The Winter Olympics....
Once again the fishing world has been ignored.
As I sit watching a spine tingling, heart thumping, always tension packed Olympic Curling event competition, I can't help but wonder why a fishing event has never been represented in the Olympics.
What are they trying to say?
Are they saying that there is no athletic prowess involved when trying to flick a #12 Adams to a 20 inch ring created by the kiss of an 18 inch Rainbow trout!
Is the firing of a high powered rifle after skiing around on a pair of wooden planks any more demanding than fording a riffle packed stream and tossing a chunk of powerbait deftly into the "honeyhole" pocket containing an 8 inch stocker?
I see no difference.
But then I'm an idiot.
Or am I? Let's at least take a look at some future options for the winter Olympics, that can finally give the fisherman his due when it comes to skill and athleticism....
1) What event shows stamina and grit more than ice fishing? I propose a winter Olympic event that is comprised of ice fishing. In this event, contestants will be timed on their ability to saw a hole in 8 to 10 inches of a frozen lake surface, run in sneakers across the frozen ice to a designated staging area where they will grab up a rod, and stool, and sprint back across the ice to the open hole, bait up, and sit for hours in a fierce northern wind. The athlete then will hopefully, eventually catch a fish, pull his fish from the ice hole, drop it in a bucket, and sprint again across the ice, into a 1975 Ford pick- up truck, drive across the finish line to the cheers, flag waving,and cow bell jingling of his fellow countrymen.
More challenges? Perhaps a couple of fellas name Swen and Ole can sit across from the contestant and constantly be throwing a verbal barrage of "You Betcha's" and "Don't ya know's" at the athlete, as he or she agonizingly attempts to coax a fish out of the water.
Talk about grit!!
Of course the Norwegian contingent top enlargement products might not have a problem with this and be at a decided advantage.HOW do you say "you betcha" in Norwegian anyway?
We will all watch as the hole starts to skim over with ice,and the athlete frantically chips away at the hole to keep it ice free.All the while precious time clicks away as the fish only nibbles at the bait.
They can even hold this event indoors at the Olympic Hockey or Figure Skating venues. It might even make the hockey games more interesting with a few holes in the ice, and figure skating?PLEASE... a double axle into a gaping hole in the ice will add more excitement than Tonya Harding and Nancy Kerrigan living in the same trailer park. Or they can leave a few frozen fish on the ice to help add to the Olympic ambiance.
The events could also easily be held as a "two man" competition with one athlete fishing, while the other builds an ice shack.
If the extreme thrill of the Downhill is your cup a tea, imagine if they hold the event on thin melting ice. The now famous runs of Franz Klammer and Hermann Maier will pale in comparison to the crackling of ice beneath the ice fisherman's stool as he scrambles for shore before disappearing into the frigid waters.
Talk about the agony of defeat....
2)Boat Slalom. Never mind the luge, bobsled, or skeleton(which at first glance appear to require the two major athletic skills of courage and alcohol), try standing up in a drift boat while running a classIV rapid with a 40 pound salmon stripping line off of your reel, hell bent for return to the ocean. Yes, athletes in ten layers of clothing including the mandatory flannel outer jacket, will try to stay afoot while "the driver" navigates the boulder choked channel of a stream. Not only are the contestants timed in this event, but style points are given for the degree of difficulty the athlete shows while doing "gunnel grabs", "spins", and the ever popular "aerials". Throw in a number of slalom gates, and you have the making of an event made for television. Fall in or lose your salmon, and it's sorry Charlie--see you in four years.
"OOOHHH, tough break Vern--Elwood has been training all his life for this moment, and to see it all go overboard in one instant is heartbreaking...."
3) No offense to our Canadian friends north of the border, but --CURLING!!! CURLING!! A combination of bowling on ice and a group of shop keepers trying to keep the storefront spiffy.
Gawd, the winters must be awful up there.
Outside of the obvious "sex appeal"of the Olympic Curlingevents, the only thing more thrilling would be to watch Dick Cheney go quail hunting.
But, given that there is a place on the podium for chiseled curling athletes, I'm sure we could find a spot for the skilled athleticism of the Winter Fly Tying Team !This event would obviously be dominated by the American squad, which has trained year round in a meat locker in Detroit. Size #28 midge after miserable size #28 midge, the Americans have relentlessly been training, by tying these little buggers to 8x tippet--in a meat locker kept at 14 degrees below zero.
That's minus 26 celsius for our European competitors.
There at the Olympic Fly Tying arena, in frigid weather, teams of fly tiers will take to the vice, and tie up various flys. We will watch pained expressions and complete intense concentration as athletes try to get their fingers to work in the icy cold. We will hold our breath as they try to get the hackle and dubbing just right. Precious time will tick away as they blow on their hands, and we watch split screen images of just where the Olympic hopefuls lost time along the way.
Of course,in this two day event, athletes will be judged on speed penile enlargement, style,difficulty, and the ability to catch and release fish.
So, here's to the athletes of the XX th Olympiad, and I will see you fishing rod in hand, in Vancouver in 2010.
Purpose: Our bodies are the temples of our penis enlargement products spirits. We are co-creators with God. Modesty is a virtue. The domination of others, and the enticement of them into unsavory acts, degrades the human race and casts the participants into disgrace and jeopardy.
The Lesson:
Parents, there is only one thing you can do to protect your children and yourselves from pornography. That is to avoid it.
More money is generated by porn than most honest commercial endeavors on the Internet. A description of these activities only leads to curiosity.
Some of the operators of commercial porn businesses are crude, evil, and ruthless. One operator said in a television interview that he didn't care about the people that work in his business. He said he didn't care about their drug addictions, their degradation, nor their welfare. He once cared, he said, but the participants, in his opinion, are just low-lifes that come and go.
Control Your Computer
The computer is the easy way to find porn. It can pop up at most any time. Your child makes a search for a school report and up come the porn sites. One click and he or she is there.Your child (or you) receives an e-mail and it immediately zaps to a porn site. One porn site can pop up fifty other porn sites.
What to do about your computer.
Their are security options on your computer. First, erase the history in your browser. Then use the security functions that your browser provides. Use the Help Menu to learn how to set security for your system(s). Make sure you password protect the security options.
If you can't seem to do this, find a friend that knows the ropes of computers. At last resort, call a computer professional or visit a computer store and have the clerk show you how to secure your computer.
What to do about your television.
You can protect your children and yourself by not subscribing to cable channels that broadcast X- or R-rated movies or pornographic movies and programs. If you can still see these channels even though you are not a subscriber, have the cable company put the proper filters in their system to block the offending channels out. Don't pay for this service. It is their problem not yours. One of my sons has a device that bleeps out all crude dialogue from his television, CDs, and VCR tapes.
What to do about movies.
Make sure your local movie companies are not allowing minors to enter the theater to watch R- and X- rated movies. It is the theater's management's job to see that your child doesn't buy a ticket for Bambi and then slip into the theater that is showing "Tootoo Comes of Age."
What to do about pornographic books and magazines being sold at your supermarket.
Take a look at what's on the shelves and magazine racks at your supermarket. If their are offensive materials, tell the manager that you don't like it and that, if they are not removed, you are not only not going to patronize the store, you are going to raise a great stink about it in the community by writing to the newspapers and calling in on talk shows and talking to schools, friends, and neighbors.
A lesson from the Knights of Columbus
A friend of mine was a member of that group. He told me that in Denver, the Knights decided they had enough of grocery stores selling pornographic magazines and displaying them to the children and the rest of their customers.
They thought up a great little scheme.
They each went to a grocery review of penis enlargement products stores and each Knight filled his cart to overloading with several hundred dollars worth of groceries. Then he proceeded to check out.
At the checkout stand where the magazines were exhibited, he picked up a magazine and asked for the manager. When the manager arrived, the Knight said, �Why do you sell pornographic magazines, and in addition, display them for children to see?
The Knight didn't wait for an answer. He walked out of the store--leaving the filled cart for the store employees to unload back to the shelves. It wasn't long before the store managers got the word. The magazines were out!
Porn is profitable. When you support it, you are demoralizing not only yourself but other human beings.
According to members of the porn industries, most all workers in the industry are addicted to drugs and alcohol, suffer from venereal disease, from time to time, or AIDS. Their careers are short and not fulfilling. The next step from porn is prostitution. Do you really want to support such endeavors? Of course not.
Remember that the Bible says that " are the temple of God:" See: 1Cor:3:16: "Know ye not that ye are the temple of God, and that the Spirit of God dwelleth in you?"
Also: 1Cor:3:17: "If any man defile the temple of God, him shall God destroy; for the temple of God is holy, which temple ye are."
And, 2Cor:6:16: "And what agreement hath the temple of God with idols? For ye are the temple of the living God; as God hath said, I will dwell in them, and walk in them; and I will be their God, and they shall be my people."
For The Little Children
There is no children's story with this lesson. I didn't know how to cover the subject. I suggest that you teach your children to be modest in dress and actions. Teach them to keep their minds and bodies clean and pure. Be a good example to them at all times. Keep your eye on your children.
When the state nickname is based on the beloved University of Nebraska college football team, you know all you need to. With inexpensive prices, you�ll have your pick of Nebraska penis enlargement pills real estate to watch the games.
To the surprise of many, Nebraska is a state with a history of significant personalities and events. Figures such as Crazy Horse and Walter Reed were prominent during the expansion of the country to the west. While Nebraska is often derided as a �flat state�, there is something to be said for the peaceful and hypnotic swaying fields of wheat that cover the state. If you�re looking to live in a state valuing traditional American values, Nebraska will do the trick without wiping out your bank account.
Lincoln is home to the University of Nebraska and �Go Big Red!� is a theme in this town with a lot of culture. While the University dominates the town, it does so to the benefit of residents. Lincoln is full of little shops, cafes and restaurants you would expect to find in a college town. What sets the town apart is the passion for college football. Lincoln is the place where 75,000 people will fill the stadium to watch the Cornhuskers have a practice game against themselves. Euphoria or depression follow the result of Saturday games each fall. All and all, Lincoln gets a big thumbs up.
Omaha is the biggest city in Nebraska and the state capital. The city is fairly prosperous, but generally unremarkable. The highlights are the downtown area, a solid collection of museums and impressive zoo. Unlike Lincoln, the overall atmosphere is a low key one. While the lack of penis enlargement review energy might trouble some, it is a good, solid place to raise a family.
Nebraska Real Estate
Nebraska real estate is generally inexpensive. Single family homes will run from $140,000 to $220,000 on average throughout the state. In 2005, the appreciation rate for Nebraska real estate was a very modest 5.5 percent, the eighth lowest in the nation.
Halibut fishing is the most popular sporting activity in Alaska. If you have plans of going on a halibut chase, you need to have an experienced angler by your side. That is mainly because Alaska halibut fishing can be an exasperating activity for the novice. If you haven�t tried it before, you should know that halibuts are extremely cunning creatures. To drag them onboard, you must have several things in mind.
First and foremost, you�d better not sail in deep sea without a guide. You need someone who knows these waters thoroughly. ProFish-n-Sea has specialized in educating Alaska fishing guides and charter captains who can take you whenever you like. The best person to take onboard is ProFish-n-Sea himself- namely, Steve Zernia. Mr Zernia is a second- generation Alaska Charter Fishing Captain. He is the one with the greatest halibut fishing experience, and he also knows by heart the best sea routes. If you are really eager to thrill to the real Alaska halibut fishing, you�d better find Steve. He is available both for experienced anglers and novices. His main aim will be to make you feel to the bones everything about halibut fishing. He will help you on your first halibut trip and will guide you with priceless advice.
The second thing you need to have in mind is that Alaska can offer you a tremendous abundance of different species of fish. They are all eager to peck at your bait. The only thing you need to know is how to catch them after they are hooked. To most fishermen from other places on Earth a successful fishing trip is measured by the number of bites, hookups or fish landed onboard. The thing that strikes most on an Alaska halibut fishing trip, is that measures are changed. Success is determined by pounds of halibut meat. Alaska halibut fishing is your way to feel the immense bounty of Alaska�s penis enlargement fishery. A six-passenger Alaska halibut fishing boat can catch as much fish as a commercial long-liner. With a pinch of luck and appropriate conditions, every hooked up halibut will eventually end up onboard.
Alaska halibut fishing requires the angler to have the strength and patience to pull the rod until the fish is out of the water. And that could be a difficult task for the inexperienced. The halibut having taken the bait doesn�t necessary ensure the catching of the fish. The tackle should be strong enough to endure the pressure. That is why you need a guide to show you how to do it properly and not turn the catch into a failure. Steve has a lifetime of experience in Alaska halibut fishing and can show you everything you need to know about it. When hooked, a sly Alaska halibut would dive straight down and a novice can easily be pulled to the rail or even worse: let go of the fishing rod. You must have the energy to keep the rod until the fish are exhausted and penis enlargement pill give it up. And that, as Steve Zernia would teach you, is the real chore.
A guide will help you develop the basic fishing techniques necessary for a successful catch. Steve will give everything to teach you so that your first Alaska halibut fishing brings you satisfaction and doesn�t turn into a nightmare.
Didier Drogba was a smash hit at the African Nations Cup which was produced by CAF (Confederation of African Football) and hosted in Egypt. The final with Ivory Coast took place on February 10 2006 and was won by the host country Egypt 4-2 on penalty shoot-out.
Didier Drogba had the most impact of any other national player of any other of the participaying teams during the course of the intra African match-ups. He is essentially a centeral force on any of the teams he has played on.. This also includes Chelsea of the English Premier League of which he is also a striker.
For team mate, Toure, Drogba presents a potentially decisive edge in the first competitive meeting between Ivory Coast and Nigeria since the 1994 Nations Cup semi-final won by the Nigerians on penalties.
"Drogba is a really great player and he is something special penis enlargement. We are really proud of what hehas a done for the team". "It's going to be a very hard game. But now we are in the semi-finals, anything can happen. We've got our chance," said defender Toure.
Seconds into the second half, the whole difference was made when Drogba netted his fourth goal of the tournament and the Elephants could afford to sit back for most of the second half. The goal stung the Nigerian bench who immediately replaced Mikel Obi with Jay Jay Okocha and Kanu Nwankwo with Julius Aghahowa, but still the Nigerians could not turn the game round. This is the first time the Ivorians, who have qualified for the World cup, will have played in the final since winning the title in 1992 in Senegal.
The Egyptians must thank goalkeeper Essam EL Hadary for saving two penalties as Ivory Coast�s Didier Drogba missed a crucial first spot kick for the Elephants.
COTE D'IVOIRE (Ivory Coast) National Team Line-up
01.Tizie Jean-Jacques Hobrou
02.Akale Kanga Gauthier
03.Boka Etienne Arthur
04 penis enlargement pill.Toure Kolo Abib
05.Zokora Deguy Alain Didier
06.Kouassi Koffiblaise
07.Fae Emerse
09.Kone Arouna
11.Drogba Tebily Didier Yves
21.Eboue Emmanuel
19.Toure Yaya Gnegneri
How many of these following substitutes will make their way to other Premier League teams in Europe and Asia?
10.Yapi Yapo Gilles Donald
08.Kalou Bonaventure
14.Kone Bakari
15.Dindane Aruna
16.Gnanhouan G. Amoukou Okosias
17.Domoraud Depri Cyrille Leandre
18.Tiene Siaka
22.N'dri Koffi Christian Romaric
23.Barry Boubacar
20.Demel Guy Roland
12.Meite Abdoulaye
13.Zoro Kpolo Marc Andre
The battle for African Footballer of the year
Drogba overshadowed Samuel Eto'o, his rival for the African Footballer of the Year award usually held in late February. Didier Drogba scored the decisive penalty to put Ivory Coast into the last four in a dramatic shootout victory over Cameroon in Cairo.However it might be blindsided by a contender from Egypt. Could Mido be in the mix?
An Anniversary doesn�t have to be a big or even number to warrant a celebration. A party should be held after every year you are happily married! An anniversary party can follow many themes and be held in a home, restaurant or hall.
Send out invitations well in advance of your gathering. They can be in wedding bell shapes, lovebirds, hearts or with whatever theme you have going on. A party supply store will have oodles of themes to choose from, including a safari, a 60�s theme or a classic car party. Paper products to match the motif include thanks you cards, party favor bags, plates, napkins and tablecloths. Plastic silverware in any color is review of penis enlargement products available for easy clean up and disposal.
Other penis enlargement products anniversary party needs would be balloons, flowers and streamers. If you are having a large open house style gathering, use centerpieces of flowers which compliment the theme. A palm tree for safari�s, a convertible plastic car for the classic and a pair of fuzzy dice for the 60�s work well in the center of the table. Your budget is the only limiting factor in decorating.
Games are often difficult to play at an open house or anniversary party, but you can have other entertainment. Play the wedding video in the background or on a laptop computer. Have pictures posted or set out the wedding photo album for everyone to peruse and reminisce.
Party favors can be given out in the form of a picture with a thank you, a fun theme oriented figure or just table mints. Use your imagination to top every previous year�s celebration. Take lots of pictures to continually add to a scrapbook just meant for the anniversary party. Have fun and watch everyone grow old and gray together over the years!
Fergus, a palomino colt at Simpson Farms, displays unusual talents. Besides twirling in the air and executing daring back flips, Fergus loves to play soccer. Bobby Simpson and his friend, Ramon, set up a goal in the pasture and let Fergus guard it while they practice penalty kicks and heading the ball. The agile colt blocks all their shots. He flicks the ball off his nose or whirls around and kicks it with his back feet.
Soon the local news, then CNN and other networks feature the golden goalkeeper. People flock to the farm to watch Fergus play with the boys. All the publicity boosts the popularity penis enlargement pill of soccer in the United States, drawing the attention of Ian Connor from the International Soccer Federation. He asks to �borrow� Fergus and the boys for a fourteen-city tour promoting the colt and the sport of soccer. The boys� parents agree and the tour launches successfully with Fergus enjoying the matches and playing flawlessly. All goes well until the colt is horse-napped partway through the tour by three bad guys who scheme to turn him into a bucking rodeo penis enlargement champ. The rest of the story relates Fergus�s struggles and his return to Simpson Farms.
Peterson�s book should entice young (8- to 12-year-old) boys to read. He offers adventure, sports, and humor. His bad guys provide comic relief and still have a conscience. In an era when few books cater to the young male reader, Fergus is a welcome addition. Young girls can enjoy the story of this endearing colt, too.
Fergus, The Soccer-Playing Colt
By Dan A. Peterson
Raven Publishing, Inc. (2005)
Reviewed by Kim Peterson (not related to author) for Reader Views (1/06)
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