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Saturday, March 22, 2008

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An Abundance of Plastic penile enlargement Bags top enlargement products!

Every time you go to a store you receive plastic bags. Every time you buy bread you end up with a plastic bag. Over the run of a year it is amazing how many plastic bags you can end up with! Below are some suggestions for recycling and reusing these bags:

- Another way to use up those plastic grocery bags is to use them as paint-tray liners when you're redecorating indoors. No need to buy the expensive liners---this way you just use & toss it out when you're done painting. Gone are the days of messy cleanups!

- If we are going to the store for only a few items, we take along a cloth or canvas bag, thereby reducing the need for plastic grocery bags.

- Many grocery stores in our area have bins for you to put your bags in so they can be recycled. We take our bags and put them in the recycle bin.

- For small garbage tins, rather than buying garbage bags we use the plastic grocery bags to line our smaller garbage tins.

- We have made our dog, Sheema, a pillow to lay on, we used the plastic grocery bags to stuff the pillow, makes a great cushion for her!

- We make our own bread and rolls, so we save the store bought bread bags and use them to put our bread and rolls in...much cheaper than buying bags!

- sizegenetics penis enlargement device We always keep plastic grocery bags in our trunk. They are handy for wet clothes when we go to the ocean and also are great to have if Sheema (our dog) decides to use someone else's property to do her thing, make a great glove for picking up you penis enlargement with vigrx plus know what!

- When we travel, we always have plastic grocery bags with us to put our dirty clothes in.

- When mailing gifts, we use the plastic grocery bags as stuffing around the gift, helps prevent damage to the gift.

- Over the past year we did a lot of renovations to our home. When painting, we would wrap our paint brush in a plastic grocery bag. The next day when we were ready to continue painting, the brush would be soft and ready to use.

- The library is always looking for plastic bags. We always take some with us to carry our books. What we don't use we leave there for others to use.

Blogging Your Way To penile enlargement top enlargement products Success Part 4

(Continued from Blogging Your Way To Success Part 3)

In this last part of the series, we will summarize what we have covered:

1) You have registered for a Blogger account at

2) You have created at least 20 pages of content and set to �archive daily�.

3) You have sizegenetics penis enlargement device registered an account with AdSense.

4) You have created a feedback form at your blog.

5) You have started your link exchange campaigns.

With most of the technical things taken care off, the maintenance of your blog depends heavily on your consistent updates.

Make it a ritual (not just a habit) to post at least once a day at your blog. If you want visitors to keep coming back to your web site, then let your visitors have your word that you will post just as often penis enlargement with vigrx plus.

Your posts need not be a timely issue. Rather, you can offer tips and ideas on a specific topic. For instance, if your blog is about football, you do not necessarily have to update your visitors with the latest scores. You can do that on a timely basis. But rather, you can teach your visitors tips and tricks on playing football.

By now, you have one source of revenue. In time, you can either create your own product or source for other people�s products to sell at your web site.

From time to time, you will want to establish link exchanging campaigns to build your page ranks as well as drive in fresh targeted traffic derived from other people�s web sites.

If you need to see an example to model after, you can visit my blog at

There you go � a complete step-by-step guide on creating your own blog! Towards your blogging success!

Copyright � Edmund Loh

How to Buy Fixers for penis penis enlargement pill enlargement Profit

Do you dream of becoming a multi-millionaire real estate investor? Here's how to get started: find a bargain "fixer-upper" owned by a worried seller. The hardest house for a homeowner to sell is a "doghouse," "dump," or "fixer-upper." These run-down houses turn off most home buyers, who don't have the money to cover the down payment, plus closing costs, new furniture, carpeting, appliances penis enlargement pills, roof repairs, and other deferred maintenance required to bring the home back into top condition.

As you look through the classified ads or at real estate listings, keep an eye out for terms like "handyman special," "as is," "fixer," or other tell-tale phrase. Ask your buyer�s agent to list these words when scanning the Multiple Listing Service for you.

Why Home Sellers Accept Rock-Bottom Prices

Home owners' troubles often keep them from staying on top of their home's maintenance. Circumstances such as divorce, job loss, devastating illness, assorted addictions, or other personal problems quickly overcome distraught home owners, forcing them to sell. These home owners can't keep up with monthly mortgage payments and/or repairs because of financial or physical limitations. When these troubles arise, their home becomes a low priority and sometimes goes into foreclosure.

Find "Triple-D" Deals

Home sellers with three problems offer breaks to beginning real estate investors. A "Triple-D" deal is a Doghouse, involved in a Divorce, and in Default. The label "doghouse" comes from Southern California real estate agents who described the worst fixers this way. You may have seen ads for "ugly" houses. Often these "tired" houses need only cosmetic work in order to compete for resale with other homes in the area.

How to Compete in a Seller's Market

Once you've found a property that you can turn from doghouse to dollhouse, find out the seller's problem and then offer a solution. Distraught sellers commonly experience financial difficulties and need cash as soon as possible. Therefore, if you're ready to close rapidly, you'll be set to negotiate a lower sales price. Sellers with problems love it when an offer to purchase says "close in 10-14 days."

How to Complete a Fast Sale

Find an experienced lender and get yourself not only "pre-qualified," but also "pre-approved." Taking that second step assures worried sellers that you already have your loan in place for their property, and this puts you well ahead of other potential buyers.

Use a trusted closing or escrow agent who knows what they're doing; one not over-worked. Even in today�s busy penis enlargement review market, you can find an officer who can help you close in two weeks, when your financing is prearranged.

Real estate investing should be fun as well as profitable. Keep in mind that you're seeing potential when you view fixers. Enjoy your property search!

Copyright (c) 2005 Jeanette J. Fisher. All rights reserved.

Real Estate Appraisal - Rental penis enlargement pill penis enlargement Properties

Real estate appraisal for rental properties isn't the same as for single family homes. If you were looking at a 24-unit building, it would be difficult to find similar ones nearby that have recently sold. Therefore, a market analysis using comparable sales isn't normally used.

It is also not ideal to use replacement costs either. How do you figure replacement cost if there is no land for sale nearby with proper zoning? This is used as a secondary method, though, and can tell you if maybe you should be building instead of buying.

Real Estate Appraisal Using Capitalization

Investors buy rental properties for the income. Therefore it is the income that is used to determine value. The rate of return expected by investors in a given area gives you the capitalization rate, and this is what you use to accurately appraise an income property.

Start with the gross income. Subtract all expenses, but not including loan payments. If a building's gross income is $82,000 per year, and the expenses $30,000, you have a net before debt-service of $52,000. Now apply the capitalization rate to this figure.

If the common capitalization rate is .10, for example (ask a real estate agent), divide the income of $52,000 by .10, and you get $520,000. This is the value of the building. If the usual rate is .08, meaning investors in the area expect an 8% return, the value would be $650,000.

Easy Real Estate Appraisal?

Net income before debt-service, divided by the "cap rate:" It really is a simple formula. The tough part getting accurate income figures. Is the seller showing you ALL the normal expenses, and not exagerating income? If he stopped repairs for a year, and is showing penis enlargement review "projected" rents, the income figure could be $15,000 too high. This would mean the building is worth $187,000 less (.08 cap rate) than your appraisal shows.

Another thing smart investors do when buying, is to separate out income from vending machines and laundry penis enlargement pills machines. If these provide $6,000 of the income, that would add $75,000 to the appraised value (.08 cap rate). Do the appraisal without this income included, then add back the replacement cost of the machines (probably much less than $75,000).

Be careful when using any real estate appraisal method. No formula is perfect, and all are only as good as the figures you plug into them. Used wisely, though, real estate appraisal using capitalization rates is one of the most accurate methods.

Enlargement Reviews - News

Guest Book Review: Against The Machine, by Lee Siegel - The Moderate Voice

Thu, 06 Mar 2008 08:03:43 GMT

Guest Book Review: Against The Machine, by Lee Siegel
The Moderate Voice - Mar 6, 2008
From wealth scams to penis enlargement ads to Myspace and Facebook, to porno websites, mindless blogs that are ill wrought and intellectually nihil to ...

A closer look at the HTC Shift from Sprint - ZDNet

Thu, 20 Mar 2008 08:22:48 GMT

A closer look at the HTC Shift from Sprint
ZDNet - Mar 20, 2008
Origami Experience 2.0 on the HTC Shift consists of three applications, Origami Central, Origami Now, and Touch Settings (scroll bar enlargement and other ...

Penis Enlargement - SizeGenetics


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