What is the lure and appeal of country home decorating? Maybe it�s the desire to escape the rush and demands of a hectic lifestyle. It could be the need to return to a time when life was simpler, perhaps even happier. The necessities of rural life are what influence today�s country style home decor.
Country home decorating can be defined as a style featuring rustic simplicity and tradition. Home decorating country style is viewed as welcoming, unpretentious, friendly and practical. Country style home decor is flexible enough to include timeworn antiques, reproductions, crafts and handmade products all together. Country furniture is usually made by craftsmen and has a sturdy, rugged appearance. Country style furniture seldom uses delicate designs. Country home decor may feature unfinished beams, floors with natural finish, rough bricks and unpainted or undulating plaster walls.
Here are recommendations for specific rooms when country home decorating:
Country Kitchen D�cor - use open shelves, buffets, plate racks and cupboards for storage. Country kitchen storage is usually crammed with stoneware pots, plain glazed earthenware and glass jars. Country kitchen pots should be made of copper, steel or cast iron -- country cookware tends to be large and plain. Country kitchen cabinets that are made of aged surfaces, natural materials, rough finishes and round knobs will keep the sizegenetics penis enlargement device country style. Open shelving in the country kitchen is perfect to display plates and dinnerware collections. Kitchen cabinets or kitchen furniture made of pine or perhaps even painted can be a beautiful key element in the country kitchen.
Country Kitchen Countertops and Floors - country kitchens countertops have ceramic tiles or even hand painted tiles, slate or marble. If you want to use laminate materials, go for plain colors for coverings. Terracotta tiles, brick, stone and wood are very popular in country kitchen floors. If you decide to add some antiques to your country kitchen, they don't have to be perfect -- even chips and scratches will add to the charm and un-restored look of the antique. Adding a bit of wear and tear to maintain the country flavor is fun and it works!
Country Dining Rooms - dining rooms are once again popular. Many years ago, meals were eaten in large country home kitchens. Today, the kitchen continues to be the hub of the home and the place where you can have less formal meals. However, when entertaining guests, a dining room is the place to be. Country style dining rooms can have a large rectangular table made of pine, oak, walnut or mahogany with wooden chairs or old benches that are similar in style and material. A corner cupboard, plate racks, dresser or sideboard will provide perfect storage and serving area for the dining room as long as they match the style and the materials of the table and chairs.
Country Bathrooms � the characteristics and styles of country bathrooms take us back to our simple life and roots. A bathroom with neutral tones or soft colored walls, antique looking lighting and wooden antiques or antique reproduction cabinets and vanity will give the country bathroom a calm and elegant atmosphere. Clawfoot tubs, country style antique brass faucets and old-fashioned country home decorating cabinets will give your bathroom the kind of atmosphere that invites you to spend time there.
A country bathroom should have wood, ceramic tile, linoleum, vinyl or natural cork floors. To have carpet in the country bathroom is not appropriate. Wood and brass accessories are perfect materials to use in a country style home decor bathroom. Plain white towels are recommended instead of patterned or bright modern patterns. Use wicker or wire baskets to keep your sponges, loofas and shampoos handy near the tub or shower.
Country Home Furnishings - decorative items associated with country style home decor include adirondack chairs, Windsor chairs, fresh or dry wild flowers, vintage baskets, quilts, yellowware bowls, blue and white ceramics, wicker or wire baskets, floral tapestries, linens and paintings, wool blankets, duck decoys and teddy bears. Floral patterns and candleholders also remind us of the country-style life.
The colors used in country home decorating are neutral tones ranging from white to bone, earth tones, red barn, blues and green which are the most appropriate colors for country style. Stenciling and wallpaper are frequently used in country home decorating. Stenciling originally was cheaper than wallpaper. Stenciling can be used around windows, in areas where the walls meet the ceiling or on the floors. Oftentimes, stenciling is even used on furniture. Done correctly, stenciling adds a great deal of charm to a country home decor.
While country life in the old days was often very difficult, it�s now possible to recreate the pleasures and peace of a nearness to nature without having to endure the adversity and hardship of everyday rural life. In general, the knowledge and abilities needed to create a country style home are achievable by nearly anyone. Read all you can. Inspiration will come if you understand the basics for creating penis enlargement with vigrx plus a country style home decor that provides the look and feel of the way life used to be.
Copyright 2005 InfoSearch Publishing
The voluntary Model Green Home Building Guidelines are designed to move environmentally friendly home building concepts further into the mainstream marketplace. Currently, there are approximately thirty communities throughout the U.S. that have green home building programs in place or in development. By developing the set of voluntary national guidelines, NAHB intends to help facilitate the adoption of green home building practices and the formation of additional local programs in the parts of the country not currently served by programs.
In the spring of 2003, NAHB approved a resolution supporting green building. In response to NAHB member�s requests to provide the membership with technical guidance to support the new green building policy, NAHB tasked the NAHB Research Center to manage a project to develop national green home building guidelines.
The NAHB Research Center worked together in an open, public process with over 60 Stakeholder Group members from the home building industry to create those guidelines. The guidelines contain six primary sections:
Lot Preparation and Design - With lot preparation and design, the builder has opportunities to demonstrate environmentally sensible construction practices. Even before the foundation is poured, careful planning can reduce the home�s impact on vegetation, soil, water, plus a home�s long-term performance can be enhanced. Such preparation can provide significant value to the homeowner, the environment, and the community. Included for the end user, especially developers, is a Site Planning Appendix that closely mirrors this section and provides additional guidance.
Resource Efficiency � This section shows how certain framing techniques and home designs can effectively optimize the use of building materials. Construction waste management concepts are also discussed. In addition, information is provided on how penis enlargement review a home�s durability and the amount of time and money needed for maintenance are affected by how certain materials are used.
Energy Efficiency � This is the most quantifiable aspect of green building. The information on this section will help a builder create a building envelope and incorporate energy efficient mechanical systems, appliances, and lighting into a home that will yield long-term utility bill cost savings and increased comfort for the homeowner. It contains the only requirements to participate in this voluntary program: compliance with the 2003 International Energy Conservation Code, use of ACCA manuals to size HVAC equipment, and 3rd party plan review to verify compliance with the section.
Water Efficiency/Conservation � Although, the relative importance of water availability and usage varies from region to region, the concern with adequate supply of water is becoming more widespread penis enlargement pills geographically. Experience also shows that employing the line items from this section of the guidelines for indoor and outdoor water use can decrease a homeowner�s need for water and thus reduce utility bills, regardless of location.
Occupancy Comfort and Indoor Environmental Quality � Details in this part of the guidelines will indicate how to effectively manage moisture, ventilation, and other issues in order to create a comfortable indoor living environment.
Homeowner Education - Given the level of effort a homebuilder goes through to create a well thought out home system, it would be a shame not to give the homeowner some guidance on how to optimally operate and maintain the house. Line items from this section show a builder how best to educate homeowners on a variety of homeownership matters.
Each section contains a set of provisions that explain how a builder can incorporate green building concepts into a project. In addition, local builders and green building program developers may apply points to the provisions to further define green building through a scoring methodology currently being developed. Local homebuilder associations will be given a user guide that will provide additional information and guidance on ways to customize the guidelines to accommodate local conditions.The draft presented at Fall Board in Columbus, OH was a piloting version for dissemination amongst HBAs and builders for accuracy and practicality. A number of HBAs and High Production Builders have expressed an interest in helping NAHB to pilot test the document. The deadline for pilot testing was December 1st and the final version will be rolled out during the 2005 IBS in January in Orlando, FL. Currently, NAHB staff from the Energy and Green Building Dept. are traveling throughout the country presenting the guidelines to builders and HBAs who have expressed an interest in implementing green building in their respective businesses/communities. To date over 20 HBAs have voiced their interest and support, with many more to follow in the new year.
In summary, the voluntary Model Green Home Building Guidelines are for the mainstream home builders, many of whom are already incorporating some green building methods and materials into their construction practices. These voluntary guidelines will help systematize the green design and construction process and assist the builder toward incorporating more green building features into homes. As NAHB Research Center data indicates that there is a growing number of green homes built annually, it is expected that these voluntary guidelines will help builders meet the needs of this growing market.
From our deconstruction of hundreds of Hollywood blockbusters....
The Hero's Journey is the template upon which the vast majority of successful stories and Hollywood blockbusters are based upon. In fact, ALL of the Hollywood movies we have deconstructed are based on this template.
Understanding this template is a priority for story or screenwriters.
The Hero's Journey:
a) Attempts to tap into unconscious expectations the audience has regarding what a story is and how it should be told.
b) Gives the writer more structural elements than simply three or four acts penis enlargement pill, plot points, mid point and so on.
c) Interpreted metaphorically, laterally and symbolically, allows an infinite number of varied stories to be created.
and more...
Jarhead (2005) deconstructed
FADE IN: (Loop) narrative; his hands remember the rifle.
New World and Self: you are no longer black, green, etc.
Meeting the Hero: meeting Swoff.
Ordinary World: Fitch being himself.
On a Journey: on the bus.
Threshold Guardian: presenting his papers to the officer.
New World: the barracks.
Meeting the Shape Shifter: Troy.
New Rules: being branded; games played in the barracks.
Developing the Shape Shifter: you want a brand, you gotta earn it. Welcome to the Suck.
Hero's Backstory: Swoff being conceived; his sister; breakfast conversations with dad; college;
Romantic Challenge: his girlfriend; I'll write you everyday.
Resisting the Transformation: Swoff in the toilet.
Meeting the Mentor: Sykes.
Developing Mentor: Sykes makes Swoff play the bugle.
Conscious Agreement to the Journey: I'm still here.
Magical Gift (becoming a sniper):
JFK shot.
Training in the assault course.
You are now snipers; I was hooked; Swoff fires the shot.
Push to the First Threshold: listening to the Iraqi statement on TV.
Belly of the Whale: watching Apocalypse Now.
Journey to the First Threshold: on the aircraft.
Goodbye to the Old Self: stewardess waves goodbye
First Threshold: arriving in Iraq.
Threshold Guardian: Kazinski's speech; the picture of the Kurdish child; kick some Iraqi ass.
Outer Cave: where did the Iraqi's get their weapons from? Forget politics; we're here, all the rest is bullshit.
Middle Cave / Meeting Allies: talking about the girlfriends back home in the tent.
Inner Cave: putting on their masks; running in the suits; hrydrating, dehydrating, patrolling the empty desert.
Developing Characters and Relationships: the scorpion fight.
Inner Cave: Waiting in the desert; masturbation; cleaning their rifles; studying the phillipino mail order catalogue etc.
Wondering what she's doing now.
Trial and Transformation 1:
Outer Cave: Sykes tells them how to respond to reporters; complaints against free speech, that's un-American etc.
Middle Cave: Talking to the reporters; Swoff admits he's scared.
Inner Cave: Putting on and playing football in their NBC masks.
Transformation: Taking off their masks; getting naked; Sykes sends the reporters away.
Developing Characters and Relationships: Sykes makes Swoff et al take all that shit down.
Trial and Transformation 2:
Cortez has a son; Kristina has found a new male friend who's a good listener.
Thinking about his girlfriend in the shower.
Not being able to jerk off in the toilet.
Swoff calls home and is cut off.
Swoff wakes up and clutches his throat; "..you're making some weird sounds man�"
Transformation: Swoff wants see what it feels like to watch somebody else fuck your girlfriend.
Trial and Transformation 3:
Outer Cave: Swoff gets some "good shit" from the soldier who writes the major's love letters.
Middle Cave: The party.
Inner Cave: The fire blows the explosives.
Transformation: Swoff is made a Private.
Developing Characters and Relationships: Swoff is made to burn the shit; the senior officer leaves a present.
New Self: Swoff threatens to kill the sausage boy.
Resisting the New Self: Swoff apologises.
Foreshadow of the Final Conflict:
The Arabs appear in the desert.
Developing Characters and Relationships: insulting the Arab passing in the car.
Meeting the Oracle: they're going to the mother of all battles.
Resisting the Journey to the Sword: resistance to taking the pills.
Shape Shifter Revealed:
Digging their holes.
The aircraft fly by; the war will move too fast.
Troy is being thrown out. Swoff told to keep him from fucking penis enlargement up.
New Self: Troy is branded.
Near Death Experience:
The war comes to them; Swoff pisses himself.
Retrieving the battery.
Pursuing the Iraqis.
Getting hit by friendly fire.
Swoff sees the charred remains; throwing up.
Pulled forward by the burning oil wells.
Digging their holes in the oily sand; the oil burns Fowler's face.
Rebirth: preventing Fowler.
Rebirth: Swoff calms the horse.
Atonement with the Father: Sykes sits down and talks to Swoff; he loves is job.
Apotheosis: Sykes and Troy sent out to see Kazinsky; "..fucking show me..".
Ultimate Boon: Swoff and Troy have an Iraqi in their sight; permission given for the JFK shot.
The major denies their request to take the shot.
Troy argues with the Major for the perfect shot.
Magic Flight:
The planes take out the site.
Rescue from Without: Troy's already got his papers; have to get back.
Crossing the Return Threshold: Going back to camp over the dunes.
Master of Two Worlds:
The party around the fire; this shit is over; shooting their guns in the sky.
Freedom to Live / Challenge Resolutions: Returning home as heroes; meeting the Vietnam Vet on the bus; his girlfriend has left him; doing their various jobs; Fergis arrives; Troy's funeral;
(Loop): narrative.
FADE OUT: the Jarheads.
Learn more�
The Complete 188 stage Hero�s Journey and other story structure templates can be found at http://www.managing-creativity.com/
You can also receive a regular, free newsletter by entering your email address at this site.
Kal Bishop, MBA
You are free to reproduce this article as long as no changes are made and the author's name and site URL are retained.
Use this famous motto from the television cartoon at your Scooby Doo theme party. Someone was always asking the questions, so you can too! Make your first game a find the Scooby stuffed animal. Whoever finds him gets a prize!
To get guests to your Scooby party, send out Scooby or bone shaped invitations from the party store. They will also carry treat bags, wall decorations and party favors to give away for the games. Balloons, crepe paper, plates and cups are also made to match any Scooby motif you choose to follow.
All great Scooby Doo parties, whether they are birthday or not, need a Scooby shaped cake. Party supply stores have specialty cake pans in the shape of your favorite character. Matching candles, frosting and sprinkles can be found to adorn the cake or cupcakes for your party. Other foods to serve and follow your theme can be bone shaped sandwiches, �puppy chow,� or any food with a dog name.
Other games to play can be pin the Scooby snack in Scooby�s mouth. A Scooby pi�ata filled with all of your favorite candy is a fun way to celebrate too. If the guests attending are old enough penis enlargement and can read, create a �Scooby style� mystery and let them solve it. Using saran wrap and construction paper, have them make a magnifying glass to find clues to solve their mystery. Winner gets a whole box of Scooby snacks!
For quiet entertainment, watch a Scooby movie or television show. Find a giant stuffed or inflatable Scooby Doo character penis enlargement pill and take every guests picture with it. Send a copy with the thank you note or print it from the computer that day. Each guests will have a way to remember the great Scooby theme party they attended at your house. Save time to open the presents and eat cake too.
Didier Drogba was a smash hit at the African Nations Cup which was produced by CAF (Confederation of African Football) and hosted in Egypt. The final with Ivory Coast took place on February 10 2006 and was won by the host country Egypt 4-2 on penalty shoot-out.
Didier Drogba had the most impact of any other national player of any other of the participaying teams during the course of the intra African match-ups. He is essentially a centeral force on any of the teams he has played on.. This also includes Chelsea of the English Premier League of which he is also a striker.
For team mate, Toure, Drogba presents a potentially decisive edge in the first competitive meeting between Ivory Coast and Nigeria since the 1994 Nations Cup semi-final won by the Nigerians on penalties.
"Drogba is a really great player and he is something special penis enlargement. We are really proud of what hehas a done for the team". "It's going to be a very hard game. But now we are in the semi-finals, anything can happen. We've got our chance," said defender Toure.
Seconds into the second half, the whole difference was made when Drogba netted his fourth goal of the tournament and the Elephants could afford to sit back for most of the second half. The goal stung the Nigerian bench who immediately replaced Mikel Obi with Jay Jay Okocha and Kanu Nwankwo with Julius Aghahowa, but still the Nigerians could not turn the game round. This is the first time the Ivorians, who have qualified for the World cup, will have played in the final since winning the title in 1992 in Senegal.
The Egyptians must thank goalkeeper Essam EL Hadary for saving two penalties as Ivory Coast�s Didier Drogba missed a crucial first spot kick for the Elephants.
COTE D'IVOIRE (Ivory Coast) National Team Line-up
01.Tizie Jean-Jacques Hobrou
02.Akale Kanga Gauthier
03.Boka Etienne Arthur
04 penis enlargement pill.Toure Kolo Abib
05.Zokora Deguy Alain Didier
06.Kouassi Koffiblaise
07.Fae Emerse
09.Kone Arouna
11.Drogba Tebily Didier Yves
21.Eboue Emmanuel
19.Toure Yaya Gnegneri
How many of these following substitutes will make their way to other Premier League teams in Europe and Asia?
10.Yapi Yapo Gilles Donald
08.Kalou Bonaventure
14.Kone Bakari
15.Dindane Aruna
16.Gnanhouan G. Amoukou Okosias
17.Domoraud Depri Cyrille Leandre
18.Tiene Siaka
22.N'dri Koffi Christian Romaric
23.Barry Boubacar
20.Demel Guy Roland
12.Meite Abdoulaye
13.Zoro Kpolo Marc Andre
The battle for African Footballer of the year
Drogba overshadowed Samuel Eto'o, his rival for the African Footballer of the Year award usually held in late February. Didier Drogba scored the decisive penalty to put Ivory Coast into the last four in a dramatic shootout victory over Cameroon in Cairo.However it might be blindsided by a contender from Egypt. Could Mido be in the mix?
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In 1961 Manchester United's scout in Northern Ireland, Bob Bishop, telegrammed the clubs' legendary manager Matt Busby in a state of unusual excitement.
"I think I have found you a genius," he eagerly explained.
He had indeed. But neither Bishop, Busby nor anybody else could have imagined the impact his skin and bone, fifteen year old discovery would make on Manchester United, football throughout the world and society as a whole.
On the recommendation of Bishop this "genius", George Best, was packed off to Manchester along with another prospect, Eric McMordie, for a two week trial. Fazed by their journey into the unknown and immediately homesick the youngsters scarpered back to Belfast before the first week was through.
Busby had already seen enough to know that one of these youngsters was worth pursuing and the United boss wrote to George Best's father urging him to send his boy back to Manchester, assuring him that George had what it took to enjoy a bright future in the game.
This was a very strong early indication of Best's outstanding ability. Manchester United Football Club would not usually go running after a fifteen year old kid who bunked out on them. George Best did return and, you could easily say, the rest is history.
The young Irishman was naturally shy and somewhat ill at ease, as his earlier bolt for home had demonstrated, but it did not take him long to settle down more happily in Manchester on his return.
Once he had a ball at his feet George Best was a different person. Not just confident, he was arrogant. Supremely sure of his own ability he demanded centre stage and revelled in having it.
This attitude did not cause resentment among his colleagues as they instantly recognised his incredible gifts and naturally deferred to them. Besides this, off the field he was quiet and popular with everyone. At once he was accepted and respected. As word quickly filtered through to the first teamers at Old Trafford about this unbelievable kid in the youth team they would sneak in to watch him train and left shaking their heads at his ability.
Matt Busby was anxious not to blood his latest wonder boy too soon but it was impossible to keep him out of the side for long. Having just turned seventeen George Best made his first team debut early on in the 1963-64 season and played a blinder against West Bromwich Albion.
Perhaps wooried about the penis enlargement pill fuss his introduction had made, Busby then left him out of the team before recalling him for a christmas fixture at home to Burnley. Burnley were a top side at the time and had hammered United at Turf Moor only two days earlier on Boxing Day. With Best scoring his first United goal the drubbing was returned and the youngster was here to stay.
The remainder of that season saw George Best confirm his incredible talent and by the end of it United finished runners up in the league. Best's impact was amazing.
Crowds everywhere marvelled at this skinny winger who fabled hard men could not knock off a ball, tackle or even foul on most occasions. A boy who could appear in the middle and outjump international centre halves to head goals past international goalkeepers and who could rip shots into the back of the net in a blur that almost defeated the eye.
His appeal was not confined to the football pitch. Best was an exceptionally good looking young man as well and all at once girls all over the country began taking an interest in football, at least to the extent of having pictures of Georgie Best plastered across their bedroom walls.
Within a couple of years this interest would turn to something approaching hysteria and George Best, the footballer and the man, would start to crack under the pressure.
Best's first full season in the United first team was a thrilling one as the club captured the first division championship and reached the semi finals of both the FA and Fairs Cups, losing to Leeds United and Ferencvaros of Hungary, both after replays.
He had not yet turned nineteen but Best was already perhaps the most talked about and recognisable penis enlargement figure in British football but it was the following season that his fame really exploded and became international.
On a balmy night in Lisbon, George Best turned in one of his greatest ever performances as United slaughtered Benfica 5-1 on their own ground, the first time they had ever suffered defeat at home in European competition. Best provided two of the early goals which set United on their way, leaping in front of the keeper to head the first before slicing through the defence to slide home his second.
Captured strolling through the streets of Lisbon the following morning in a massive sombrero a newspaper caption dubbed Best "El Beatle" and the legend moved on apace.
United missed out on further glory that year, losing in the semi finals of both the FA and European Cups after Best was injured in the first leg of their European tie with Partizan Belgrade and missed the remainder of the season.
The following season United once again won the league championship which earned the club another crack at the European Cup, the trophy which Matt Busby coveted above all others.
George Best was undoubtedly at his best during this season and although United were pipped to another title by neighbours City, George topped the first division scoring charts with 28, alongside Southampton's Ron Davies, an incredible tally for a winger.
European glory did come United's way, however, in suitably dramatic fashion. Paired with the Spanish giants Real Madrid in the semi finals it was a Best goal that gave United a precarious 1-0 lead to take to Spain for the second leg and proved ultimately decisive after a typically extravagant 3-3 draw in the Bernebeu.
In the final, again against Benfica, Best scored perhaps his most famous goal, skipping round the last defender and rounding the keeper before tapping into an empty net. This goal put United 2-1 in front early in extra time and Busby's dream came true as his side marched on to a famous 4-1 triumph.
This was in 1968 and George Best, approaching his 22nd birthday, was crowned Footballer of the Year and European Footballer of the Year. The footballing world was well and truly at Best's feet and yet this would prove to be the pinacle of his career.
United never finished higher than 8th during Best's remaining years at Old Trafford and although they reached the European Cup semi finals again in 1969 and the FA Cup semis a year later the clubs' glory days were coming to a bitter end. Matt Busby had allowed his squad to grow old and left at a time when his fabled youth system was producing non entities.
Wilf McGuinness and Frank O'Farrell both found Busby's shoes too big to step into and United continued to deteriorate before Tommy Docherty arrived at Old Trafford determined to stamp his own personality and authority on the club.
All this time George Best had been deteriorating likewise. It was scarcely noticable in his performances on the field, especially as his genius was now largely surrounded by mediocroty, and he remained United's leading scorer for six successive seasons between 1967 and 1972.
His social life had started to spiral out of control, however, and by the time of Docherty's arrival at Old Trafford Best was already drinking heavily, would occasionally miss training and was, basically, a sitting target as the new manager looked to wield his axe, all at a time when he should have been untouchable. Therefore one of the greatest players ever to grace Old Trafford left in shambolic circumstances at the age of 27.
Docherty has taken a lot of criticism over the years for his treatment of George Best, particularly from the fans, but it would seem to be one of the wisest things he ever did.
Although United were relegated at the end of the season in which Best made his final appearance for the club, a 0-3 defeat at QPR on New Years Day 1974, Docherty quickly put together a hungry young team which returned instantly to the first division and came back much stronger.
Best, on the other hand, descended into a series of unsatisfactory, and mainly shortlived, dalliances at a string of unlikely clubs while becoming a confirmed alcoholic.
It is often suggested that George Best became disillusioned with life at Old Trafford as the great players he had grown up with left and were replaced by men not fit to lace their, or his, boots.
There is no doubt that this did happen but Best did not stop playing football on leaving Manchester United and surely the players at United were better than those at the places he ended up going to.
His course of action was simply the easier one, always favoured by people with a drink problem.
Therefore when Best should have been playing for Manchester United he was representing the likes of Dunstable Town, Stockport County, Cork Celtic, Los Angeles Aztecs, Fulham, Fort Lauderdale Strikers, Detroit Express, Hibernians, San Jose Earthquakes, Bournemouth, Brisbane Lions and Tobermore United.
This is the rightful CV of someone like Sammy Morgan, not the man who many regard as the greatest player to ever live.
Best was an unqualified success during his time in America but this hardly represents a claim to fame. In a league peopled by a handful of ageing superstars and a host of journeymen Best was at the age when he should have been at his peak.
The early eighties became a circus of rumoured comebacks, testimonial appearances and lurid stories about Best's drinking.
George Best played his last Football League game for Bournemouth in May 1983 in a 2-2 draw with Wigan Athletic and his last recorded competitive appearance was for Tobermore United in the Irish Cup the following February. Typically the tiny ground was bursting at the seams for Best's appearance but his team lost 7-0 to Ballymena.
Given this personally induced destruction of his own career and his God given talent it is easy to judge George Best harshly and yet it has to be remembered that during his time at the top he managed to influence a generation of football supporters perhaps more profoundly than any other player in the games' history.
It is not just those who followed Manchester United during George Best's time there who name him as the greatest player of the period. Throughout Britain, Europe and all across the world his performances captivated millions and his legend lives on today as subsequent generations look back and see him flicking the ball over Gordon Banks' head for the greatest disallowed goal ever scored, riding Ron Harris' crude assault on a muddy Old Trafford pitch before casually rounding Peter Bonetti with consumate ease, lobbing Pat Jennings from the corner of the six yard box with his international colleague standing on his line and leaving Bobby Moore on his backside before scoring against West Ham.
You cannot create such a deep and lasting impression unless you are seriously good and there is no question that George Best was up there with footballs' all time greats.
He had been born with all the attributes a player could wish for. His ball control was immaculate and his dribbling skills perhaps unsurpassed. Best could also pass, shoot, head and tackle superbly and was naturally two footed.
Above and beyond this Best was blessed with natural gifts which could not be taught or coached. He was lightning quick, especially off the mark, had unlimited stamina and possessed an incredible flexibility which allowed him to ride tackles and avoid injury despite the punishment, unimaginable these days, that defenders were permitted to inflict on him week in and week out.
It should also be remembered that although George Best cut off his Manchester United career in its prime he made over 460 appearances for the club in all competitions, a healthy career for most mortals.
Where Best stands in the list of all time greats is, as always, a matter of opinion.
It was not easy for Best to make a mark in international football coming from Northern Ireland and he never had the chance to perform in a major finals.
His performances in Europe for Manchester United were invariably scintilating, however, and there is no doubt that he was the single biggest attraction in British football during the 1960's and early 70's.
Interestingly though, although his contemporaries speak now about him being possibly the greatest ever, comments concerning Best while he was playing tended to mention the room for improvement possible in his teamwork, something Best chose never to fully address.
Indeed it can only be assumed that had Best deigned to channel his talents more towards the team then he would have ended his career with more than three winners medals and might well have led Northern Ireland towards international recognition.
Of course when people such as Bobby Charlton were passing such opinions they were talking about a young man in his mid twenties who they assumed had another ten years at the top in him. In the normal course of events Best would surely have added these facets to his game and made an even stronger claim to being considered the greatest player of them all.
One of my favourite assessments of George Best came from Jimmy Greaves who said that he did not know if George was the best but added that "there was no-one better."
It seems a touch sentimental to put Best forward as the greatest footballer ever, surely that accolade can never go to someone who was playing for Stockport at the age of 29, but it does not seem too extravagant to claim that he might well have been the most naturally gifted man ever to kick a football.
Soccer players are athletes, but unlike a 100m runner where there is explosive speed for 10 seconds in a straight line, there are many other abilities that soccer players need to develop.
Here are 5 key soccer related speed abilities that you should develop in your players.
#1 - Speed of thought
Soccer players have a great deal to concentrate on. There senses are constantly being blitzed with information, which they need to quickly decipher. Here are some examples:
- Where opponents are positioned
- Actions of their team mates
- What's infront of them and their peripheral vision
- The conditions of the pitch and the weather
- The noise from team mates, crowd, coaches and opponents
- Their tactical position and the strategy of the team
#2 - Speed of anticipation
Some players have a great reading of the game. I have a friend who although he is now in his late 40's early 50's still plays regularly and competes well with players half his age!
How does he do this... because he's played soccer all his life at professional and international level he has built a huge database in his brain of playing situations, player characteristics, tactical situations etc. and he is able to draw on this which gives him superb speed of anticipation.
Sure for explosiveness and reaction times the younger players would win every time, but as the old saying goes..."the first couple of yards are in the head!".
So here it is important that players develop a knack of interpreting the actions of the opponents and what that means to the games development.
#3 - Speed of reaction
As mentioned in the last bullet, speed of reaction is vital.
Anticipation is one thing, being able to react quickly is another.
Consider the role of the goal keeper, their reaction time to a sudden shot, deflection, switch in angle of attack, flight of the ball must be very acute.
But how does a goal keeper react and what to? In this instance, the goal keeper will react to a number of external stimuli, here's a list:
- The visual element of the opponent with the ball, are they carrying it, have they got backlift as if ready to strike the ball, is the opponent in space and is their a clear line of sight on goal
- The auditory element, do they hear the strike of the ball, is it fizzing, does it take a deflection of a player (thud), a shout from a team mate, maybe a close opponent barracking the goalie " he's going to shoot!"
All of these stimuli will have an effect on the player.
Once stimulated the player should choose the best option available to them to react to that situation.
Again we will use the goalie;
If a shot is fizzing towards them low and hard, the pitch is wet and quick, and there are a number of players the ball has to go through before hitting the target, do they get down low anticipating a clear strike on goal, have quick feet and get their body in line with the expected flight path, do they dive towards the ball, kneel or hack the ball?
The answer to this question lies in the ability, confidence and experience of the player.
#4 Speed of feet
Here we are talking about the basic running / sprinting motor skills.
Initial explosion and acceleration are vital to covering the ground quickly. Speed of feet is without the ball, and since it is without the ball it is rarely in a straight line.
Therefore, as a players progress is often inhibited by other players they must adjust and change direction in relation to their team mates actions and those of the opponents.
Explosive speed is generated from the leg muscles stretching and contracting to achieve maximum power, but good running technique, driving through the arms and co-ordination are also vital.
#5 Skill speed
Watching a player run at pace and carry the ball is a truly awesome sight.
Sprinting full out while keeping possession and holding off any challenges from opponents to dribble and create an opportunity to shoot at goal is a tremendous ability.
This key skill though is still built on the last point which is speed of feet.
However, while a player may be very quick is only advantageous if their ball manipulation and technical skills are as up to speed as their pace (pardon the pun).
So, what can you do to help coach the 5 key speed principles?
#1 Speed of thought - enable players to make their own decisions, that means give them lots of opportunites to make choices. Condition games so that it forces them to think.
Play soccer games with them, don't just do drill work. By playing games they will also gain experience which help them build their database from which to draw on.
Keep them motivated, players will not think unless they are motivated and stimulated to do so. Finally, let them be free of any fear and stress of making wrong decisions.
#2 Speed of anticipation - play more soccer, coach them through the game.
Ask plenty of questions on how they are reading the game development.
Offer your insights into positions they have taken up in relation to opponents advances, both strengths and weaknesses.
#3 Speed of reaction - use reaction balls, have goal keeper starting positions with their back to play and react to shots, play rebounds off walls.
Try not to use your whistle or command as the key for the reaction as this wouldn't happen in a real game penis enlargement review penis enlargement pills so don't practice this way.
#4 Speed of feet - always, always warm the muscles up before doing any speed work!
Do some sprints, keep it high intensity with short sharp bursts. Develop good running technique with the use of speed ladders and hurdles.
Try using some different starting positions to like standing, from a jump and land, on their back, on their stomach, incorporate turns, feints and directional changes.
#5 Skill speed - make your training as game related as possible, focusing on speed with the ball, movement, game related distances and challenge.
Hopefully this has given you some good food for thought, enjoy your training!
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Finally you've caught the perfect fish. Now, do you know how to fillet your fish?
You can't be happier. You have finally caught the perfect fish. Do you know how to fillet your fish? Once you become an expert at fish filleting, you probably will be asked to sizegenetics penis enlargement device fillet everyone else's catch.
Firstly, get a good knife and a cutting board or hard surface and lay the fish down on it. You must cut the head of the fish off right to the rear of its gills.
Secondly, holding the fish by its tail, take the knife with the blade pointing away from your body and toward where the head was; slice the body of the fish crosswise. The backbone of the fish can be used to direct the knife through.
Thirdly, take one half of the sliced fish and place the fish piece flesh side up. Holding the fish penis enlargement with vigrx plus piece by the tail, place the knife between the skin and the flesh and run the knife down the length of the fish piece to remove the skin cutting in the direction of the tail to the head area. Now there. A perfectly filleted fish.
The penis enlargement with vigrx plus Summer is creeping away here in Calgary. On my ride in this morning the temperature was right at freezing so the nice easy schedule of riding in to work and home will be over sooner than I would hope. Now is the time of year that all of those outdoor activities that keep you in shape so easily are going to come to an end in the northern latitudes.
What will you do about it?
Most people have a bad habit of fluctuation exercise. In sizegenetics penis enlargement device the Spring you get sore from exercising outside for the first time since the fall and your body hates you for it, but you endure it and workout through the Summer and in the Fall and Winter get almost no exercise again and have your weight float up a few pounds hoping that you can lose it again next Spring. I will be giving tips all Winter for staying in shape but this is a good chance to look at what you should start thinking about right now.
First prioritize your exercise schedule for the Winter. It may be tougher to work out but of course you can do it if you work out the days and times you will be working out. Most of all be realistic. The best times to workout are early morning before you get caught up with the issues of the day and after work if you have a stable work schedule. If you push dinner out a bit you may be able to either workout right after work before dinner or else get an hour in while watching one of the many great TV shows that eat up our Winter nights.
Next figure out what you want to do this Winter for exercise. A few years ago my family (actually my wife and I, the toddlers had no say in it) bought a good treadmill and exercise bike and then each Fall we go out and replace one of the items and lose a bit on the trade-in but at least have some great new and new to us equipment to keep us interested in the Winter.
Lastly make sure that you have a good mix of exercise. One or two pieces of fitness equipment may not be enough to keep you motivated is make sure you plan on skating, skiing or climbing stairs in an office building to supplement your exercise this Winter. If you can find local fitness events that you can take part in. There are a lot of different leagues in the Winter be they hockey or curling or badminton and volleyball.
One great tip for exercise equipment is to have a running log of your distance. This would be floors for a stair machine or actual miles on a treadmill, bike or elliptical trainer. Using a map it is fun to keep track of the distance that you have covered and you can even try to go city to city with goals in between over the course of the Winter.
"Communication is a skill that you can learn. It's like ridinga bicycle or typing. If you're willing to work at it you canrapidly improve the quality of this very part of your life."
- Brian Tracy, Author and Speaker
This report is based upon two kinds of research: First, research in the social sciences such as psychology, sociology, and communication studies. Second, 25 years of observation by the author of people engaged in conversation in many settings: couples, families, business talk, meetings, mixers, informal small talk, professional consultations � a wide range.
These five items are distilled from what I have observed and what the research reveals. Adopting even one of these will make a positive difference in improving your conversational skills. Each will have an immediate positive effect. Adopting them all could transform your experience of conversation.
1. Show interest in and be curious about those you talk with.
In conversation, to be curious is a definite plus. Being curious about another person helps to engage us and to validate that person as interesting. On the other hand, if we seem bored by or indifferent to the person, they feel invalidated, as if we are saying �You hold no interest for me. You are not interesting.�
Not to be curious can be troublesome in life. As human relations speaker and author Dale Carnegie wrote:
�It is the individual who is not interested in his fellow men who has the greatest difficulties in life and provides the greatest injury to others. It is from among such individuals that all human failures spring.�
Consider the spouse who shows no curiosity about what hispartner is thinking or feeling, or the parent who does not wonderabout the thoughts and inner lives of the children. Consider themanager, thinking s/he knows everything about the business andwho expresses no interest in the employees� ideas. We know theresults: Distance and negative feelings between the people.
The good news is that we can choose to be interested orcurious. This is an act of intention. For example, whohas not taken a required course of study that �held� nointerest at the outset but then, when you saw that beinguninterested in the subject resulted in poor learning andgrades, you decided to be interested in order to learn better.
The same is true for our interest in other people. Forexample, a husband whose marriage is troubled and who facesseparation and even divorce because he expresses so littleinterest in his wife may choose to �become interested� abouthis wife and what she has to say. When he changes his thinkingand his attitudes, his conversational behavior also changes.He pays close attention. He asks questions. He listens carefully.
I notice that many people try to appear interesting themselves instead of being genuinely interested in others. When we show interest in others, they usually begin to show interest in us. However, when we try to be interesting, we often look self-conscious or even vain, whereas being genuinely interested in other people makes our conversations and life experience a rich adventure.
2. Balance the talking and listening. Take turns.
We Americans tend mainly to be out-going, extraverts, talkative. That�s probably a plus, because we are an optimistic, �can-do� society. However, for relationships, lots of talking and too much talking can be harmful to personal and business relationships.
The scientific evidence suggests that balancing our conversation so that everyone gets a turn who wants a turn is supportive of social relations. In informal conversation, balance requires that speakers monitor themselves so that they do not dominate by talking too much. It is also important for more quiet people to speak up from time to time so that the talkative ones don�t think you are giving up any interest in sharing your ideas.
Balancing the talk doesn�t require a strict 50-50 distribution. The ratio can be 80-20 and still be balanced, as when one person is mainly interviewing the other who of course will do most of the talking. The key here is not so much the actual time each one talks. It is the taking turns that matters. One person may ask a brief question that requires a long, detailed answer.
Having balance in a conversation suggests safety andfairness and creates a supportive climate for honest ideasto be expressed and heard. In large groups, a chairpersonor a facilitator can monitor and direct the talk and makecertain everyone has a chance to speak fully. In casualconversation, we must manage ourselves to make surewe have balance.
3.Give genuine compliments and real praise when appropriate.
Some people have trouble giving compliments. Others have trouble receiving compliments graciously. Most of these troubles are caused by upbringing and culture. All of these old habits can be eliminated and replaced with kinder and more generous behavior that fosters better relations between people.
The top enlargement products fact is, such public and global praise is suspect, not helpful. And not only for children, but for adults as well. Writing in his landmark 1996 book, �Punished by Rewards,� Alfie Kohn makes four solid points about giving compliments and praise:
a. �Don�t praise people, only what people do. It�s less likely that there will be a gap between what someone hears and what he thinks about himself if we don�t make sweeping comments about what he is like as a person.�
b. �Make praise as specific as possible. Even better than �That�s a really nice story� is �That�s neat at the end when you leave the main character a little confused about what happened to him.��
c. �Avoid phony praise. . . . One symptom of phony praise is asqueaky, saccharine voice that slides up and down the scale and bears little resemblance to the way we converse with our friends. A four-year-old can usually tell the difference between a genuine expression of pleasure and phony praise, between a sincere smile and one that is manufactured and timed for best effect.�
d. �Avoid praise that sets up competition. Phrases like �You�re the best in the class (or for adults, in this department),� whose �most pernicious effects . . . encourage a view of others as rivals rather than as potential collaborators. What�s more, they lead people to see theirown worth in terms of whether they have beaten everyone else �a recipe for perpetual insecurity.�
Kohn supports each of these points with solid research as hesuggests ways to encourage people and build their intrinsic motivation.
During my early life I had difficulty giving compliments, and now I enjoy doing so. The Scandinavian culture I grew up in was not comfortable with compliments because parents believed that kids would �get a big head� and be prideful. I also had trouble giving compliments because I DID see my fellow students and friends as competitors in classes and on the playing fields. I needed more maturity to be able to give genuine praise to my rivals.
For many years now I have enjoyed complimenting others inspecific ways because I can see the positive effects that result.When I coach professionals on their performance, the specificcompliments I give them on their behavior and the work theyproduce helps them grow and develop.
Some time ago, a student asked, �Whenever I compliment myfriend, she resists. How can I make my compliments stick?�
Try this method: Add a question after your compliment:
�I think your new hairstyle is stunning, Sally! Who did it for you?�
Adding such a tag-question at the end usually prevents the person from avoiding the compliment because they are responding to the follow-up. �The way you read the poem was deeply touching, Fred. Did you practice it many times?�
Finally, if you yourself tend to deflect compliments, try harder to accept them. A simple �Thank you� to the one offering the compliment will do. After you run the billiards table, or score perfectly on the test, it�s simply not appropriate to refuse a compliment. Nor is it genuine for the football star who scores seven touchdowns to say �It wasn�t me; it was the other guys on the team.� When you receive a genuine compliment, acknowledge it and let it in!
4. Keep your positive energy up.
When we interact with others, we exchange not only words and bodily expressions. We also give off � exchange � our vital energy. If our energy is high and vibrant, we lift the conversation. If it�s low and sluggish, we sap energy from the encounter.
A professional colleague, Dr. Robert Rausch, is a specialized consultant to many large companies. In his work with management, he has them look at those factors in the company that drain human energy and those factors that increase penile enlargement the energy. Energetic people thrive, and low-energy peoplebarely survive. His excellent book, �Energy Matters,� gives you many ideas on how to enhance your personal energy and avoid being drained by difficult or toxic interactions.
Many ways are available to increase and maintain our personal energy. Among them are well known methods, such as being well nourished and well rested. Also, keeping our interactions positive rather than negative, focusing on what�s good and what works instead of griping and complaining. A fine resource to enable positive talk is the book, Encyclopedia of Positive Questions by Diana Whitney and others (2002). This approach of �Appreciative Inquiry� is now being widely used in organizations to make the energy more positive and motivating.
When we are energized, we are able to be responsive, alive to the situation and the person we are talking to. Our voice andbody reflect our responses and add color and flavor to our talk.When we don�t have enough �gas in our tank,� being responsiveis difficult at best.
In recent years new understandings have become available about how best to manage our bodily energy. Most are easy to learn and can be self-applied. Here are some excellent references if you wish to follow up on this topic:
Energy Medicine, by Donna Eden (1999)Become an Energy Addict, by Jon Gordon (2003)The Mars and Venus Diet and Exercise Book, by John Gray (2003)
5. Ask better questions
A routine question will evoke a routine response. Thus, �How�s it going?� will generally get a �Fine, thanks,� or perhaps a �I can�t complain.� If the purpose of the question is only to acknowledge an acquaintance briefly and move on, your purpose is served. This is the social function of language that the anthropologist Malinowski called �phatic communion,� which is nothing more than a brief and superficial verbal connection, the smallest of small talk.
However, if you�d prefer a more substantial conversation, you�ll need to use a different question to evoke a different response. A deeper and more detailed conversation will certainly be less predictable and probably more interesting, and it will likely have the effect of enriching your relationship.
Here are four suggestions for more productive questions:
1. Ask questions that elicit detail. These are often �What?� questions.
For example, �What did you finally decide about relocating?� or�What did you do on your trip to Mexico?� will usually stimulate detailed responses. Questions that don�t require detail, such as �How are your plans coming along?� and �How was your trip?� can be answered with a mere �Good, thanks.�
2. Ask open questions that require more than a Yes or No. These are the �Wh� and �H� questions beginning with What, Why, Where, and How. These work better than �closed questions� that limit the response, such as �Did you like the movie?� Instead, �What did you like about the movie?� draws out a more interesting and detailed response.
3. Ask some questions that are a little bit surprising or �edgy.� These are not meant to put the person on the hot seat, or to make them uncomfortable, but to stimulate and get a lively response instead of a routine response. �What�s the most exciting/challenging thing that�s happening with you at this time?� is such an edgy question. Predictable questions usually evoke predictable responses, such as �What did you learn in school today?� �Oh, not much.�
4. Use some �If?� questions such as �If you had the means topursue your dream occupation, what would it be?� Or �If you could have dinner with a famous person, whom would you choose?� Such questions break out of the routine and add some fresh energy to the conversation. By the way, don�t ask others any question you yourself would not want to be asked. Also, be prepared to answer the very �If?� questions you ask. The other converser may say, �Let me think about that for a minute. Meanwhile, you go first.�
For some excellent examples of effective questions, check this book, Questions That Work, by Andrew Finlayson (2001)Although it�s mainly for business and professional life, this book has many good ideas about the structure of questions that apply to any conversation. As well, it contains plenty of question examples, such as �27 questions to inspire creativity in a group.� and �66 questions to ask when you�re investigating a problem.�
Loren Ekroth �2004
Cooling down,I term this the reflection phase. It is a time to prepare for physical and mental relaxation. This includes stretching and flexibility work as well as light group jogging and limbering down exercises.This is the time of mental reflection of the practice, game or even the day's events.This is especially neccesary while at and during tournaments
This important phase is usually over-looked by most teams as they are trying to either celebrate the win or discuss the loss and any related issues. If this aspect is incorporated every practice then it will be a natural process after the games as well. Yes the practices need to incorporate warm up as well as cool down. Apart from the physiology of increasing strength through stretching regimes. This helps the team members understand their bodies and it's needs.
It is also a great time for the coaches to get feed back on the events. This gets the team to contribute to their immediate experiences, whether is be a competition penis enlargement with vigrx plus or practice. It helps everybody paint a mental picture of their collective accomplishments.
When a group of individuals gets together and focuses on something other than the immediate task at hand then the task becomes another routine within the training regime.This is switching the focus from the actual cooling down process and focuses on the socialization aspect of cooling down. It deals with the fresh experiences that have just occured. Let the team discuss the events first before the coach talks or the meeting is held in the locker room. Young sizegenetics penis enlargement device minds need to also voice opinions to each other before they talk to the larger group. This helps build unity within and a power of responsibility throughout.
It is a time to also talk about the other aspects of sports activities. These are nutritional and additional aspects of concentrating on mental focus.
Halibut fishing is the most popular sporting activity in Alaska. If you have plans of going on a halibut chase, you need to have an experienced angler by your side. That is mainly because Alaska halibut fishing can be an exasperating activity for the novice. If you haven�t tried it before, you should know that halibuts are extremely cunning creatures. To drag them onboard, you must have several things in mind.
First and foremost, you�d better not sail in deep sea without a guide. You need someone who knows these waters thoroughly. ProFish-n-Sea has specialized in educating Alaska fishing guides and charter captains who can take you whenever you like. The best person to take onboard is ProFish-n-Sea himself- namely, Steve Zernia. Mr Zernia is a second- generation Alaska Charter Fishing Captain. He is the one with the greatest halibut fishing experience, and he also knows by heart the best sea routes. If you are really eager to thrill to the real Alaska halibut fishing, you�d better find Steve. He is available both for experienced anglers and novices. His main aim will be to make you feel to the bones everything about halibut fishing. He will help you on your first halibut trip and will guide you with priceless advice.
The second thing you need to have in mind is that Alaska can offer you a tremendous abundance of different species of fish. They are all eager to peck at your bait. The only thing you need to know is how to catch them after they are hooked. To most fishermen from other places on Earth a successful fishing trip is measured by the number of bites, hookups or fish landed onboard. The thing that strikes most on an Alaska halibut fishing trip, is that measures are changed. Success is determined by pounds of halibut meat. Alaska halibut fishing is your way to feel the immense bounty of Alaska�s penis enlargement fishery. A six-passenger Alaska halibut fishing boat can catch as much fish as a commercial long-liner. With a pinch of luck and appropriate conditions, every hooked up halibut will eventually end up onboard.
Alaska halibut fishing requires the angler to have the strength and patience to pull the rod until the fish is out of the water. And that could be a difficult task for the inexperienced. The halibut having taken the bait doesn�t necessary ensure the catching of the fish. The tackle should be strong enough to endure the pressure. That is why you need a guide to show you how to do it properly and not turn the catch into a failure. Steve has a lifetime of experience in Alaska halibut fishing and can show you everything you need to know about it. When hooked, a sly Alaska halibut would dive straight down and a novice can easily be pulled to the rail or even worse: let go of the fishing rod. You must have the energy to keep the rod until the fish are exhausted and penis enlargement pill give it up. And that, as Steve Zernia would teach you, is the real chore.
A guide will help you develop the basic fishing techniques necessary for a successful catch. Steve will give everything to teach you so that your first Alaska halibut fishing brings you satisfaction and doesn�t turn into a nightmare.
It is difficult to define what antique means when dealing with insurance companies, and that is why it�s a little difficult purchasing antique truck and car insurance. You have to make sure you have the auto insurance to meet your needs, although there are many companies that offer this insurance, you will have to put a bit of work into finding antique truck and car insurance that is right for you
There penis sizegenetics penis enlargement device enlargement with vigrx plus are two types of insurance you can find with antique automobile insurance companies and also classic collector auto insurance. The difference in the two of these is that most antique truck and car insurance doesn�t allow the car or truck to be used for normal chores. Collector�s auto insurance does, but only if you have a regular second daily car to drive and you can�t use your collector car to go to or from work or to school.
In order to be eligible for special discounts on your antique truck and car insurance, your vehicle has to be defined as antique or vintage. It must be at least 30 years old. This makes life a bit easier for antique automobile insurance companies. As for other cars that arrived later and are loosely regarded as collectibles, then there is an auto insurance that can be obtained for these also.
There are a few ways to save if you�re looking for antique truck or car insurance. Don�t go for the full package of auto insurance if you�re not taking your car on the road or if you don�t use it at all and just have it for show. Although some antique automobile insurance is necessary you may not need all the auto insurance that you have.
To be sure of your needs talk to your automobile insurance company or check with several automobile insurance companies to make sure you are getting the best deal you possible can. You may end up with a discount depending on a few factors that could be the deal of a lifetime, so don�t be afraid to shop around and find out what�s out there for you that will meet your needs. Insurance companies can custom make a package for your antique truck and car insurance just for you.
There is antique truck and car insurance available, but only for antiques, and make sure that you know how you are going to use the vehicle.
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Nobody knows about the future of Jerome Bettis except penis enlargement products him and his family but if the Indianapolis Colts had scored a game winning touchdown at the end of the game, Bettis would be back. Jerome Bettis is a gamer, and will live on as one of the best franchise players of the Pittsburgh Steelers organization. This can review of penis enlargement products not be said lightly as the Steelers organization is one of the most storied franchises of the NFL.
Jerome Bettis would not be back for personal pride though, he is not a selfish player. He is not the type of player to come back to redeem himself like other players might, he does not need to legitimize his career. His choice to come back would be because of the betterment of the Pittsburgh Steelers. Any potential hall of famer to take a back seat, take less pay, and be completely happy with the decision is the ultimate team player.
The Steelers without Jerome Bettis is like a Peanut Butter and Jelly sandwich without the bread. What is going to hold it together? His leadership, mentoring of the young Willie Parker, his relationship with Ben Roethlisberger, his reliability in the short yardage downs, and his work ethic will be a vital loss to the Steelers.
The Steelers will lose Jerome Bettis one of these years. I feel that if the Steelers win the Super Bowl, he will not be back. But there is no doubt that Jerome Bettis has given a lasting legacy on the Pittsburgh Steelers. The football gods were right to not let the Jerome Bettis fumble be the deciding factor in this game.
While it is undisputed that the origins of modern soccer, or football, originated in Britain, there is a great deal of evidence that points to this beloved game as having an older history.
Where did the game of soccer really begin, and how old is it? To understand how many different varieties of "soccer" there are, you need to understand a bit about the older versions of the game and how they have evolved.
Below, you will find a list of the predominant cultures that had a variety of soccer, and learn how each one differs from what we play today. And no, they never used anything like Lotto shinguards back then either!
Chinese Soccer History
To many, this is the oldest version of soccer to exist. However, there is quite a lot of controversy of whether or not this is the oldest, or Japan's version is the elder. The Chinese version of the game, originally named "Tsu Chu", involved players on a field that had to hit a leather ball stuffed with fur into a small hole. Like Soccer, no hands were permitted during the play of the game, and it was considered an honor to be a member of a team.
The Emperor of the Han Dynasty, when the game was developed, was an avid player and fan, and spread the popularity of this game all over China during his reign. This roughly dates back to 300 B.C., although there is controversy on the subject of dating, which could result in the origins of the game being as far back as 5000 B.C. Regardless, this version of Soccer is extremely old. Despite that, there is still a version of Tsu Chu played today. While the two games are similar, Tsu Chu has had no effect on the modern version of the game, as it was originally developed and created for play in Great Britain.
Japanese Soccer History
Kemari, the Japanese version of "Soccer", is perhaps one of the most different forms of the sport, in comparison to modern soccer. Kemari was a game of "Keep it up", much like modern hacky sacks, although used with a larger ball that was stuffed with saw dust. This version involves a "pitch", or the field, designated by the selection of four trees, the cherry, maple, pine and willow. Many great houses in Japan would grow trees to have a permanent pitch, or field, established.
Kemari was normally played with two to twelve players. Established in roughly 1004 B.C., it vies for position of the oldest game with China's Tsu Chu. In fact, China's Tsu Chu players and Japan's Kemari players were the first to have an "International" game of their versions of Soccer, which is dated to have occurred in roughly 50 B.C., although a definite date of 611 A.D. is known. Regardless, this game stands with China as a sister sport to Soccer, while it never affected the modern version of the game.
Egyptian Soccer History
While not much is known about Egyptian Soccer, or other ball games, it is thought there was a version of a type of ball game played by young women during the age of Baqet III. On his tomb, images of this sport were depicted, although no one is certain how the game was played or whether or not it truly affected the outcome of modern soccer. Recordings of this game date as far back as 2500 B.C., although not much more is known asides the fact that it was played with a ball. The lack of information on the sport and how it was played has eliminated it from runnings as the first evidence of a game similar to soccer.
Greek/Roman Soccer History
Perhaps the closest relative to modern soccer are the games that were formed by the Greeks during the prime of their culture. They had numerous varieties of football style games, some of which required hands, some of which forbade hands. In the end, after the Roman conquering of Greece, the game Harpastum is what modern soccer would be based from. This game, probably a modified version of the Greek's "Harpaston", which translates roughly to handball. While grossly misnamed, this game is what is considered to be one of the precursors to modern soccer.
British Soccer History
In Britain during the 8th century, soccer was created, not as a recreational sport, but as a war game. One of the stories of the original roots of the sport comes from when a Danish Prince was beheaded, and his head was used as a ball and was kicked around. Ever since this 'legendary' tale, villages and other communities would play a game where they would have to kick a ball to a specific goal. It was a violent game, where injury and death were not uncommon, but it was popular nevertheless sizegenetics penis enlargement device. In fact, it was so violent, that in 1331, King Edward the III passed laws to try to stop the playing of the game. It did not work, however, and the sport continued on.
There are even stories of soccer games that involved hundreds upon hundreds of players. In these games, there were many deaths, some resulting in the hundreds. It wasn't until 1815 when Eton College set up a series of rules for the game that it became less violent and more of a true sport. At this time, other colleges and universities took up the banner and began to play under similar rules. Later, the rules were evaluated and judged, and the Cambridge rules were created penis enlargement with vigrx plus as a result in 1848. In the Cambridge rules, shin-kicking, carrying the ball and tripping were all forbidden. Rugby rules allowed these aspects, and the two varieties of soccer, or football, split to form their own followings.
On October 26, 1863, London schools and sports club sent representatives to the Freemason's Tavern, where the Football Association was formed. Rugby supporters left this association to form the Rugby Association. This is where the birth of modern soccer began. In 1969, the Football Association finalized the modern game of soccer by forbidding the use of hands in the game.
The term "Soccer" was coined when someone was asked if he was a Rugger, which is a Rugby player. The -er signified that the person participated in a a particular sport. The individual, Charles Wreford Brown, replied with "Soccer!", taking the phrase from Association, SOC, and adding the -er. The term stuck. While British individuals still call the game Football, Americans and other countries call it Soccer, especially if they have heavy support in American Football present. Ever since the foundation of the Association, "Football" has risen in popularity, becoming one of the best love games in the history of Earth. Now, hundreds of thousands play the sport, although it lacks the initial violence present at its creation.
Brazilian dominance in soccer takes a new complexion. There used to be a time when the Brazilian men's national soccer team were of average size and build. They were small (shorter), fast and skillful. Diminutive in stature but this did not apply to their technical and tactical abilities.
The Brazilian men's national soccer team might appear to line up in some formal positional formation and set up. Once the game starts it is an all positions for everybody on the team. They seem to play a 1 (goalkeeper) -10 (field) as all the players are in constant motion and are able to play off of each other at any time. The team members do however have certain defensive responsibilities and are accountable for their respective areas.
They truely understand "the game" and are ready to be spontaneous as well as volatile.
The Brazilian team seems to make the opponents play catch up and defensively throughout most of the contest.
A goal scoring opportunity can come from any where and any one on the field and at any time.
The only thing that you can predict is that the goalkeeper will not leave the 18 yard box to act as a forward and score some goals.
Ronaldinho has just acquired his second FIFA international player of the year award in a row. Does he deserve it? Most definitely.
He is a pleasure to observe as he sets up most of his team mates to lead his current team FC Barcelona to the top of the Spanish "La Liga".
Now add the goalkeeper Dida who has been a major part of his team's successes, in the back and Adriano up front who has seemed to be totally unstoppable goal scoring machine on the forward line for the Italian "Serie A", Roberto Carlos on the left where he still has a command on the free kicks, and Ronaldo the task master who often and still shows flashes of brilliance in the mix and you have a fortress of power and abilities few can match.
I think the ball got rolling with the the introduction of Junior Biano as a defenseman in 1998. With the exception of France his presence was a dominant deterant for other teams.
The latest big man to join him is Lucio
Brazil found mass to be a compliment to all their other strengths. It would appear that they have continued to build from there. The average penile enlargement weight of their national team has increased without diminishing their agility and manouverability. Although not a necessity, muscle mass has been a factor in other team sports. This might be true in modern Futbol as speed has become an over-riding factor to the game in the last 15 years.Most of the elite players are also playing in the Italian and Spanish premier leagues and on similar if not the same teams. They are learning from each other by being rivals and combats as well as compatriots.
Here are the possible candidates for the next world cup roster for Brazil.
EMERSON Ferreira,
JUNINHO Pernambucano,
Very impressive roster as was the one in 1998.
A team can only be as good as it is a team and is coached as a team.
A team can only be good if all the members play for the team and with the team.
It does NOT matter how many stars you have and how big the egos or the payroll is either.
Win as a team and lose as a team. Play as individuals and the team will lose. I say this not because outstanding players could change the outcome of games, but because other teams and players are more sophisticated and more knowledgable top enlargement products now than ever before. The opposition can read this and contain the key players rendering the rest of the team less potent.
Fresh Flowers in All the Traditional Places
When you think of a beautiful floral arrangement, you often think of the dining room table, especially if it is holiday time. And why not? Beautiful dining centerpieces have graced our tables for centuries. Whether you are having a party, decorating for a holiday, or simply adding a beautiful touch, keep in mind that floral arrangements should complement the d�cor and mood of the room. Remember, too, you don�t have to have a traditional arrangement just because you find it in a traditional location. Instead of one big center arrangement, you may want to try a series of vases and candles on a fabric runner for a stunning effect.
Another traditional location for fresh flowers is in the foyer or entranceway. What a great way to make a terrific first impression. Regardless of your style, flowers in the entryway can create the mood from the moment someone walks through your door. Is your home formal? Try an elegant centerpiece or a piece of artwork on a pedestal draped with a garland and flowers. For a homier, friendlier look, place a basket with a garden bouquet on the entry table. No matter what your style, flowers can enhance your home.
Beyond Tradition
Let�s not stop with tradition! Fresh flowers are so beautiful that they should not be relegated to the dining room and entryway alone. Why not brighten every room in your house? Let�s look at a few ideas to help you think outside the box.
There is nothing wrong with tradition � a big floral arrangement on the dining room table is always a welcomed addition to the d�cor of the room. Fresh flowers, however, don�t have to stay in the dining room. Be creative! Think unique! Put them in all your nooks and crannies! And yes, even put them in your bathroom!
You Don�t Have to be a Floral Designer
You�ve been to the florist before and know that you can�t create the gorgeous centerpieces you find there, nor can you afford to buy them already made. Don�t worry! Simply buy some fresh flowers, take them home, and experiment. Anything that can hold water is a possibility for a flower arrangement.
Once you have a few containers, the fun begins. Try filling a clear glass with flowers and fill with colored marbles. Create a cluster of different sized flower-filled bottles on a coffee table. Use bowls and shallow dishes for floating flower heads or petals and add floating candles for a bright and shining effect.
Mother Nature has created great beauty in flowers and you simply can�t go wrong. Develop your own personal style and taste by experimenting with different colors and types of flowers. Each top enlargement products week try a different look, color, or kind of flower.
The complementary colors of flowers can brighten any part of the house, from penile enlargement the kitchen to the family room to the bedroom. Expand your ideas to different areas throughout your home. The important thing is to have fun and enjoy.
Unlike other forms of football, rugby can be usefully viewed as a succession of prolonged physical engagements, either between individual players or between groups of players. Each of these engagements demands the exercise of substantial physical strength. While basic strength training should form the foundation for such engagements, there should also be a focus on developing explosive strength appropriate to the particular activity.
During the extended periods when players are physically contesting with their opposing counterparts they are continually subjected to loading substantially greater than their own body weight. And, because that added resistance is live, there is often the problem of overcoming not only inertia but also counter force triggered by an initiating movement
In modern rugby considerable attention is given to fitness and aerobic conditioning as well as basic weight training, but there is very limited focus on the development of activity-specific explosive strength. This is despite the fact that an ability to very rapidly generate force can yield a competitive advantage in each of the areas of physical engagement in rugby:
Scrum and maul In the scrum or maul situation it is very difficult to shunt the opposing pack backward unless there is synchronised explosive activity. If a pack begins to move forward slowly or if just one or a couple of players attempt to initiate a shove, they are unlikely to be able to overcome the inertia of the opposing pack's body mass. In addition, the attempted drive forward will almost certainly trigger an almost immediate counter-shove. On the other hand if a pack suddenly and explosively begins to drive forward as a synchronised, coordinated unit, they are penis enlargement likely to be able to generate momentum and place their opponents on the back foot.
The key elements are that each of the forwards possess basic strength and a capacity to rapidly generate force. However, it is essential that their movements be synchronized. If any of these elements of strength, explosiveness and synchronicity are lacking the attempt is likely to prove futile or even counterproductive.
Tackle In a tackle situation there is great advantage in forcing the opponent, whether ball-carrier or tackler, back from the line of engagement. In order to do this effectively, the action has to be both powerful and virtually instantaneous.
In addition, ball-carriers with explosive leg drive are often able to brush past attempted tackles, while tacklers with similar attributes can forcefully secure the ball-carrier and take him to ground.
Ruck At the breakdown of play following a tackle the ability to push back or "clean out" opposing players from the ruck offers opportunities to win the contest for the ball or at least put the opposing team in a disadvantageous situation. The only effective way to win the breakdown contest is to apply very considerable force in an explosive manner.
Lineout The outcome of the lineout contest is largely dependent on how high the jumper can ascend, but also on how rapidly he can reach that point. This requires not only a very good vertical penis enlargement pill leap by the jumper, but also the ability of his support players to forcefully elevate him. Both jumping and lifting require specific forms of explosive strength.
When forward packs are evenly matched in strength and technique, and defensive techniques are well-coordinated, a game of rugby can often become a war of attrition, with teams attempting to wear one another down over the course of the game. It is very difficult to maintain concentration and alertness throughout an 80-minute game, and a capacity for explosive action allows the exploitation of fatigue and inattention. It provides surprise and unpredictability, while limiting the possibility of appropriate reaction.
Strength training for rugby should always be grounded on a solid foundation of basic strength; but coaches who are seeking to gain a sustainable competitive edge would do well to incorporate a comprehensive program of activity-specific training for explosive strength.
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