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Wednesday, March 26, 2008

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Company in Fraud Case Stays in Business - The Associated Press

Sat, 08 Mar 2008 20:01:21 GMT

Company in Fraud Case Stays in Business
The Associated Press - Mar 8, 2008
... markets a number of products advertised to boost energy and manage weight, but its main business is Enzyte, which promises men a bigger penis. ...

Does Penile Size Really Matter? Women’s Thoughts on a Man’s Size - (press release)

Sun, 02 Mar 2008 14:10:07 GMT

Does Penile Size Really Matter? Women’s Thoughts on a Man’s Size (press release), Bulgaria - Mar 2, 2008
But of course, men who avail or are still thinking of getting these products also wonder: does the size of the penis really matter to women? ...

Company in Fraud Case Stays in Business - The Associated Press

Sat, 08 Mar 2008 20:01:21 GMT

Company in Fraud Case Stays in Business
The Associated Press - Mar 8, 2008
... markets a number of products advertised to boost energy and manage weight, but its main business is Enzyte, which promises men a bigger penis. ...

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Does a Non-Profit 501(c)(3) penis enlargement Realize Unrelated Business Taxable penis enlargement pill Income (UBTI) For Advertising?

Non-profit organizations which are exempt from income tax under �501(a) are subject to tax on unrelated business income. ��501(b), 511. Unrelated business income is gross income derived by any organization from any unrelated trade or business, regularly carried on by it, less the deductions allowed. �512. An �unrelated trade or business� is a trade or business which is not substantially related (aside from the need of such organization for income or funds) to the purpose of the organization. �513. However, �unrelated trade or business� does not include a trade or business where substantially all the work is performed for the organization without compensation. �513(a)(1). See Rev. Rul. 75-201, 1975-1 CB 164.

The sale of advertising in a publication published by an exempt organization is an unrelated trade or business when the advertising activity is regularly carried on. Reg. 1.512(a)-1(f)(1). See also Rev. Rul. 73-424, 1973-2 CB 190.

Courts have held advertising revenue not to constitute unrelated business income in some circumstances. For example, in National Collegiate Athletic Assn. V. Comm., (1990, CA10) 66 AFTR 2d 90-5602, 914 F.2d 1417, 90-2USTC 50513, revg (1989) 92 TC 456, advertising revenue received by the NCAA from the sale of programs of its annually sponsored championship tournament was not unrelated business income where the tournament lasted less than three weeks and occurred only once a year.

IRS Chief Counsel �strongly disagrees� with the Tenth circuit. The IRS argues the state court should have taken into account the time spent soliciting the advertisements and preparing the advertising for publication. IRS announced it will continue to litigate the issue in appropriate cases. Action on Decision 1991-015, 7/3/91.

IRS distinguished NCAA where a state university received income from advertising placed in its football souvenir programs. Here, a significant time span was involved over which the activities were conducted. The football season lasted three months and the work in setting up the programs and soliciting adverting took even longer. IRS letter ruling 9137002.

Assuming that the journal is published periodically throughout the year, an exempt organization should not rely on National Collegiate Athletic Assn. The periodic publishing and on going solicitation efforts will likely constitute a unrelated business regularly carried on. See �512.

The court also held advertising revenue penis enlargement review does not constitute unrelated business income in US v. American College of Physicians, (1986 S.Ct). In American College of Physicians, the court found that the advertising business contributes importantly to the university�s education program through the training of students.

Also, advertising revenue does not constitute unrelated business income if the advertising contributes to the organization�s purpose. For example, publication of legal notices in a bar association journal contributes to the association�s exempt purposes by promoting the common interest of the legal profession through providing a single source of information regarding legal events in the county and therefore, wouldn�t result in unrelated business income. Rev. Rul. 82-139, 1982-2 CB 108. However, advertising revenue received by a bar association for ads place in its attorney directory are taxable income since the advertising is commercial in nature and represents an effort on the part of advertisers penis enlargement pills to maximize sales to a certain segment of the public. IRS Letter Ruling 9148054.

Similarly, magazine advertising revenues received by an exempt trucking association did not contribute to the association�s exempt purposes where the advertising represented marketing efforts by the advertisers to sell their product. In this case, no systematic effort was made by the organization to advertise products related to the editorial content and no effort was made by the organization to limit advertisements to new products. Florida Trucking Assn Inc. (1986) 87 TC 1039.

It is clear that, with a few exceptions, advertising revenues received by a 501(c)(3) exempt organization will often generate unrelated business taxable income (UBTI).

2006 Mid-Season penis penis enlargement pills enlargement review NBA Breakdown of the Boston Celtics

What has changed: Danny Ainge was not thrilled with the one-man team Boston was becoming and traded away Blount, Banks, Reed and Davis to Minnesota for Szczerbiak, Olowokandi and Dwayne Jones. Since then the team hasn�t played much better. Szczerbiak isn�t leaps and bounds better than Ricky Davis was, but he is more prone to have a breakout game than Davis did.

This team is mainly where they are because of Paul Pierce, who is having a career year. Pierce gets to the hoop more than any review of penis enlargement products other scoring SG and doesn�t need to dunk it to go in. The other Boston players aren�t score-minded at all but do find their ways. The Celtics are just 5-11 when someone other than Pierce leads the team in scoring.

The Celtics are 4th in the League in field-goal% mainly since the majority of their shots are inside the foul line. But guys like Al Jefferson and Ryan Gomes aren�t efficient enough converting easy layups. And while Kendrick Perkins has outperformed expectations Boston is still severely undersized. They are 26th in the NBA in rebounds and Centers like LaFrentz and Olowokandi don�t help.

When Dan Dickau went out for the year due to an injury, Delonte West stepped up and became the primary PG. West is a very good shooter in the mold of Derek Fisher but doesn�t enough for the Point Guard position. For instance 4.4 APG from the PG spot isn�t getting it down. Also, West tends to wander offensively and doesn�t lead it for a good deal of time. As such the Celtics are 29th in the penis enlargement products NBA in tunronvers.

Boston plays a ton of close games, which is good because it shows that they can compete, particularly at home. However they are awful closing out games and have lost 14 games this year by 5 or less points. When they aren�t losing squeakers they get blown out frequently too, so how they perform is often like flipping a coin.

Ainge has said that he is not done making transactions. Boston is 5 games back of 8-seeded Philadelphia but do not have anywhere near the firepower. Antoine Walker helped them last year since he was the score-first guy they desperately needed. Expect players like Brian Scalabrine, Ryan Gomes and Tony Allen to possibly be shipped out within the next few weeks.

Their chances aren�t tremendous but they are alive. Both Washington and Phili have a pair of stars compared to the one that Boston has. What Ainge will do before the trading deadline could determine their fate. Look for them to make a move at the final playoff spot when Szczerbiak blends in a little more.

Bradshaw/Montana penis penis enlargement pills enlargement review No Show

Ok, so usually something like this wouldn�t bother me � but the more I got thinking about it, the more steamed I became. All but three living Super Bowl MVP�s were present for the Pre-Game Ceremony. Those players were Terry Bradshaw, Joe Montana, and Jake Scott. Oh, Jake Scott was traveling in Australia and could not make it you say? Well were Bradshaw and Montana with him? No, they weren�t! Wait, did you say they were both in Detroit at some point last week. What could have happened that would have kept them from attending a Ceremony honoring a game that has been both good and lucrative to them � let�s see:

1.) Death in the Family � Nope not that, I called and spoke with every immediate member of the Bradshaw and Montana family and all alive THANK GOD!

2.) Sickness � Nope, not that either. These were two of the toughest players ever to suit so there was no way a cold would have kept them from that

So then what is left? I�ll tell you � review of penis enlargement products MONEY! Bradshaw and Montana declined coming to the Super Bowl because it did not pay enough. Who do they think they are, Ted DiBiase? Not even close � They are two guys who owe at least showing up to a sport that has made them, if nothing else��FREAKIN LOADED.

Joe Montana reportedly was asking for $100,000 dollars as an appearance fee. That is $99,000 more than Steve Young received for showing up and although I believe Montana was a better QB, he wasn�t 100X better!

Terry Bradshaw � 4 time SB Champion � 2 Time SB MVP�.NO Show! Although he didn�t come out and say it�s about money�.it�s about money. Bradshaw is one of the highest paid Motivational Speakers in the country so he is paid big time to show up at events. Here is the kicker � He was in Detroit appearing that week to talk to

some group. Oh, another thing I just remembered, The Steelers were in the Super Bowl! Nice Terry penis enlargement products, way to support your team�.ASS!

People talk about today�s athlete and how it is only about the money and how the athlete of yester-year did it for �The Love of the Game� Well Jerome Bettis, modern athlete, showed up to play the game he loved while Bradshaw and Montana, well�you know.

Wild penis penis enlargement pill enlargement Animal Party Ideas

There are quite a few choices if you want to have a party with an animal theme. A safari or jungle theme are creative and fun (guests can dress in khakis and/or wear safari hats). An animal theme party is not only fun and exciting for kids; adults penis enlargement pills will also enjoy this amusing experience. Who wouldn't love to be transported into a world of nature most people don't get to come close to?

Play a CD of jungle sounds by the party's main entrance. Use green streamers to decorate or use large cardboard cut outs of different animals displayed around the room. The favors for the party need to be considered carefully penis enlargement review. The best favors for adults are items that they can use on an everyday basis; think about handing out personalized pens or candles.

If you would like to have a party theme set around animals, also try a circus or Noah's ark themed party. (These themes are better for a younger child's party) Guests can be offered a range of props in order to imitate their choice of circus character. Rent popcorn or cotton candy machines, hire a clown and serve candy apples. A Noah's ark theme is also perfect if you're throwing a party for twins. Use different colored balloons to create a big rainbow balloon arch. Stuffed animal toys displayed in pairs around the room or in the center of each table would create an atmosphere perfect for anyone looking to get in out of the rain.

With whatever animal theme you choose, your party is sure to be special and memorable with each creative or unique personal touch that you put into it.

The Need for Home sizegenetics penis enlargement device penis enlargement with vigrx plus First Aid Kits

Accidents can happen anywhere, even in the home. Every home, and especially those with small children, should have a home first aid kit for accidents.

No one can predict who will be injured in the home. It may be an older child that must call for help. Inside every home first aid kit, then, include a detailed emergency contact list. Clearly write the phone numbers of community emergency services like 911, the police, the fire department, the local Poison Control Center, and the family�s doctor and pediatrician. Also consider including a list of phone numbers of relatives or friends who can help in a serious emergency. It is also helpful to include a list of each family members medications and medical conditions like food or insect allergies. Also list the contents of the home first aid kit so that it is always kept stocked and the medicines up-to-date. Discard expired medication. Keep these lists in a plastic report cover.

Choose a portable, durable container for the kit. Since the kit will be inside, it does not need to be waterproof. A tote bag or plastic tackle box or art box make excellent containers. Store the kit so that it is easily available to adults and older children, but out of reach of young children.

Home first aid kits can be personalized for each home, but all kits should contain the following supplies: bandages of various sizes, triangular bandages, gauze penis enlargement, adhesive first aid tape, scissors and tweezers, antiseptic ointment and wipes, hydrogen peroxide, cough medicine, antihistamine, decongestant, instant-activating cold packs, and safety pins.

The kit may also contain activated charcoal penis enlargement pill or syrup of ipecac if recommended by a medical professional.

To further protect the family, consider taking courses in first aid and learning CPR and the Heimlich maneuver.

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