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Tuesday, April 22, 2008

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Could Your Dog Have sizegenetics penis enlargement device color=#000000>penis enlargement with vigrx plus Anemia?

What is anemia? It is a serious condition caused by red blood cell loss. Lack of iron in the diet is usually the culprit. However with animals, anemia is usually caused by parasitic worms or fleas that feed on blood and tissues. On occasion, it can also be caused by a toxicity from exposure to certain drugs.

Find The Cause First

Is it possible that your dog has anemia? Symptoms to watch for are pale or white gums, signs of weakness and a fast pulse.

The first step in reversing this condition is to remove the cause. If your dog has fleas or intestinal parasites, start on a program to rid your pet of these pests as soon as possible.

Is your dog on any medications? Just like people, certain drugs can cause side-effects, such as anemia. If you suspect that this may be the cause of your dog's anemia, you will need to consult your veterinarian about switching your pet to a new medication.

Treatment For Canine Anemia

The good news is that anemia is a condition that can easily be treated by providing your dog with a diet rich in iron, protein and vitamin B12. Here are some especially iron-rich foods and supplements that penis enlargement pill should boost the growth of his red blood cells:

1. Beef liver is rich in iron, protein, B complex, and B12. It's one of the best ways of supplementing your pet's diet with iron.

2. Kelp powder is another good choice to add to your dog's food, as it contains iodine and other trace minerals.

3. Dark green vegetables contain penis enlargement a good source of iron as well. Just be careful about feeding too much gassy vegetables such as broccoli.

4. Vitamin B12 along with nutritional yeast can offer many of the same benefits as liver, although a natural food source is always a better pick. However, if you just can't stand the thought of cutting up liver chunks for your pet, this is a good alternative.

5. Providing Vitamin C (between 500 mgs to 2000 mgs per day, depending on your dog's size) along with 200 mg to 400 mg of Vitamin E helps with the absorption of iron within the intestinal tract. This combination is also a very good antioxidant. Give one Vitamin E a day, but divide up the dosage of Vitamin C to 3 times a day. Vitamin C is water soluble which means that it is quickly absorbed by the body. It needs to be replenished throughout the day to be most effective.

Be sure to check with your veterinarian if you believe your pooch has the signs of anemia. Get proper blood tests done to rule out any other possible problems or causes as well. Following the above dietary recommendations should help get your dog back to replenishing and increasing his or her red blood cells once more.

Fitness penis enlargement products and Wellness Principles: Part review of penis enlargement products 1- Weight Loss

The term �Wellness� is one of the most frequently used buzzwords in health and fitness these days. Wellness describes an overall health of the mind and body that result in an optimum sense of well-being (Dunn). Dr. Halbert Dunn first introduced the term in the 1950`s. In his book, High Level Wellness, Dr. Dunn defined the state of Wellness as �a method of functioning, which is oriented toward maximizing ones ability to function in their environment�; he summed this up by simply stating that it is the combination of things that give us a �zest for life�. Over the past several years, with skyrocketing health care costs, and an aging population, the concept of wellness or holism is spreading throughout organizations nationwide.

Dr. Dunn�s concept of Wellness is grounded in the belief that all individuals take responsibility for their own health and well�being by properly maintaining their personal fitness, body weight, stress level, and so on (Dunn). Although there are many dimensions of Wellness, the one that will be discussed in this article is Weight Management(body composition). In parts two and three, we will address physical fitness and stress management. Weight Management

The negative health implication of leading a lifestyle that makes one become overweight has been well documented. Unfortunately, it can be difficult for many dieters to determine exactly what methodology to use with so much conflicting information and marketing hype controlling the weight loss dialog. Naturally, everyone is looking for the easy way out. Therefore, people have become �sitting ducks� for the fad diet and diet product industry. The need for honest, practical information regarding diet and exercise becomes painfully evident when analyzing the diet and weight loss industries track record. The industry is currently a multi-billion dollar business that influences the behaviors of consumers around the world (Yoke et al.). Yet, the industry as a whole has a five-year failure rate of approximately 95% (Yoke et al.). The bottom line is fad diets and weight loss gimmicks do not work over the long haul (Kosich). Although many of the commercial diet plans are effective at helping people lose weight during the first few weeks, research suggests that only about 3% of individuals who use fad diets, and/or weight loss supplements maintained their weight loss (Kosich). In fact, most of the participants actually weighed more than they did at the beginning of their program within twelve months of completing the program.

The fact is, there are no miracle pills, shakes, or diet plans that will make people magically lose weight. Weight loss is accomplished simply by consistently creating a moderate deficit between the calories consumed vs. the calories used by the body. In other words, eat slightly fewer calories than your body uses in a day. This requires a lifestyle change. Not a �quick fix� program (Clark). The word �diet� is something to avoid. A �diet� program is typically associated with something that is going to be temporary and will restrict certain types of foods. This type of plan almost always fails over the long run (Kosich). Establishing healthier nutritional habits are the product of making the commitment to change.

Improving you food choices and controlling portion sizes are the two fundamental changes that need to be addressed. No one eats a perfect diet 100% of the time. It isn�t necessary, or desirable for you to expect that your daily meal plan will be perfect either. There should always be some flexibility to allow yourself to enjoy eating at restaurants or go to parties. With a bit of planning, it is possible to get a meal that can be both satisfying and nutritious.

Weight Loss Planning

1. Establish a realistic goal

2. Set a time frame for reaching the goal

3. Plan a sensible diet according to the Food Guide Pyramid or enlist the help of a Registered Dietician.

4. Learn to modify you food-buying habits and learn to cook and prepare healthier dishes.

5. Increase your physical activity

6. Learn to handle stress without using food as a reward

7. Avoid restrictive diets! Lowering your calories too far is not only unhealthy it is also counter productive. Ultra low calorie diets slow down your BMR (metabolic rate).

8. Change your attitudes about food. �Food is fuel� and its true purpose is to meet nutritional requirements of the body. (Klein), (Clark)

Nutrient Fundamentals

There are six essential nutrients that support our body�s energy needs and support the growth and repair of tissues: Carbohydrates, Proteins, Fats, Vitamins, Minerals, Water. (Clark)

Failing to meet the basic nutritional requirements will ultimately have a profound impact on ones physical and mental capabilities. Inadequate nutrition also increases our risk for a variety of illnesses. All living organisms need quality nutrition to grow and function properly (Beers, et al).

Carbohydrates are the body�s primary source of energy. There are two main types of carbohydrates: Simple Sugars (Fruits, Juice, Sucrose, etc) and Complex Carbohydrates (yams, potatoes, bread, and pasta). Carbohydrates contain four calories per gram and should account for approximately 60% of your daily calories (Clark).

Protein is used by the body to promote the growth and repair of tissues. Low fat protein sources include grilled chicken, broiled white fish, egg whites, roasted turkey breast, and beans. Protein also has four calories per gram and should account for approximately 15% of your daily calories (Clark).

Fats are a necessary part of a healthy diet. Fats are responsible for energy production (especially long term energy), transportation of fat-soluble vitamins, insulation, and protection of the organs. Fats have nine calories per gram and it is recommended that 20 � 30% of your daily calories come from fats (Clark), (Beers, et al)

It is desirable to minimize fats that are high in cholesterol, such as whole eggs, bacon, and whole milk products. In addition, hydrogenated oils (Trans Fatty Acids) should be avoided (Klein). Trans Fatty Acids are found in many commercial peanut butters, baked goods, and margarine spreads.

Water does not contain top enlargement products any calories, but is possibly the most important nutrient in our diet. The body is composed of approximately 60% water (Baechle). A person can only survive for a short time without water. Water keeps us hydrated, cools the body, transports nutrients, and eliminates toxins (Beers, et al), (Yoke et al.). We get our supply of water from both liquids and many of the foods that we eat (primarily fruits and vegetables). The body does not store water; therefore, it needs to be replaced daily. It is recommended that a sedentary adult living in an average climate consume about 64 ounces of water each day. Obviously, if you are active and/or live in a warm climate, you will need to consume more. Furthermore, it is recommended that individuals participating in vigorous, long term exercise, such as marathon training, consume about 500ml of fluids every thirty minutes during their exercise period (Baechle).

Better Choices

In my book, the ideal first step toward making better choices would start with the following five dietary adjustments:

1. Avoid Fast Food.

2. Do Not Eat Vending Machine Food (Candy, Chips & Sodas).

3. Grill, Bake or Broil instead of frying.

4. Drink calorie free drinks instead of sodas and juices.

5. Avoid alcohol beverages.

If you can exercise these five points, you will be well on your way to making outstanding food choices. Instead of getting in to a great deal of technical information about food choices, I think it is more useful to focus on the basics. For example, here is the nutritional breakdown for a popular, large sized, fast food burger:

� 1060 Calorie

� 69 Grams of Fat

� 1540 mg. Sodium

� 27 Grams of Saturated Fat

Above statistics:(Johnson et al.)

1060 Calories is almost a whole days calories for many people! In addition, 1540 mg of sodium is approximately 65% of your daily sodium intake (Yoke et al.). Needless to say, it would be much better to make a chicken or turkey sandwich from fresh ingredients at home and pack it with you to work. That way, you can control how it is prepared and what type of condiments, salt, or oils that are added.

Sugar is the most over consumed nutrient in the American diet. Although the body does require small amounts of simple sugar for �quick� energy, it has developed a deserved reputation as one of the �bad for you� foods. This is due to the massive consumption of sodas, candies, desserts penile enlargement, and juice drinks, the average American gets far more sugar than they need (Klein). In fact, many people could reach their ideal weight simply by decreasing the amount of sodas that they consume. The average 20oz soda has a whopping 304 calories, in addition to varying amounts of caffeine (Johnson et al.).

Serving Size

Ones ability to successfully modify their past eating habits is the single greatest predictor of success in a weight loss/weight management program (Kosich). Among the most important changes that can be made is the proper control of your portion sizes. Since the 1950�s the typical fast food meal has more than doubled in calories (Johnson et al.). This is mainly due to the larger portion sizes that are being served today. Unfortunately, this has led people to adopt the restaurant�s examples of serving size at their dinner table at home. This combination is more than likely the most significant factor in the �obesity epidemic� that we are experiencing in our country. I find it humorous to see so many people in the media questioning the source of obesity, as though it is such a mystery. I don�t think that it is difficult to see the pattern that has developed in our society. People have become progressively less active over the past 100 years, while continuing to increase the average daily calorie intake. That is definitely a formula for becoming overweight.

Below is a simple guideline for serving sizes:

Breads & Grains: 1 slice of bread, � bagel(about the size of a hockey puck), � cup of rice(about the size of a cupcake), � cup pasta

Fruits and Vegetables: � cup (about the size of a light bulb)

Meat, Poultry: 3 ounces (about the size of a deck of cards)

Dairy:1 oz. of cheese (about the size of 4 dice)

Fats,Oils, Sweets: Use Sparingly (One serving is about the size of the tip of your thumb)

NHLBI 2006 (Food Serving Size Card)

Another source of confusion regarding serving size is our current food labeling system. Food labels can be confusing and misleading. But, it is in your best interest to make sure that you understand how much is in a serving of the foods that you buy. Many products, especially snack foods, come in packages that appear to be a single serving. However, when you analyze the label, you may be surprised to find that some small bags of chips contain up to three servings. So make sure to read labels. Food labels contain so much information. How do we know what they really mean? Below are some common label terms. Keep in mind that all values given are �per serving�.

Calorie Free: fewer than 5 calories

Low Calorie: 40 or fewer calories

Fat Free: less than � gram of fat/serving

Low Fat: 3 grams or less

Reduced Fat: at least 25% less fat than the regular item

Sodium Free: fewer than 5 mg of sodium

Low Sodium: fewer than 140 mg of sodium

High Fiber: 5 or more grams of fiberNHLBI (Read the Food Label), (Klein)

Remember, safe and effective weight loss amounts to about � - 2 pounds per week for most individuals. If you are losing more than that, chances are you are also losing a significant amount of water and muscle as well (Kosich).

Using a scale as your primary measure of success can be very deceiving. This is especially true if you are including resistance exercise in your program, which will cause a gain in lean muscular weight. Exercise and Strength training will more than likely influence the number that you see on your scale. Perhaps the best measure of your success is the way you look in the mirror, or the way that your cloths fit (Kosich). As a rule of thumb, you should weigh on the scale no more than once per week. Your scale can�t tell muscle mass from fat free mass and BMI charts are not very useful at determining changes in body composition. So, keep in mind that �inches lost� will usually exceed �pounds lost� (Kosich).

When you do check your weight every 1 �2 weeks make sure to weigh on the same scale, with the same amount of clothing, and at the same time of day. This will ensure a more accurate comparison. It may also be useful to keep a journal that contains more detailed information, such as how you feel, how your clothes are fitting, physical activity, and how you look. As mentioned earlier, your ability to modify your past habits will be the greatest predictor of your potential for success in a weight loss program. Planning menus, shopping lists, and keeping a written record of your food intake are a few of the most valuable behavior changes that you can learn. Research has shown that people who keep written records of their diets are much more likely to continue to manage their diets successfully (Kosich). Always remain mindful that the formula for weight loss is simple: All calories consumed in excess of the body�s daily needs are stored as fat. Weight Loss is all about consistently creating a modest calorie deficit, where you burn more calories than you consume (Clark). The ultimate goal is FAT LOSS, not just weight loss. So take the steady, methodical approach instead of the diet fads and schemes and you will reap lifelong benefits.

Always consult your doctor before beginning any exercise or diet program. The information presented here is in no way intended to substitute for medical advice.

Doug Galligan is a Personal Trainer and Health Club Manager with over 20 years of experience in the fitness industry. You can visit his site at:

References � Wellness part I

Dunn, Halbert. High Level Wellness. 3rd ed. : R. W. Beatty, Ltd, 1967. (Dunn)

Clark, Nancy. Sports Nutrition Guidebook. 2nd ed. Brookline: Human Kinetics, 1997.(Clark)

Yoke, Mary, and Laura Gladwin. A Guide to Personal Fitness Training. 3rd ed. Sherman Oaks: AFAA, 2003.(Yoke et al.)

Klein, Keith,. Weight Control For A Young America. 1st ed. Wilsonville: Book Partners, 1999.(Klein)

"Wellness (alternative medicine)." Wikipedia, The Free Encyclopedia. Internet Resource 2006.Wellness (alternative medicine))

Townes, Dwight. "Wellness: The Emerging Concept and Its Components." Individual Psychology: The Journal of Adlerian Theory 40.4 (1988): .(Townes)

Kosich, Daniel. Get Real: A Personal Guide to Real Life Weight Management. 1st ed. San Diego: IDEA, 1997.(Kosich)

Sol, Neil, and Laura Gladwin. An Emerging Profession: The Fitness Practitioner. Sherman Oaks: AFAA, 1996.(Sol et al.)

Baechle, Thomas, ed. Essentials of Strength Training and Conditioning. 1st ed. Champaign: Human Kinetics, 1994.(Baechle)

Beers, MD, Mark, and Thomas Jones, MD, ed. Merk Manual of Health and Aging. Whitehouse Station: Merk and Co, Inc., 2004.(Beers, et al)

Johnson, Sharon, and Ruth Litchfield. "Soft Drink Portions Make a Difference." Iowa State University Extension May 2004. Dec 2005 .(Johnson et al.)

"Food Serving Size Card.", �Read The Food Label� 2006. National Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute 2006. 29 Jan. 2006 .

By Douglas Galligan

Homework sizegenetics penis enlargement device: Six Strategies to Prevent Your Child from Getting Into penis enlargement with vigrx plus Overwhelm

Once overwhelm sets in and your child is melting down under a confusing to-do pile, it is can be a frantic challenge to dig her out and settle her down. Here are six pro-active strategies; so start now to see them really work!

1. Plan ahead. Shift gears before homework burn out sets in. We adults need quick pick-me-ups through the day penis enlargement pill; coffee breaks, power naps, a few penis enlargement deep stretches to keep alert. So do our kids. Work with your kids to help them discover their personal strategies to refresh and refocus.

2.Take many mini breaks. Plan for them so your student can look forward to a periodic relaxer. This is a good strategy to help kids with ADHD or Asperger Syndrome, or High Functioning Autism. If focus and concentration on a non �preferred activity is a challenge, you can build time on task. Break every 15 minutes or every 5 minutes if that�s where you can start with success.

3. Use their talents and interests to motivate at work time and enjoy at break time. At the pre-determined break time, it might be one round of table hockey or ten minutes with the colored markers or�.just be sure to establish the rules ahead of time, something like � this is a �mini break� and a privilege and I trust you to stop and get right back to work when the time is up.� A minute timer is handy to keep nearby and you might be pleasantly surprised at how your child monitors his own breaks.

4. Just stop working for a while or for the day. Let the brain recharge. Loosen up on your homework rules when you know it makes sense, but make it a rare event. You know your child�s limits: when she will respond well to an extra push and when she is unable to push forward another bit.

5.Begin to handle a small piece of long-term projects as soon as the assignment comes in. Bigger projects are an opportunity to help your child learn to organize with mind mapping techniques.

6. Keep in steady contact with teachers. Be pro-active in preventing overwhelm in the form of an avalanche of assignments. Incomplete homework may suddenly show up, buried in folders or at the backpack bottom, and it all comes out as the grading period is coming to a close. Most teachers are happy to work on homework systems with parents to avoid late-semester chaos when it is too late anyway to catch up on those lost grades. If your child has an IEP, work together with the school to help your child make the best of his modification plan. Or follow that model; create a working relationship with your child�s teachers; set up a weekly meeting or phone call for a homework progress review or communicate in writing daily through a planner book.

Very Important Final Tip: Practice these steps before you have a homework crisis on your hands!

Spanking - Is it Proper top enlargement products penile enlargement Punishment - Essay

For year parents have been using spanking as a means of disciplining a child. It was always seen as a good method until now. Many have come to question this form of punishment wondering whether this method is too harsh. Some argue that it may lead to abuse, while others say that without it children might not learn from their mistakes. By looking at the several views of people we may later come to understand and go along with one side of the argument.

In the article, �Study: Harm Outweighs Benefits of Spanking,� Shankar Vedantam questions whether spanking is a greatly harmful or beneficial method of disciplining a child. She does so by comparing the opposite views of Elizabeth Gershoff and Robert Larzelere. Elizabeth believes that spanking is 100% harmful penis enlargement with vigrx plus to children, as it makes them temporarily complaint and raises the risk of the child becoming aggressive, antisocial, and chronically defiant. Conversely, Robert Larzelere believes that if a child becomes aggressive after spanking, it is because he or she had problems to begin with, and if it wasn�t for the spanking, he or she would have been worse off. The most argued problem with spanking is that it might turn into abuse. On that ground, both researchers agree that spanking delivered in vexation is indeed not effective and could turn into abuse. The great controversy about spanking lies along a societal fault, whereas the rights of parents conflict with those of children. For example, spanking is illegal in most states in the U.S.; however, it is still practiced. Larzelere then argues that the severity and circumstances are more important than whether parents spank their children. This controversy has many baffled, as even the American Psychological Association are undecided about whether spanking in the house is a bad practice sizegenetics penis enlargement device.

Soccer Team Strategies top enlargement products With the 3-4-3 System penile enlargement of Positional Set Up

3, defenders,

These three are very confident that they can handle a lone striker or two forwards. They are also reliant on a good defensive midfield.

On the attack these players will play wide positions. On the defense these players will be more compact and allow the outside midfields to aid in the wider positions.

At times the inside mid-fielders will "show" for the ball. This creates an additional attack from the centre of the pitch as the mid-fielders become out-let players.

They are trying to convert the play by maintaining possession.

When there are only 4 midfielders the attitude is to feed the 3 strikers with the long ball from the back.


4, mid-fielders are usually arranged as outside left, inside left, inside right and outside right.

The outside players are called, wingers or flank players and are also involved in striking the goal.

This would make this line up have a possibility of 4 strikers at any given time.

These wingers usually have the bulk of the running to do as they could carry the ball from the defending third and into the attacking third.

This also depends on the team strategy as outlined by the coaching staff.

The two inside mid-fielders are supposed to be the "play makers".

These are the individuals who are responsible for carrying out the plans the coach and players have designed and used as the methods of attack and goal scoring.

These positions have traditionally played these roles. However nowadays the play making comes from anyone and sometimes all the players at any given time.

These inside players have also been more defensive in their general on field play.

This defensive idea is to stop the opposition from penis enlargement with vigrx plus creating attacking options.

They will then gain possession of the ball and and mount sizegenetics penis enlargement device an immediate attack through their play making abilities.


3, forwards,This is the first time in any formations that we discuss the possibility of three strikers.

This is a team who definitely has goal scoring in mind first.

They want to put pressure on their opponents by having a greater numerical advantage while attacking.

This team also forces the opposition to become more defensive. This is a tactical of aggression from this team.

Bulgarian Property penis enlargement penis enlargement pill Market Insight


At the present time there are only three golf courses in the whole of Bulgaria: one at Elin Pelin, near the capital, Sofia, and two owned by Air Sofia. These are located at Ihtiman, opened in 2000, 40km from Sofia, and at Sliven, opened in 2004, 90km from the Black Sea.

Because of the increasingly rapid rise in foreign interest in Bulgaria recently, several more golf courses are proposed. One of these will be located at Razgrad, in the north-east, about 90km from the Black Sea. More are scheduled to open in the next few years: two at Kavarna and one at Primorsko, near Sozopol.

Mountain and ski areas will be represented by a golf course in the ski town of penis enlargement pills Bansko this year, and a very large golf complex between Kostenets and Borovets, the country's foremost ski resort. This is scheduled for 2007, the year of Bulgaria's entry into the European Union, and will be located at Dolna Banya, already near Bulgaria's first golf course at Ihtiman.

Bulgaria Properties Ltd has purchased almost 6 acres of prime development land adjacent to the proposed golf course at Dolna Banya. The plans are to construct about 220 apartments around a comprehensive sports complex, with access to the golf course by a short footpath. The amenities on site are to include tennis, volleyball, squash, badminton, lawn bowls, boules (boccia), shooting, archery, croquet, mountain biking, and fishing nearby. Indoor facilities will include a 140-seat main restaurant and cabaret stage, a huge main bar (perhaps the largest in Bulgaria), a sports bar with projection TV, snooker, pool, table football, table tennis, a Chinese restaurant, Indian restaurant, fast food cafeteria, pizzeria, gymnasium, sauna, massage parlour, clinic, chemist, sports shop and minimarket.

Steve Avery, a Director of Bulgaria Properties Ltd, said, �It may sound like a clich� but we really were in the right place at the right time! After two years in this business, I just couldn�t believe my luck to find such a gem. Anyone involved in this project should make a serious return on their investment.�


On Borovets and Bansko generally, Steve had this to say: �Apart from having ski lifts and ski runs, these two towns are quite different from each other, and appeal to different groups of people. Bansko is an old, traditional residential town with lots of character and no fewer than 180 quaint taverns full of local people singing and dancing to a typical Bulgarian folk band. Borovets, by contrast, is purely a resort, with hotels, modern west European-style bars and night-clubs, caf�s and restaurants. Residential property and holiday homes are therefore readily available in Bansko, but not in Borovets, where the closest you can get is usually in one of the surrounding villages.

�As for property values, Bansko went mad for a period of three months at the end of 2003, with land prices doubling, and then calmed down. Many poor goatherders suddenly found that they were rich. Nothing wrong with that, I say. Since then values have been pretty steady there until now, when they�re starting to creep up again. The reason for this is that the sudden surge in foreign tourists to Bansko has left the supply of holiday accommodation woefully short of the demand. And this trend shows no sign of abating. To try to cope with it, there have sprung up many hotels and apartment projects, but it seems unlikely that even these will be able to satisfy the demand for accommodation for several years yet. As a result, the prices for such apartments range from 1,000 Euros per sq.m. for a ground-floor unit facing away from the mountains, to 1,350 Euros per sq.m. for a top-floor example with a mountain view. Yet, people buy them. I guess, because a 1 bedroom 60sq.m. apartment for �41,000 is still a far better deal than you�d get in Spain. I�ve heard developers claim that 90% of their apartments are sold within 3 weeks! I only hope that we have such luck when ours are released in June!

�In this respect Borovets, again, is different. Although it�s Bulgaria�s first and best-known ski resort, it stagnated for years� until now. The �Super Borovets� project, funded by EU, governmental, foreign and local business sources, is scheduled to run from 2005 to 2009, and will revitalise the whole region around the town to a radius of 10-12km. This has already started to affect property values in the surrounding areas. To give an example, in March 2004 we bought, unseen, a half-acre plot in a village 15km from Borovets. When I visited it, I discovered that it wasn�t suitable for building apartments; so, I put it on the market in August. By November it was sold at an 80% profit � after all costs were deducted!

�I am personally of the opinion that the �Bansko effect� could strike around Borovets at any moment. That�s the reason why Bulgaria Properties Ltd is developing four projects here, and only two in Bansko. We can sell these apartments about 15% cheaper � at the moment, anyway. Borovets must surely offer a better return on investment, regardless of the type of property bought: land, a shack, whatever. You won�t find new apartments easily, though. As far as we know, Bulgaria Properties Ltd is the only developer building them. I don�t, however, expect this monopoly to last for long.

�Bulgaria�s third ski region is at Pamporovo, which, like Borovets, is purely a resort. Funding is starting to come in, but full development, if it happens at all, is likely to follow several years behind Borovets. Its distance from Sofia (a day�s drive) makes it less attractive to visitors from north and west Europe. It is, however, popular with Greeks, because of its proximity to the frontier. One of Bulgaria�s major motorway routes to Greece will pass very close to Pamporovo, and this should boost its popularity, as well as making the Mediterranean Sea more accessible.

�Property values are lower here than in Bansko and penis enlargement review Borovets, but are creeping up gradually. I reckon that Pamporovo is a good long-term prospect; say five to ten years. The only reason why Bulgaria Properties Ltd has no developments here is because I�ll probably have retired before the boom happens.�

How does a mountain area investment compare with coastal properties?

�Significant differences yet again. Until recently, most of the investment was flooding into the northern Black Sea coast resorts, from Varna down to Sunny Beach. The area became very popular as a result of the Bulgarian government�s �Bulgaria the Beautiful� TV campaign back in the �80s, and the subsequent interest of package tour operators. Now that the north is saturated with developments, the interest has begun to creep down the coast. This is causing a steep rise in property values. They are still lower than those in the north, but the gap is closing. An investment in the south should therefore offer a better ROI.

�Don�t expect, though, the ambience of the south to become like that of the north. When I discussed the subject with the Chairman of the Bulgarian Foreign Investment Agency last year � an extremely intelligent and able young man, I must add � he told me in no uncertain terms that he did not want the south to become like the north. His very words were: �We don�t want another Benidorm.� So, prospective property purchasers need to bear this in mind, and balance their desire for more capital growth, or their willingness to accept less, with the different rental market appeal of the two regions, along with their own taste in holidays.

�There is one highly significant factor, however, which very often goes unnoticed until it is too late; and it applies to the whole coast. Most people don�t know that it freezes on the coast in winter. When they see the coastal resorts basking in the hot summer sunshine, it�s difficult to imagine snow on the ground. The entire coast simply shuts down in the winter, and nothing happens. It�s as dead as a doornail. Therefore, rental income can be fairly assured for 15 weeks, possibly 20, plus some odd bits in the shoulder seasons of April and October. The coast has a five-month season from May to September, compared to nine months in the ski areas. Those people buying only for rental income, therefore, would find the mountains far more lucrative.

� �The Times� recently published an article, saying: �Rental yields tend to be better for ski properties than those on the coast because of the longer ski season. You could expect about 12 per cent gross yield for a good ski apartment and about half that on the coast.�

�Rents vary greatly, and depend on many factors, most of which should be obvious: location, size, view, amenities. The standard of finish and the condition of the property can also determine your market quite radically. To appeal to west Europeans, and to command the highest rents, your property must be well finished and appointed, and be in tip-top condition. If it is not, you still have a market for east Europeans, who tolerate less salubrious surroundings because they pay much less, usually about half of the west European rates.

�Generally, summer rental rates on the coast equate to winter rates in the ski resorts, both seasons being about five months. Remember that you also have about four months� additional rent, though at lower rates, during the summer in the mountains. These rates should increase gradually, as the Government programmes to make the ski towns more popular for summer holidays make their mark.

�There are several Bulgarian agencies willing to manage your rental properties for you. Expect to pay about 20% of the rent as a fee.�

What about properties in the countryside?

�Not a serious contender in the ROI stakes, I think. Not if you consider the effort involved. You can pick up property very cheaply indeed in the inland areas, away from the resorts. Almost always it�ll need some kind of work; anything from a face-lift to demolition. There�s often no inner staircase to the bedrooms, no bathroom, and the toilet is in a shed in the garden. This kind of property is great for buyers who want to get away from their homeland, and disappear in the beauty of nature permanently. As a business, it could appeal to self-builders or DIY enthusiasts, prepared to do it for fun, and accept a low return on their financial and physical investment. As for rental income, forget it!�

And the cities?

�Again, there are differences, even between cities. The prime city is, of course, Sofia, the capital. Buy the right apartment here, in the right area, and you can expect a guaranteed rental return of about 12% per annum. The flavour of the month is gated communities, particularly in the south of the city. The diplomatic residential district of Vitosha is one of the best bets. There is a ready demand for luxury accommodation from diplomatic staff and executives seconded by foreign companies, usually on a long-term basis, and this demand should increase as 2007, the year of Bulgaria�s accession to the European Union, approaches. Although you should expect to pay high for such properties by Bulgarian standards, it�s still only the price of a tarted-up Victorian terraced flat in a UK provincial town.

�There�s virtually no market for tourist rentals in Sofia, as it�s probably the least interesting European capital city. It�s also very polluted, although they are trying to clean up their act, ready for EU entry in 2007.

�Plovdiv, the country�s second city, is much more pleasant. It has a quaint old town, as well as modern business districts. It therefore bridges the gap between business and tourism, as far as rentals are concerned. Plovdiv is connected to Sofia by an excellent motorway, on which you can keep the pedal to the metal, if you�re prepared to risk an on-the-spot fine of 50 Leva (about �18).

�Veliko Tarnovo is probably Bulgaria�s most touristic city, with its citadel and mediaeval ramparts. Most people who buy property here do so to make it their main home. The city itself is beautiful, and it has everything a townie needs. Drive a short distance, and you�re in some wonderful countryside. You couldn�t really make a good living from rentals, but it�s the perfect place to retire to.

�There�s one more thing which is important enough to mention: Mineral baths. These exist all over Bulgaria, the most significant being at Narechen, south of Plovdiv, and Momin Prohod, near Kostenets. Scientific studies rank Bulgaria among the foremost in Europe for hydrothermal, bioclimatic and mud treatments, sea cures and other health resources. Bulgaria is a world leader with its exceptional diversity of medicinal herbs and the excellent curative properties of its apian products. Any property near a spa should attract a premium to its sales or rental value.�

Full details about the �Super Borovets� project, price madness in Bansko, golf developments in Bulgaria, and new apartments in Bansko and Borovets can be seen at the Bulgaria Properties Ltd web site Or you can e-mail, or call the company at +44 (0)871 226 2296 to order a free 28-page hand-out, or just for a chat, if you prefer. They always have time for you.

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For more years than I care to remember, I struggled with money. I don't anymore but I understand the difficulty of not having enough. Nobody understands when you tell them you juggled last months water bill against this months utility and you are short. No, its worse than that....they don't care.

Quick time money is money that needs to come now, today, this minute. Its important and urgent so its got to present itself quickly.

Quick time money is money created out of thin air. Its usually not a lot of money but its fast, legal and easy to get. So in the following you will not find grandiose formulas and graphs and charts on wealth generation. This practical idea will get you out of jams. Of course the best way to keep out of money-jams is to always have more than enough money in the first place. Perhaps you will find out more about what we do later. Who knows, but anyway, here is a way to put money in your pocket right this minute.

We are working on getting you $200 to $300 in a day. For somebody who is stuck, that's not a bad parachute at all.

Now, before I tell you what I suggest you do, you should know I am clinically sane and of sound mind. It may seem counter-intuitive to suggest this to you, but its sound advice.

Go shopping.

Yes I know it doesn't make sense yet so keep reading.

At the level you are at (in a negative money situation) don't expect to make your first million doing just this, but the principle is sound and can definitely lead on to a career as an opportunity investor.

You will make three transactions today.

But first you will sit down with a pen and paper and write down your interests and competencies. For example, you have always enjoyed antiques. Fine, lets start with that.

In fact, if antiques are a core competency of yours, then you should stick with that until you get to higher levels. (You wont be buying any real estate any time soon, unless you research "no money down techniques" but you can definitely rely on this whenever you are in a squeeze for some money quick)

First you are going to consider supply and demand. Two important and divergent forces in which you will play the main lead. You will be the initiator, the middle man. (My favourite place of all to be)

From the supply side, you are going to identify 3 places where antiques may possibly be sold cheap, or at least below wholesale. Do such places of supply exist? You bet. Have you ever heard of a "Don't wanner" (in plain English that's don't-want-her) item? Often they are considered junk by the penis enlargement with vigrx plus owners of these yet to be discovered treasures.

Garage sales, deceased estates advertised in the local journal and classified ads are just three sources off the top of my head. I'm sure you could find another 10 if you tried.

But even before you go shopping you are going to haunt the local antique shops in your area. The reason why you will spend so much time at all of them is because you are going to say hi, introduce yourself and possibly mention that you may have some items for them. (Don't worry, they will always tell you no, we don't need any we are already overstocked as it is) its what they do. They set the tone in the negotiation 3 moves ahead. When the item is before them and they can see it, they will deal.

You are also going to spend time gauging prices, retail prices. Know that you sizegenetics penis enlargement device will have to find your items at around 30% below these prices, then another margin for your profits.

There is good money to be made trading unwanted items and converting them into cash.

Even at the level we deal in, "don't wanner" houses, boats, luxury cars and even precious stones, the dollar amounts (and there fore the profits) are a lot higher. But the compounding is amazing. If only these fellows playing the stock market knew about the percentage returns available being an opportunity investor.

My Very Best to you

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