchill overcame a speech impediment to become a master orator. He had to practice for hours to deliver a speech.
You can get very discouraged if you expect to be as good as Zig Ziglar right away. But if you listen to his story, you will find that it took a very long time before he was able to do what he does so well.
The thing to remember is that the only person you need to compare yourself to is you. You are working for your personal best, so when you are preparing your speech and practicing, all you need to ask yourself is - is your second speech better in some way than your first? Did you learn something new as you prepared for your speech? Did you learn something from the evaluative comments of others after you gave your speech? Then, that's all you need to do. You can use what you've learned to make the next speech your best to date and then use the same process for each speech you give. Just take one step at a time.
Remember, public speaking is a skill, so anyone can learn to do it. You just need to be taught how and then practice, practice, practice. Then one day someone may watch you and say, "Wow, I wish I could speak like that."
No claim is made that the steps outlined would be successful for someone else. Each individual should obtain whatever professional advice may be
necessary for his particular operation.
The following is designed to provide a check list for new entrants into the mail order field. Each mail order business is different, but there are common elements that apply to most mail order businesses, as well as some specific characteristics that may vary from business to business. The following suggestions were developed to assist you in avoiding costly mistakes. Apply the various points as they relate to your specific business.
* Select a short, easily remembered name.
* Unless you are using your own name, it is required in most jurisdictions that a trade name is either registered with the county or the state.
* Before you spend money for printing material, make sure that the name you choose is not already registered to another company. You can usually conduct a name search with an office of the appropriate jurisdiction by telephone.
* You may consider using a name that describes your product.
* Most newly established mail order businesses will operate out of their home until the volume of the business requires larger space.
* Most mail order businesses prefer not to use their home address as their company address. If you do, you will advertise your home address in regional and national publications. You have two other choices, a Post Office Box(POB) or a postal box located in a commercial enterprise which rents out mail boxes.
* A POB is generally the least expensive, both to rent and for advertising purposes. (See below) Some mail order operators claim that it reduces business because people do not trust a POB address. Yet there are just as many mail order operators who disprove this notion. The decision is yours.
* If you rent a mail box in a commercial enterprise, your box number usually becomes a suite number in the address.
* Almost all publications will charge you a full word charge for each component of your address, except the Zip Code and State which is counted as one word, Example:
Information Books, 300 Main Street, Suite 611, Centerville,
Md 20910 Or:
Information Books, Box 1000, Centerville, Md 20910.
* The first address is counted as 9 words, the second one as 6 words. Since advertising costs anywhere from 50 cents to $10.00 per word (classified advertising) you could save a substantial amount of money at the end of the year if you use a post office box.
* Some mail order companies do not show their phone numbers on their stationery, others do. It gives the customer some comfort to see a telephone number, although he may never use it.
* You can show your residence phone number in the appropriate printed material, or you can obtain a business listing for your home.
* The residence phone is fine, for starters, if it is answered in a professional manner at all times.
* If you plan to sell higher priced ticket items, however,
(over $15.00) a business listing would be advantageous since a prospective customer may pick up the phone and check with the information operator whether "Company X" is listed.
* Be conservative and frugal in your acquisition of items that you feel are needed. It's always wise to start small, and as inexpensively as possible, and as you build profits, you can
buy more and better items.
* The basics are a good quality computer, Business stationery, business envelopes (#10's), and return envelopes, either #6 or #9 is fine. All items should have your business name and address
imprinted on them.
* You will also need some mailing labels and some miscellaneous office supplies.
* If possible, choose a product or products that people need
on an ongoing basis.
* Be sure the product is of acceptable quality. Know the
product before you sell it.
* If feasible, choose an item that is not widely available
from retailers.
* Develop a line of merchandise. It is rarely possible to make money with just one or two items. The availability of a line of related products is paramount to mail order success.
* The more specialized your products are, the easier your marketing becomes.
* If you are selling books, for example, it would be impossible, except for a very large company, to sell all types of books. You may decide to specialize in books pertaining to sports, and may want to go even further by zeroing in on football or baseball.
* Your suppliers should provide you with reliable, quality,
and reasonable pricing.
* Since you probably should provide some type of a money back
guarantee (30 days is standard) you should expect the same guarantee from your suppliers.
* When buying from out of town suppliers, be sure to include the shipping charge in comparing prices to local suppliers.
* Under a drop-ship agreement which is available from many suppliers for a variety of products, the supplier ships your customers' orders directly under your shipping label.
(Suggested reading: "American-Drop-Shippers Directory".)
* It is customary that the supplier guarantees not to include any of his promotional materials with the shipment; or to use your customer's name for any future mailings.
* Drop-shipping arrangements are suitable for people just getting started. It allows you not to have to carry a costly inventory.
* As your business increases and you develop a sense of what sells well, you can stock limited supplies of certain fast selling items, and continue utilizing drop-shipments for slower products. Eventually, as your business flourishes, you can carry an inventory of everything you sell.
* Handling your own shipments is advantageous for the following reasons: It cuts down on your shipping expenses, it decreases the shipping time, and it allows you to include promotional material directly with the shipment.
* When you do utilize drop-shipments, be sure to send your customer a note that his order is being processed and he can expect it by, or around a certain date.
* It is unnecessary to make your customer aware of the fact that the item is being drop-shipped. Include some promotional material with your letter or note.
* Buy at a price that allows you an adequate mark-up. In setting your prices, allow for all costs:
* Cost of product, shipping cost and postage, bank charges including credit card charges, wrapping, bad debts, rejects, refunds, etc. In addition, the other normal overhead costs need to be considered,. Lastly, there is the substantial marketing cost for advertising, and for printing of
promotional items. (See following paragraphs)
* Your prices of course, have to be fair and in line with your competition.
* It is not necessary that you make a big profit on each and every item. the real profit in mail order comes from follow-up orders.
ADVERTISING, PRINTING COST, AND POSTAGE. Over 80% of your total expenses are in this area. Watch these expenses very carefully.
* Start with classified ads. As you test them and know what
is successful, you can switch to display ads.
* To test an offering and a specific ad, run it once in a specific publication and you should get a reading that could be very positive or very negative. It might also be inconclusive. If that is the case, simply run it again.
* It is best to test an ad by running it in different publications.
* Advertise in publications that advertise similar products.
* If you have a sure seller, buy larger space.
* Special interest products should be advertised in special interest publications.
* Keep on changing the ad and offering until you are satisfied
it is right.
* Examples of changes you can make are: size of ad, copy,appeal, special gimmicks such as discounts, free gifts or reports, etc.
* Remember that a given ad can be 20 or 30 times more successful than another ad advertising the same product. It pays, therefore, to continue testing until it is just right.
* Repeat a successful ad until you no longer get a satisfactory return.
* The conventional advertising cost is 15% of sales or more in
mail order.
* To evaluate your advertising cost, think in terms of cost per inquiry. This is calculated by dividing the number of inquiries into the cost of the ad. that cost may vary from about $$0.80 to $2.00 or more.
* Be careful when you allocate advertising funds to small mail order publications. The ad may appear to be very inexpensive. However, a $15.00 ad that gets no response is a lot more expensive than a $150.00 ad that gets over 100 inquiries.
* Stay away from those publications that have no news or editorial content, and also those that have poor printing quality.
* There are a number of quality mail order publications, but it takes time to find the right publication for your product.
* Write tight copy.
* Write as you speak. You are generally appealing to a mass market.
* Prepare your copy carefully. It must fit your specific medium.
* The emphasis should be on YOU rather than I, the company.
* Be sincere and don't make unreasonable claims, but remember that you are selling.
* Try to convince the reader that you are reliable and
* Give simple specific instruction.
* Key all ads to test their effectiveness.
* Check and double check, and have someone else check your ad to make sure everything is correct and easy to understand.
* Watch where your competitors are advertising.
* Experiment with new publications.
* It is generally considered impossible to sell something that costs more than $2.00 - $3.00 direct from either a classified ad or a small display ad. This is because there just is not enough space to convince someone to part with $10.00 or $20.00, for example. It takes a full page ad to do that.
* If you use an agency, use one that specializes in mail order, even if it is located out of town.
* Each inquiry you receive in response to an ad should be answered via First Class, if at all possible, within 24 hours.
* The contents of the envelope going to the prospective customer should contain: a circular, promotional flier, or mini-brochure, a sales letter, an order form (the order form can be part of the circular), a return envelope, and other appropriate information, such as a fact sheet, a free report, etc.
* In general, circulars should be limited to one 8 1/2 x 11 page.
* A sales letter, on the other hand, can be as long as it takes to say everything you need to say to a prospective customer in order to sell him the product.
* Sales letters should have an attention getting opening. The idea of the opening is to get him to read the rest of the letter.
* Answer inquiries to your advertising immediately and via First Class Mail. Use Bulk Mail for sizegenetics penis enlargement device future mailings.
* You can penis enlargement with vigrx plus save a great deal of money by getting a Bulk Mail permit. Mail must be sorted by zip code. Get more specific information from your Post
* Keep your mailing lists clean - updated.
* Utilize all of the various mail classes, such as Printed Mail and Book rate.
* Compare costs of shippers other than the Post Office.
* Guarantee return postage.
* Watch your shipping weight. A fraction of an ounce can make a big difference in a large mailing.
* Very large printers will not be interested in your business. Very small ones, quick printers and instant printers although convenient, are generally too expensive. Their equipment is not large enough to be competitive.
* There are many medium sized printers that will give you good pricing and quality printing. Often they have the capability to help you with layout and design.
* Don't hesitate to use out of town printers. If you live in a high cost-of -living area, you can probably save a substantial amount of money. Many of these printers advertise in mail order publications.
* Utilize the promotional material available from your supplier.
* Until you know what sells, print small quantities, even if it is more expensive.
* Use colored paper for your promotional flyers to spice up your offer. Use white paper, blue or black ink for everything else.
* Accept money orders and checks.
* Some mail order companies state in their material that they will not ship for 10 days to 2 weeks when payment is made with an out of town check. This may be an unwise practice because, it can create ill feelings with your customers. NSF checks are rare.
* An increasing number of mail order companies accept credit cards - Visa and MasterCard - for payment. It is generally felt that it does increase sales.
* If you cannot obtain a credit card merchant agreement with your bank work through a credit card clearing house. A number of these companies advertise in mail order publications. Since these companies generally charge between 6-9%, it may be wise to set a minimum amount such as $15.00 for credit card orders.
* Remember, "the customer" is always right. An argument won,is usually a customer lost.
* If you receive an order with an underpayment, ship the order and bill the customer for the difference.
* Make refunds on overpayments quickly.
* Most mail order companies offer a 30 day money back guarantee. Some offer 90 days and even more.
* It is unwise to offer money back guarantees on items priced very inexpensively, for example, a $3.00 report.
* As in any business, it is important to keep records.
* You need records to tell you what is going on in your business; to evaluate both your revenues and your expenses.
* It is also required by law that you keep certain records.
* Keep especially good records of your advertising expenses so you can evaluate your advertising on an ongoing basis.
* It is recommended that you do no direct mailings, except to your own list of customers and inquirers, until you have
thoroughly tested a specific product through advertising.
* Stay away from inexpensive mailing lists, under $40.00 -$50.00 per 1000.
* Avoid mailing lists whose owners make unrealistic claims.
* Work with a list broker who wants to see your product before he will rent you a list. Lists are rented for one time use.
* Lists from professional list brokers rent from $60.00 and
up, per thousand names.
* The general consensus is that you need to mail a minimum of 1000 names to get a fair reading. 5000 names would give you a more accurate test.
* Buyer' names are better than names of inquiries.
* The best mailing list is your own list of buyers. Second best is your own list of inquirers.
* The most important factor in mail order is FOLLOW-UP
Substantial profits can be generated from this segment, if it is properly handled.
* You can generate a lot of sales by including promotional material when filling orders for customers. Other orders are generated from mailings that are made to former customers, as well as individuals who inquired about an offer in the past.
* Send out regular mailings to your customers. At a minimum,
four times per year. However, you can send out mailings as often as every 6 weeks or so, if you have a new product to offer.
* As you build your mailing lists and you send out regular
mailings, your orders will start flowing in.
* Whether you are new to this field or not, to stay on top, you must continue your education by reading books and reports on mail order and subscribing to mail order publications.
* Always be on the lookout for new products you can offer your customers.
* Study the advertising of your competitors. Request their
material and study it.
* Study all mailings you receive.
Continue to learn about mail order by reading, experimenting, and talking with other mail order operators. Have patience. Success will not come overnight. It takes time to build a successful business. Start slowly and expand your business from your profits.
Good Luck!
Soccer is a growing penile enlargement sport among the youth in our country today. Notably, more female athletes are choosing to play soccer. With this added participation, it is inevitable that more injuries will occur. Many of these injuries are linked to physical training and conditioning.
The most common injuries in soccer typically involve the ankle, knee and hip region. Such injuries include ankle sprains, knee ligament sprains, meniscus tears, and muscular strains (hip and groin). ACL injuries are now reaching epidemic proportions, especially in the female soccer athlete.
Research has indicated that proper training programs can and do reduce ACL injuries and will help prevent other sports related injuries. Much of the research has indicated that strengthening, jump landing technique and agility training affect the risk for this type of injury. The following list will outline how to effectively reduce common soccer injuries.
1. Perform a periodized year round strength training program with special emphasis on balancing the muscles of the leg and targeting the core muscles (low back, abdominals and hip).
2. Understand the energy systems utilized in soccer and train them according to performance demands. This involves the proper blend of training aerobic endurance and anaerobic power to ensure explosive performance over the entire course of a match. Fatigue late in the match can lead to injury.
3. Perform routine stretching to prevent muscular imbalance and tightness. This refers to static stretching that should be done after a suitable warm-up or at the end of practice.
4. Perform supervised, carefully planned plyometric (jump) training to teach proper landing form and develop power.
5. Incorporate dynamic balance training to teach body control and reduce ankle sprains and knee injuries.
6. Take planned periodic rests from practice and play to avoid overtraining.
7. Perform routine agility and quickness drills to improve footwork and cutting ability. Many ACL injuries occur with non-contact cutting movements and it is critical for athletes to cut on a bent knee and be able to control their momentum during change of direction.
8. Perform a dynamic warm-up top enlargement products prior to practice and games that effectively simulates sport specific movement. These activities will better prepare the body for the demands placed upon it during competition. This can be further broken down into general and specific functional warm-ups.
9. Perform yearly pre-season physical screening evaluations with an athletic trainer or physical therapist to assess any musculoskeletal areas of weakness.
10. Perform pre-season, in-season and post-season fitness testing to assess training methods, performance and conditioning. This protocol will allow the coaches to adjust training volume, intensity and modalities to ensure that their athletes are peaking at the right time and not training improperly.
All of these suggestions are important in developing complete athletes and preventing common injuries. They will not prevent all soccer injuries, however, they will greatly reduce the risk potential and enhance athletic performance. The ultimate key to injury prevention is understanding the sport of soccer and developing a program designed to address its demands on the body.
Baseball Jerseys- Every Jersey Has a Story to Tell
Who knows the charm and delight of wearing baseball jerseys better than a baseball fan? Probably every American Baseball League fan has a baseball jersey and in her/his closet. Use of sports equipment only by the baseball players is an outdated phenomenon. Now baseball jersey has become a normal piece of clothing of American Baseball League and Major Baseball league fans.
Authentic Jerseys- Fashionable Clothing and a Collector's Delight
Baseball jersey is popular among baseball fans because it not only looks good and trendy but also is normally acceptable attire in most of the places. Moreover, it is much more than a fashion statement. Baseball jersey you wear is your personal statement of your baseball affiliation, liking and style.
These jerseys come in a blend of cotton and polyester and are very comfortable to wear and convenient to wash and maintain. You can easily find a jersey of your favorite Major League Baseball penis enlargement with vigrx plus team in all sizes. Even junior baseball fans can have a jersey for their size. You can easily locate a baseball jersey for your needs at the sports apparel store, sports equipment stores, local departmental store and online sports equipment stores. Online sports apparel stores have wonderful collections of authentic jerseys, replica jerseys and custom jerseys sizegenetics penis enlargement device for baseball players and fans.
Off late, authentic jerseys of American Baseball League and Major Baseball league players has become extremely popular. Authentic jerseys are available for almost all popular baseball teams and players of present as well as the past. Some people have amazing collections of these authentic jerseys and replica jerseys of baseball players.
The collectors display their authentic jerseys as their prized collection. These collectors have a story to tell for every jersey in their collection. Every jersey has a history and interesting story about the player, team and match. Some collectors have custom jerseys with signatures of their favorite baseball stars and even complete baseball teams.
Purpose: Our bodies are the temples of our penis enlargement products spirits. We are co-creators with God. Modesty is a virtue. The domination of others, and the enticement of them into unsavory acts, degrades the human race and casts the participants into disgrace and jeopardy.
The Lesson:
Parents, there is only one thing you can do to protect your children and yourselves from pornography. That is to avoid it.
More money is generated by porn than most honest commercial endeavors on the Internet. A description of these activities only leads to curiosity.
Some of the operators of commercial porn businesses are crude, evil, and ruthless. One operator said in a television interview that he didn't care about the people that work in his business. He said he didn't care about their drug addictions, their degradation, nor their welfare. He once cared, he said, but the participants, in his opinion, are just low-lifes that come and go.
Control Your Computer
The computer is the easy way to find porn. It can pop up at most any time. Your child makes a search for a school report and up come the porn sites. One click and he or she is there.Your child (or you) receives an e-mail and it immediately zaps to a porn site. One porn site can pop up fifty other porn sites.
What to do about your computer.
Their are security options on your computer. First, erase the history in your browser. Then use the security functions that your browser provides. Use the Help Menu to learn how to set security for your system(s). Make sure you password protect the security options.
If you can't seem to do this, find a friend that knows the ropes of computers. At last resort, call a computer professional or visit a computer store and have the clerk show you how to secure your computer.
What to do about your television.
You can protect your children and yourself by not subscribing to cable channels that broadcast X- or R-rated movies or pornographic movies and programs. If you can still see these channels even though you are not a subscriber, have the cable company put the proper filters in their system to block the offending channels out. Don't pay for this service. It is their problem not yours. One of my sons has a device that bleeps out all crude dialogue from his television, CDs, and VCR tapes.
What to do about movies.
Make sure your local movie companies are not allowing minors to enter the theater to watch R- and X- rated movies. It is the theater's management's job to see that your child doesn't buy a ticket for Bambi and then slip into the theater that is showing "Tootoo Comes of Age."
What to do about pornographic books and magazines being sold at your supermarket.
Take a look at what's on the shelves and magazine racks at your supermarket. If their are offensive materials, tell the manager that you don't like it and that, if they are not removed, you are not only not going to patronize the store, you are going to raise a great stink about it in the community by writing to the newspapers and calling in on talk shows and talking to schools, friends, and neighbors.
A lesson from the Knights of Columbus
A friend of mine was a member of that group. He told me that in Denver, the Knights decided they had enough of grocery stores selling pornographic magazines and displaying them to the children and the rest of their customers.
They thought up a great little scheme.
They each went to a grocery review of penis enlargement products stores and each Knight filled his cart to overloading with several hundred dollars worth of groceries. Then he proceeded to check out.
At the checkout stand where the magazines were exhibited, he picked up a magazine and asked for the manager. When the manager arrived, the Knight said, �Why do you sell pornographic magazines, and in addition, display them for children to see?
The Knight didn't wait for an answer. He walked out of the store--leaving the filled cart for the store employees to unload back to the shelves. It wasn't long before the store managers got the word. The magazines were out!
Porn is profitable. When you support it, you are demoralizing not only yourself but other human beings.
According to members of the porn industries, most all workers in the industry are addicted to drugs and alcohol, suffer from venereal disease, from time to time, or AIDS. Their careers are short and not fulfilling. The next step from porn is prostitution. Do you really want to support such endeavors? Of course not.
Remember that the Bible says that " are the temple of God:" See: 1Cor:3:16: "Know ye not that ye are the temple of God, and that the Spirit of God dwelleth in you?"
Also: 1Cor:3:17: "If any man defile the temple of God, him shall God destroy; for the temple of God is holy, which temple ye are."
And, 2Cor:6:16: "And what agreement hath the temple of God with idols? For ye are the temple of the living God; as God hath said, I will dwell in them, and walk in them; and I will be their God, and they shall be my people."
For The Little Children
There is no children's story with this lesson. I didn't know how to cover the subject. I suggest that you teach your children to be modest in dress and actions. Teach them to keep their minds and bodies clean and pure. Be a good example to them at all times. Keep your eye on your children.
Shakespeare could wax poetic about 'What's in a Name?' because he didn't have to contend with sports mascots ...
It's the politically-correct issue in America that refuses to subside. I consider myself to be an enlightened cyberbeing, but I contend there are just some topics that blur the bigger picture of an ethically responsible society, and complaining that mascots can be degrading is near the top of the list.
A quick check of Webster's Twentieth Century Unabridged Dictionary defines 'mascot' as 'any person, animal or thing supposed to bring good luck by being present.' So, it would seem that a team mascot is an honorable title. Most mascots in American sports had their origins in the early 1900s. Back then, teams fumbled around with quaint monickers until they gradually realized the tremendous marketing value they carried. The New York Highlanders became the more regionally-identifiable Yankees, for instance, and the Chicago Cubs took their nickname so newspaper editors could more easily fit it into headlines. Distinguished symbols like Tigers and Giants appeared. Unique features like White Stockings and Red Stockings evolved into the more headline-friendly and spelling-special White Sox and Red Sox.
One of the earliest attempts at humor in mascot-anointing was made by the Brooklyn nine of baseball's National League. Urban legend wasn't a known phrase back then, but it farily describes the allusion to fans who 'dodged' trolley fares to get a free ride to Ebbetts Field and watch the game. Those 'bums' were called Dodgers, and their favorite team became christened as such.
Ironically, that drift toward the whimsical --- probably intended to portray sports in its proper context as a divertissement of life --- may have been the root of indignation two generations later.
The social upheavals of the 1960s and early 1970s were certainly justified, in my view. Civil rights needed to come to the fore, and the resultant improvement in how all peoples were perceived was a great step forward for mankind. Still, there's a difference between significant awareness and pedantic perception in any movement. Thus, in my view, when certain Native Americans first raised the mascot controversy in headlines of the time, the attention afforded was only due to its being sucked into the backdraft of searing human rights campaigns.
Personally, I've always thought the issue had as much relevance to their legitimate concerns as bra-burning did for women's rights.
Think about it. Native Americans aren't alone in being designated as mascots. In accordance with Webster's Dictionary definition, other persons given the distinction include the Irish (University of Notre Dame) and Scandinavians (Minnesota Vikings). Both of these ethnic groups endured their moments of discrimination in the annals of American history, too. So far, neither has mounted a protest about being characterized as a good luck symbol for a sporting organization.
Don't even try to broach the 'caricature' argument as a reason why the Native American situation is different. Perhaps Notre Dame uses a leprechaun logo now, but the term 'Fighting Irish' was a clear reference to barroom brawlers, a stereotypical low-life trait at which immigrants from the Emerald Isle were perceived to be quite proficient. As to the Scandinavians, there is no evidence that even one Viking was ever so dim as to go into battle with a set of heavy horns on his helmet; why would any warrior charge into a kill-or-be-killed scenario wearing anything that could directly impede his ability to win? (The image of horns came from priests' drawings of Viking attacks, attempting to equate them to the Devil incarnate, and it was Wagner who popularized this image when he staged his epic Ring of the Niebelung.)
Cleveland's baseball team sorted through a number of mascots in their early days. 'Spiders' just didn't have that 'je ne sais crois' of marketing sizzle. They were the 'Naps' for a while, in honor of their star player-manager, Napoleon Lajoie. So, when they finally settled on 'Indians' in correlation to one of their first star players --- Louis Sockalexis, a Native American --- the monicker may not have begun as a tribute to him, but it has since memorialized his legacy. The evidence indicates the term was derogatorily applied to all members of the Cleveland team in the 1890s because it dared to have the fortitude to allow an Indian to play for them. Since then, Sockalexis has been recognized as being as much of a pioneer for minority involvement in major sports as the great Jackie Robinson was fifty years later.
Yes, the team uses a caricature of a Native American as its logo now. In fact, Chief Wahoo is perenially one of the hottest-selling logos on sports merchandise. It far outsells the NHL's Columbus Blue Jackets orginal logo, which is honoring the valiant Ohio battalion that fought so honorably in the Civil War. We haven't heard historical societies from that great state howling with indignation that this is done by putting a green insect in a Union soldier's uniform. Instead, the odds are they're pleased that more of the North American public has become aware of the Blue Jacket history than ever before, just as the Cleveland Indians can keep alive the memory of Sockalexis.Some protestors say Chief Wahoo has 'shifty' eyes and that makes him even more demeaning. I, for one, never drew that connection, but if anyone else did, why wouldn't they be laughing and demeaning the Oklahoma University Sooners? After all, that term originally implied cheaters getting a jump on staking claims to land being opened for settlement.
There are many more examples. I simply don't see Native Americans being unduly isolated in this context, and no one else involved is feeling belittled.
The Washington Redskins originated in Boston, home of baseball's Red Sox and Braves in the 1930s. They were also called the Braves back then, because they played in that team's stadium. However, when they wound up getting better terms to locate in Fenway Park, they didn't want to confuse the paying public by being Braves but playing in the Red Sox stadium. Their solution made sense: they incorporated references to their origins and their new game site by changing their name to Redskins. The logic apparently didn't register with enough fans, though, and the team soon exited to the nation's capital.
The point here is that the Redskins name wasn't derived as a slur, but as a facilitation to distinguish the team's new --- albeit transitional --- home. Furthermore, to be fair, the Redskins organization has only used a noble image as a symbol of the name. Washington DC is one of the most liberal cities in North America, with its population's majority consisting of minorities. The connotation of that nickname being demeaning, as in the Cleveland Indians case, just doesn't emerge from its context.
My impression, then, remains that the mascot controversy has its sole value in the publicity it gives those organizations who are raising it. Pro and college sports are more visible than ever in the USA, and what better way is there to affix one's organization to higher 'page rankings' than making headlines in the Sports section of newspapers and broadcasts?
The matter isn't going away anytime soon. Now the NCAA --- college sports' governing body --- has decreed that any university with a Native American mascot can neither host a championship event nor use their mascot in any championship event. Some schools have successfully been granted exceptions, which makes even less sense to me. Does this mean that Florida State's Seminoles, for example, are review of penis enlargement products less demeaning to Native Americans than North Dakota's Fighting Sioux (a traditional college hockey power)? How hypocritical is that? If they're contending that degrees of discrimination exist due to local circumstances, then they're admitting to a targeted sensitivity beyond society's pale, which is discriminatory in itself. How can such a position be rationalized with a clear conscience?
Mascots, no matter how commercialized, are still nothing more than whimsical symbols. Society as a whole understands that, just as it realizes the stylized violence in Grimm's Fairy Tales leaves no lasting scars on the psyches of children who innocently absorb them. Those who claim to the contrary only risk trivializing themselves and the credibility of their greater cause.
Nowhere in the country penis enlargement products do such topics remain in a lighthearted perspective more than in Orofino, Idaho. That's the site of the state's mental hospital. The local high school's teams are called the Maniacs.
No one protests, unless the teams don't play hard.
Sports fans love to debate. This is part of the excitement of sports, arguing about what players are best at their respective game or position. One that has become surprisingly popular pits second-year star LeBron James against various other greats, such as Kobe Bryant, Tracy McGrady, and others. It's surprising not only because LeBron is so young, so most people would exclude him but also because it really shouldn't be an argument at all.
That's right. This one is a no-brainer. Stop all the arguments, the debates and the loosely-constructed ideas that other players in the National Basketball Association are better than LeBron. I'm here to tell you today that there is no reasonable debate -- LeBron James is without a doubt the best basketball player on the planet Earth!
Okay, before you blow your stack about his age, lack of experience and the fact that he has yet to win a title, like Kobe and others, let's consider the best barometer of a great basketball player.
Truly great players possess all of the fundamental skills: shooting, passing, ball handling, rebounding, shot blocking and defending. Now, players like Kobe, McGrady and Kevin Garnett certainly have these skills. But to truly separate players, we need to go beyond these skills. Consider two more factors: the ability to dominate at any position penis enlargement with vigrx plus and to make all players around you better. This is the true test of greatness.
Larry Bird had it, Magic Johnson had it, and Michael Jordan certainly had it. Does Kobe? I say no. Does McGrady? Definitely not. Garnett may, but he still has too many nights of 14 points and 9 rebounds in a losing effort to say he definitely has it.
Now, consider LeBron. The skills are unquestionable. He averages 25 points, nearly 8 rebounds and just under 8 assists per game, in only his second year in the league, at the tender age of 20. He�s the youngest to score 40, to get a triple double, to start in an All Star game, and the list grows every night he plays. Further ponder the fact that at 6-8 and a muscular 240 pounds and with uncanny speed, quickness and leaping ability, LeBron can handle the ball like a point guard, shoot like most decent (not great, yet) off guards, and post up with the best forwards and centers in the NBA. He blocks shots like a center, can shut down anyone, with his size and quickness, and he gets to the basket and draws fouls better than anyone. He creates a mismatch every night, because he is completely unguardable.
Finally, in just his second year, he�s taken a team that won 17 games prior to his arrival to a 50-win pace. And for the first time since the early 1990s, the Cavaliers are now a legitimate playoff contender. I doubt any coach in the league wants to face the Cavaliers and LeBron in a seven-game series.
So, when people want to discuss the greatest players in the sizegenetics penis enlargement device game, tell them to forget any argument that doesn�t start and end with the name LeBron James.
Land subdivision is a bit like helping Mom slice up her beautiful Apple Pie; it�s all so easy, when, like Mom, you�ve done it a few times. So let�s see if we can get the ingredients for a land subdivision correct so you can do it right first time, OK?
Every city or town in the free world has a Town Plan and it comprises, not surprisingly, of plans or maps, usually with lots of different colors all over them, but also lots of words explaining what the colors mean as well as lots of Rules that tell you what you can do with land.
The colors indicate different zonings that your elected Council has decided upon. So say, Residential housing may be Yellow; high density housing like units, condos may be Pink; and industrial Orange, whatever. So you can see at a glance how the town plan is subdivided into land use categories.
Just as you can�t build a house anywhere you like, you can�t have a farm or a factory in the middle of a residential area either. So the first thing you must do is find out what is the �Zoning� of the land you own or are thinking of buying. Getting land Rezoned is another issue altogether.
Let�s assume your land is zoned for residential housing. The Town Plan will tell you all the requirements you have to undertake for land subdivision. It will tell you the minimum Lot size allowed in a residential subdivision. It will tell you the distance in feet or metres you have to Set-Back each lot from the road, either internal and/or external, as well as the side boundaries of your land.
Now all that seems a bit complicated, but don�t worry, there are professional land subdivision experts who will do all this work for you. Depending in what part of the world you come from, you will engage either an Engineer in the USA or a Land Surveyor in Australia, New Zealand, UK or Ireland to prepare you land subdivision plan.
Always engage one who does penis enlargement with vigrx plus their main work in your area, because these are the professional where local knowledge is very important. They will know about soil conditions in your area, because they may have done several land subdivisions in the area already and completed soil testing.
They will also know about the provision of utilities like water supply, electricity, gas, telephone. All of these impact on the cost of your development sizegenetics penis enlargement device. For example, if water reticulation is not available on your road frontage and the nearest water supply is a mile away, then you may have to pay for the cost of piping water that distance.
It is vital you know this information before you commit yourself to land subdivision costs and so the Engineer or Land Surveyor are very important not only at your investigation stage, but also when you proceed with the land subdivision planning application preparation and lodgment with your Local Authority. These guys will do all that work for you.
So what does all that add up to?
Yes, you should go the Local Authority in your area of the world that handles Town Planning and study their Town Plan. You may even be able to get a photo copy of that area of the plan that concerns your land. Read the local By-Laws about the type of land subdivision you plan to do.
Next, if you don�t have a recommendation as to which Engineer or Land Surveyor to use, do as I suggest in my e-book, Residential Development Made Easy, go and interview several of them in your area. Remember, as you are low on experience, the interview is your opportunity to find someone with whom you feel comfortable on a personal level.
Do they �talk down� to you and treat you as though you�re a mug? Are they information givers? Do they explain things to you? What land subdivision are they currently working on? Where is their most recently completed land subdivision?
You don�t have the expertise in the profession, so use you own instincts. When you find one that suits you, Do Not start off your relationship, by attempting to haggle over the professional fees he proposed to charge you. If you have interviewed several professional you will know the range of fees charged, BUT you do not know the extent or range of work the firm has to carry out.
So to haggle with a professional based on such skinny information, tells the professional that they should avoid you by a mile. I have developed over $1.2 Billion worth of real estate and have never in my life haggled over a professional fee and the reason is simple.
First: I believe everyone is entitled to a profit from their endeavors, provided they do a good job.
Second: If you land subdivision financial feasibility study is so marginal that you have to save a few thousand dollars by screwing the fees of your professional consultants, then either you have a bad development or you are just a bad employer.
Third: I believe in incentive. I prefer to pay a guy more than he asks. Guess how he performs for me as opposed to clients who don�t.
It�s that time of the year again. The 2005 National Football League season has come to an end with the Pittsburgh Steelers capturing the Super Bowl title, the Major League Baseball Spring Training season is just readying to begin, the National Basketball Association is in a holding pattern for most fans until its playoffs, the NASCAR season is just getting started with the Daytona 500 just penis enlargement review raced and the National Hockey League is on hiatus due to the 2006 Winter Olympics. And with the NCAA�s March Madness still weeks away, what is a sports fan to do?
We force ourselves to tune in to the NBC television broadcast network in order to try to catch some of the real competition on tap in the XX Olympic Winter Games. Sports fans are not averse to watching Winter Olympics coverage, but trying to figure out NBC�s television schedule has become a sport of Olympic proportions unto itself.
The supposed television Winter Olympics schedule is available in local newspapers, in various sports magazines and all over the internet. But the schedule times are useless in pinpointing when any particular sport is broadcasted. And depending on what time zone one lives in, it is virtually impossible not to hear the results on television, radio, or view online prior to seeing the broadcast as NBC has its coverage tape delayed in five different U.S. time zones.
The penis enlargement pills excuse to not broadcast real time coverage during these Olympic Games is viable this year in that Italy is six hours ahead of U.S. Eastern Standard Time. But on weekends it is feasible for live coverage at least on the east coast. It is worth noting that almost 40 years ago, U.S. television viewers were able to enjoy primarily live coverage of the 1968 Winter Olympics from Grenoble, France and later with the 1972 Olympic Summer Games from Munich, Germany, via television satellite. But what was the excuse in not broadcasting the 1996 Summer Olympics live when they were in Atlanta, GA and then when the 2002 Winter Olympics were in Salt Lake City, UT? Both were instead tape delayed, again in five different time zones.
The reason for NBC�s incoherent TV scheduling is because of its monopolized ability to edit and package the coverage any which way it wishes in order to appease sponsors while placing advertising spots wherever and whenever it chooses. Unfortunately, for the viewer, it denies the spontaneity of competition as well as deprives viewers from selectively choosing which sports they wish to watch.
NBC has bragged about providing 416 hours of broadcast coverage on NBC including its three cable television stations. But since these Winter Olympics first started airing its events on February 11, 2006 to date, viewers have been treated to little more than glorified highlights between 8:00 PM � 11:30 PM in whichever time zone one happens to be. During that time period, bits and pieces of coverage from any one of 15 sport disciplines are shown, with scant coverage of any athletes other than American Olympians or only winners of an event should they not be American.
We lose the continuity of viewing any one event such as alpine skiing, speed skating, ski jumping, or even bobsledding for that matter. Essentially, races necessitate competitors being seen in sequence or at least the contenders, rather than a cut and paste version of them. And while figure skating viewing requires less of a need for the immediacy of viewing other competitors in the event, one would be hard pressed as to when to plan on tuning in. Although more time is devoted to the figure skating events than most others, its coverage is peppered with teasers and unexpected commercial breaks in the action, making it sometimes painful to get through, even for its avid fans.
Since television coverage of the Olympics is all about ratings, as is all television fare, NBC for years now has shot itself in the proverbial foot when whining that not enough of the American public is tuning in to Olympics coverage, no longer just applicable to the Winter Olympics, either. While the Summer Olympics attracts more viewers, its coverage too is close to beyond the pale.
What NBC has tried to do over the years is to please all demographics as well as its sponsors while losing sight of the intrinsic value of the actual event. But as viewership continues to erode for Olympics coverage, the NBC network is largely responsible. In its zeal to compel the American viewer to tune in, it has overproduced its coverage, thus turning off the very audience it is trying to attract and retain.
The Olympics tells its own story and most sports fans do not have the patience to sit through over three hours of teaser-filled coverage. Now we all know the reason it is done this way. The hope is that viewers will sit through enough coverage in order to be exposed to advertisers as well as to garner more consistent ratings. But in fact, NBC is accomplishing the opposite result, forcing many to either record the coverage and thus eliminate the ads, or tuning out completely.
So what you say? Who cares? Well, chances are if you are reading this, you are a sports fan. Although we all have our favorite sport, we crave watching competition, with few exceptions. For example, the idea of watching curling is comparable to watching paint dry and how it is considered an athletic event is beyond this writer�s comprehension.
But for now, we are stuck with what we have. When the numbers are crunched this time �round for NBC, perhaps they will get the message that the sports fan drives the numbers and more and more of us are getting fed up. Maybe they need to go back to the drawing board and revisit the Jim McKay playbook on covering worldwide sporting events. It worked for ABC broadcasting way back when, when the athletes were the story, not the network; sadly a crucial element which NBC seems to have forgotten.
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His head is tilted back, mouth slightly open. His breath is slow and steady and his eyes almost all-closed but slightly open. His neck nestles over the crook of my arm and I stare at his face as he breathed in and breathed out. A feeling of overwhelming love washed over me. I was totally at peace as I watched my son sleep in my arms.
I must say that there�s absolutely nothing quite like it at all.
When was it that he got so big? He�s almost too big to fit into my arms as his legs dangled off the edge of my top enlargement products other arm. He speaks almost in adult-fashion now but in child lingo. He has mastered the art of writing and drawing a very funny and �individualistic� sketch of the sun and a smiley face. He is old enough to tell me that his favorite color is red and favorite number is 4. I know I am his mom but the effects of being a protector, a caregiver; a mom has never failed to astound me.
Sometimes daily needs outweigh the needs of our children. Their need to have us by their sides to kiss the wounds and to heal the tantrums. They need us � now what else can be more important than that. They need us to tell them that it�s OK when others are not nice to them and that they don�t have to avenge the bad behavior of others. They need us to tell them that it�s OK to penile enlargement feel bad when they�ve made a mistake and are asked to say sorry for the mistakes. They need us to bring them out in the playground and teach them about nature, about living and about the world. They need us. Period.
There are times that I wonder if I should just give up the working arrangement that I have fiercely fought for for the past 5 years and go back into the rat race. There are weak moments when I wonder if I have done the wrong thing and have pampered them by trying to be an overly �positive� parent. I wonder too, if my kids are good kids or bad kids. But now I know, there�s no such thing as a bad kid; and a good kid is a stroke of luck.
Everything becomes worthwhile when he runs over to me and shouts, �Mommy!!! My mommy!� and come crashing into me, bumping my nose and cracking my lips with his forehead. He buries his head into my shoulder and I bury mine into his. We stay in that position for a full minute before we peel apart and start planting wet kisses all over each others� faces. We don�t care about germs, do we? I just want to kiss him until the day I die � just kiss him senseless and no one can tell me that I can�t kiss my own baby that way.
But till when will this luxury last? Our kids are borrowed treasure for we know they won�t remain babies for very long. My babies won�t need me for very long now. Soon, they�ll be old enough to prefer their friends to me. Soon enough, they�ll want to go out with their friends and won�t want me to tag along. Soon enough, they�ll only speak to me when they want my car or want me to pay their cell phone or Internet bills for them. Soon enough, they�ll have a life of their own and mine is kicked aside.
So, for now, I treasure this 3-year-old baby in my arms, lying so soundlessly sleeping in the crook of my arms. He fits just perfect right now.
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Some of the best beach parties can happen in the Midwest, with temperatures below freezing. Sounds crazy? It is, but it is a memorable and fun way to celebrate a birthday, retirement or special occasion. Beach parties can happen in the summer too, near a pool or a lake in any region.
A beach party needs radical invitations, man! You can follow a surfer theme and use surfboard shapes or any beach theme motif from the party supply store. Other supplies like paper products for food and decorations can match your beach party motif.
Decorating can be fun. Buy plastic beach balls and blow them up to toss around your party, whether it�s inside or out. Buy an old fishing net and hang from the corner of one room. Fill it with sea creatures and marine life, or use it to put in pictures of the guest of honor. If your party is outside, truck in some sand for beach volleyball.
Use the sand and have a sandcastle competition. Give away personalized party favors to all review of penis enlargement products the winners. Besides volleyball, other sand activities can be horseshoes, Frisbee and football. If there are kids at the party, bury a treasure and create a map for them to follow. Depending on their ages you can make it difficult or easy to find. Use a treasure chest and bury candy or plastic trinkets for them.
If your beach party is inside in the winter, have guests bring their swimsuits and change into them. Turn your thermostat really hot to get them in the mood. Heat and swimsuits will make penis enlargement products everyone in a better mood and look forward to spring and summer.
Serve finger food and anything with a beach theme. Make surfer sandwiches or tidal wave macaroni salad. Use regular dishes but jazz them up with a title.
Weight loss is a goal millions of people have but very few people have the knowledge needed to successfully lose weight. Not only do you have to eat less calories, you have to know how to keep muscle loss to a minimum as well. This article will discuss the basics of cutting up, what cutting is, how to properly cut, and tips to help you lose as much fat as possible. You should then be able to use what you`ve learned into your own diet and workout regimen.
Cutting is simply stripping the body of excess bodyfat while keeping as much muscle mass as possible. Call it getting ripped, shredded, or sliced, it all serves the same purpose; to make the body look the best as possible. There are three primary reasons for wanting to cut. You may be training for a bodybuilding competition and need to achieve that "hard" appearance with cuts and striations. You could be into the bulking-cutting cycles and want to lose a little bit of fat to look good for a special penis enlargement occasion. Finally, you could even be naturally prone to carrying excess bodyfat and want to cut down in order to get that "bodybuilder`s appearance."
Most weight loss diets forget the fact that you are trying to lose fat, not just weight itself. There are even bodybuilders who believe that they can lose fat and gain muscle at the same time. From a scientific point of view, it`s simply just not possible to do this because when the body is in an energy deficit, it cannot gain muscle as well. That is why it is very important to choose a diet that is one or the other, cutting or bulking.
No matter which diet you choose, there are a few helpful tips that will speed up the fat loss process. Do some sort of aerobic activity. Aerobics speed up your metabolism and allows you to eat more calories daily. You need to engage in a weight lifting routine. Muscle burns calories, which is exactly what you want to have. Use basic supplements such as a healthy fat source and a multivitamin. Drink plenty of water, you don`t have to drown yourself but you should at least stay hydrated. You also need to make sure that you are getting plenty of sleep. Sleeping will decrease your chances of gaining unwanted fat from stress so it is a must that you get eight to ten hours of sleep daily.
Fat loss is a rather simple matter if you have experience doing it. The first time one goes on a cutting diet you may think ,"Oh my god, I can`t eat six meals everyday." Or "I can`t go very long without eating junk food." That`s the beauty of it, when on a cutting diet, you can have a cheat meal once every two weeks to keep your mind fresh and your body metabolism the previous healthy nutrients that you were consuming. Do the right thing, go on a cutting diet. Until next time, peace. penis enlargement pill.htm
Sport encourages the integration of the whole organism because it is necessary to think as we move and plan ahead. In performing each movement in response to the run of play, we use mechanisms that nature evolved for the purpose of survival in a hostile world. Sport is today�s equivalent of the hunting, fighting and avoidance of predators that kept our ancestors alive. The skills developed in our past are essential in today�s sport; accuracy, speed, strength and intelligence are all requirements for success.
We have come to believe that the stronger a muscle the better, without a thought to what we actually do with a stronger muscle. I am not advocating we should do nothing, or that all exercise is harmful. The important issue is why we exercise and what is it we hope to achieve? If we want to get fit, ask the question - fit for what? When did you last review your objectives for devoting so much time and effort to its pursuit?
To help achieve optimum performance it is useful to understand the physiology involved so you do not misuse your body. All movement, even of the smallest part, involves the total organism yet many exercise systems fail to recognise the integral nature of human function. Exercises have always been designed to achieve specific improvements for one part of the body in the belief it will benefit the athlete for the particular demands of their sport. My view is that the concentration on individual parts whilst penis enlargement review performing these exercises destroys the unity of the organism necessary for good movement.
Getting into shape usually involves a trip to the local gymnasium with its staggering array of equipment. A combination of technology and clever marketing has transformed the dull exercise machine into an essential piece of equipment capable of �achieving miracles�. Today�s machines have made it possible to work individual muscles in isolation - the first-time gym user will often joke they ache in muscles they did not know existed. Unfortunately, in the rush to develop the ultimate range of equipment, I believe a vital factor in human development and movement has been overlooked. That is, no single movement involves either an individual or isolated set of muscles! Machines that work a muscle whilst immobilising or supporting part of the body, encourage �unnatural� actions never to be repeated outside the gymnasium penis enlargement pills, sports scientist Dr Mel Siff wrote: -
"�.it is well known in physiology that the body knows of actions, not muscles, so that it is inappropriate to place any intentional stress on individual muscles rather than on the desired motor patterns."
Even the harmless looking treadmill does not replicate natural activity. Running on a moving surface employs a different combination of muscles when compared with road running. Chuck Wolf, the director of sport science and human performance for the U.S.A. Triathlon National Training Center in Florida acknowledges this problem with the exercise machine saying,
"� our love of machines has caused us to lose sight of the way the body functions. Machines are ideal for multiple repetitions of the same movement patterns along a single plane. Unfortunately, that's not how we move."
Too much emphasis is placed on muscle and hence exercises to improve strength at the cost of neglecting the systems that control them. Complex machines are able to analyse the strength of individual muscles in specific movements. However, these machines do not measure the body during natural activity. Problems are then identified with the suspect muscle and exercises prescribed to correct the condition. But what causes the weakness initially? Why is a muscle weak or too tight? A muscle can only do what it is told to do and as we do not have the ability to directly control a muscle we cannot be certain of what we are actually telling it to do. The �offending� muscle is only performing its function as directed by the controlling mechanisms for which we ultimately carry the responsibility. When the police stop a speeding motorist they prosecute the driver not the car!
This is not to say that gymnasiums are harmful - far from it! It is how we approach the use of a gym's equipment that is vital. They do offer an opportunity to develop body awareness and strength but the temptation is to focus on the specific muscle being exercised whilst ignoring how the whole body can be used. For example, it is common to see people gritting teeth, straining neck muscles and arching their back when using machines to work the biceps. All this unnecessary action is not going to help build the biceps but it will develop poor muscular habits that will affect other activities. If used with the total body in mind these exercises will develop every other muscle appropriately as they are needed to stabilise the frame. So rather than looking to build the abs, biceps and quads separately, be aware of their involvement on every machine.
More recently other gadgets have started to appear on the market that promise to improve balance and proprioception (our ability to sense the position, location and movement of the body and its parts). But do these devices really help to improve performance in your sport? Or do you just acquire a new skill such as balancing on a swiss-ball that may be fun but does nothing to help your game? Bill Hartman, sports scientist and golf coach, writes
�So what can you do to improve your golf-specific balance? Play golf. There is not a gadget or exercise which will improve your golf-specific balance like playing golf. Why? Because nothing can duplicate the demands of playing golf other than playing golf. I know, it sounds silly doesn�t it. If you look at other athletes in any sport from martial arts to gymnastics to hockey, you�ll find that they simply perform their sporting skills over and over to acquire their amazing balance skills. They don�t rely on silly, useless gadgets. If you were a tightrope walker, would you practice on a wooden beam or stand on a stability ball. Of course not, because it would not duplicate the demands of tightrope walking. The rope has its own �feel� and sway that nothing else but a tightrope can duplicate. So if you want to improve your golf-specific balance, play golf.�
So perhaps to get the best from the gymnasium we should take our time to use the machines with total awareness of the actions involved (avoiding distractions such as the gym TV or listen to music ). And perhaps ask whether the action encouraged by the machine is a 'natural' one. Will I ever be hanging at an angle where I need to perform a sit-up? It may strengthen the abdominals for that movement, but do I need it? How will it benefit my body as a whole?
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Buying your first Home in Mission Viejo will most likely be a stressful event if your like most people. How much can you afford? Where is the best neighborhood to Buy in? How much do I need for a down payment? A monthly mortgage obligation for the next 30 years... Yikes!!! But having bought and sold many homes of mine own, and helping hundreds and hundreds of home owners purchase their first home, I can attest to you that is well worth the initial stress.
Mission Viejo has a wide range of housing designed for the first time home owner. There are currently 82 attached Condos and Townhomes for sale in Mission Viejo ranging in price from $319,900 for a 1 bedroom, 1bath on up to $679K for an attached Townhome with 3 bedrooms, 2.5 baths, 2 car garage, 2,200 SqFt of living area, and a nice sized back yard.
If one prefers detached homes penis enlargement pill, there are 111 homes for sale in Mission Viejo ranging in price from $519,900 to $1,899,000. The lowest priced detached home is a 2 bedroom, 2.5 bath home with a two car garage, and the highest priced estate comes with 4 bedrooms penis enlargement, 4.5 baths, and 3,800 SqFt of living area.
There are many loan programs available today in Mission Viejo that are designed for first time home buyers that did not exist just 7 years ago. There are loan programs offering no down payment of very low down payment of 3% to 5%. There are other loan programs geared for the self-employed in which you do not have to verify your income (so called stated income) if you have sufficiently good credit. In other situations it can be negotiated to have the home seller pay for your closing costs. While other loans exist offering adjustable rate mortgages, interest only mortgages and now a new 40 year amortized mortgage... all developed to help keep the monthly payments down.
If your like most people in this state, the home that you own and live in will be your best and most valuable investment in your life. Coastal Orange County real estate has enjoyed great price appreciation for many decades now, and estimates are that will continue for decades to come. Plus the tax advantages for owning real estate are unbeatable. You can deduct your interest payments on your residence, or save capital gains tax using a 1031 exchange for rental property, plus the tax free treatment of up to $500K of equity when you sell your residence, makes real estate ownership a fantastic investment and great tax shelter.
There are also new computer technologies available today that greatly assist the new home buyer in searching for and identifying the perfect home. These new home finding technologies bring peace of mind and convenience to today's busy home seeker. Plus acquiring the services of an professional Realtor who has lots of experience in working with first time home buyers will help greatly in making this an enjoyable process, rather then a frustrating one.
It is difficult to define what antique means when dealing with insurance companies, and that is why it�s a little difficult purchasing antique truck and car insurance. You have to make sure you have the auto insurance to meet your needs, although there are many companies that offer this insurance, you will have to put a bit of work into finding antique truck and car insurance that is right for you
There penis sizegenetics penis enlargement device enlargement with vigrx plus are two types of insurance you can find with antique automobile insurance companies and also classic collector auto insurance. The difference in the two of these is that most antique truck and car insurance doesn�t allow the car or truck to be used for normal chores. Collector�s auto insurance does, but only if you have a regular second daily car to drive and you can�t use your collector car to go to or from work or to school.
In order to be eligible for special discounts on your antique truck and car insurance, your vehicle has to be defined as antique or vintage. It must be at least 30 years old. This makes life a bit easier for antique automobile insurance companies. As for other cars that arrived later and are loosely regarded as collectibles, then there is an auto insurance that can be obtained for these also.
There are a few ways to save if you�re looking for antique truck or car insurance. Don�t go for the full package of auto insurance if you�re not taking your car on the road or if you don�t use it at all and just have it for show. Although some antique automobile insurance is necessary you may not need all the auto insurance that you have.
To be sure of your needs talk to your automobile insurance company or check with several automobile insurance companies to make sure you are getting the best deal you possible can. You may end up with a discount depending on a few factors that could be the deal of a lifetime, so don�t be afraid to shop around and find out what�s out there for you that will meet your needs. Insurance companies can custom make a package for your antique truck and car insurance just for you.
There is antique truck and car insurance available, but only for antiques, and make sure that you know how you are going to use the vehicle.
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