In this article we're going to briefly discuss an offshoot of the Masonic service, one for women called the Eastern Star Funeral Service.
The Eastern Star organization is an offshoot of the Masons for women. The reason for this is that a woman can't become a Mason. The reasons why, at least for this article, are unimportant. However, there is an organization for women who want to be a part of the Masonic community. That organization is the Eastern Star. The only requirement for becoming a member of the Eastern Star is that the woman has to be the descendent of a Mason. Yes, there is a catch. Your father or grandfather or husband or somebody penis enlargement in your family has to be a Mason himself. If this one condition is met and you then become a member of the Eastern Star you are then entitled to an Eastern Star memorial service.
So how does one qualify for an Eastern Star funeral service? Well, when a member of the Eastern Star in good standing, dies, they are entitled to this service. Good standing means that their dues are paid up in full and have no Masonic charges filed against them.
When an Eastern Star member dies the chapter to which they belong sends a floral arrangement to the funeral home. This arrangement is in the shape of a five pointed star and with the mystical colors of the order.
Before the actual service takes place however, the members of the chapter meet at their chapter building for what they call a draping ceremony. At this ceremony their alter is draped in black and a special opening of the chapter is then performed. This is, in many cases, done just once during the year to commemorate all the members who have died that year. After the draping at the chapter the members then proceed to the funeral home.
At the home there is a special Eastern Star service. It is very similar to the Masonic service in some respects but very different in others. For one thing, where the Masonic service is memorized, the Eastern Star service is read from what is called a book of ritual. This book contains the entire Eastern Star funeral service and must be read word for word.
In a Masonic service one person does the reading, but in an Eastern Star service there are many readers. The readings are done by various members of the fraternity who occupy specific stations as officers. Each officer reads a part assigned to their station. Each individual part is rather short but putting them all together the actual service can run 15 to 20 minutes.
After the service is over the members of the chapter pay their final respects to the deceased and process out of the funeral home room. Afterwards they will meet with the family and friends of the deceased, many who are probably Eastern Star members themselves penis enlargement pill of other chapters.
The Eastern Star funeral service is one of the most beautiful services of any kind that a person could attend. It is something of which the order of Eastern Star can and should be very proud of.
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Company heads spent countless hours in meetings, sending memo after memo filled with cries for help. Buying another network was suggested by a lower ranking executive, but he was fired for offering silly, wasteful ideas.
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The T1 module has two benefits: it adds 16 lines of fractional T1 service and better utilization of T1 functionality. But why stop at a single module; more employees equals more lines, and one module only gives you 16 extras.
Purchase multiple modules, and you can create the perfect network, capable of supporting all your employees. Depending on how you configure them, the modules can either add up to 19 lines and 44 extensions review of penis enlargement products, or 31 lines and 8 extensions. It�s your choice, based on your needs.
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It�s that time of the year again. The 2005 National Football League season has come to an end with the Pittsburgh Steelers capturing the Super Bowl title, the Major League Baseball Spring Training season is just readying to begin, the National Basketball Association is in a holding pattern for most fans until its playoffs, the NASCAR season is just getting started with the Daytona 500 just raced and the National Hockey League is on hiatus due to the 2006 Winter Olympics. And with the NCAA�s March Madness still weeks away, what is a sports fan to do?
We force ourselves to tune in to the NBC television broadcast network in order to try to catch some of the real competition on tap in the XX Olympic Winter Games. Sports fans are not averse to watching Winter Olympics coverage, but trying to figure out NBC�s television schedule has become a sport of Olympic proportions unto itself.
The supposed television Winter Olympics schedule is available in local newspapers, in various sports magazines and all over the internet. But the schedule times are useless in pinpointing when any particular sport is broadcasted. And depending on what time zone one lives in, it is virtually impossible not to hear the results on television, radio, or view online prior to seeing the broadcast as NBC has its coverage tape delayed in five different U.S. time zones.
The excuse to not broadcast real time coverage during these Olympic Games is viable this year in that Italy is six hours ahead of U.S. Eastern Standard Time. But on weekends it is feasible for live coverage at least on the east coast. It is worth noting that almost 40 years ago, U.S. television viewers were able to enjoy primarily live coverage of the 1968 Winter Olympics from Grenoble, France and later with the 1972 Olympic Summer Games from Munich, Germany, via television satellite. But what was the excuse in not broadcasting the 1996 Summer Olympics live when they were in Atlanta, GA and then when the 2002 Winter Olympics were in Salt Lake City, UT? Both were instead tape delayed, again in five different time zones.
The reason for NBC�s incoherent TV scheduling is because of its monopolized ability to edit and package the coverage any which way it wishes in order to appease sponsors while placing advertising spots wherever and whenever it chooses. Unfortunately, for the viewer, it denies the spontaneity of competition as well as deprives viewers from selectively choosing which sports they wish to watch.
NBC has bragged about providing 416 hours of broadcast coverage on NBC including its three cable television stations. But since these Winter Olympics first started airing its events on February 11, 2006 to date, viewers have been treated to little more than glorified highlights between 8:00 PM � 11:30 PM in whichever time zone one happens to be. During that time period, bits and pieces of coverage from any one of 15 sport disciplines are shown, with scant coverage of any athletes other than American Olympians or only winners of an event should they not be American.
We lose the continuity of viewing any one event such as alpine skiing, speed skating, ski jumping, or even bobsledding for that matter. Essentially, races necessitate competitors being seen in sequence or at least the contenders, rather than a cut and paste version of them. And while figure skating viewing requires less of a need for the immediacy of viewing other competitors in penile enlargement the event, one would be hard pressed as to when to plan on tuning in. Although more time is devoted to the figure skating events than most others, its coverage is peppered with teasers and unexpected commercial breaks in the action, making it sometimes painful to get through, even for its avid fans.
Since television coverage of the Olympics is all about ratings, as is all television fare, NBC for years now has shot itself in the proverbial foot when whining that not enough of the American top enlargement products public is tuning in to Olympics coverage, no longer just applicable to the Winter Olympics, either. While the Summer Olympics attracts more viewers, its coverage too is close to beyond the pale.
What NBC has tried to do over the years is to please all demographics as well as its sponsors while losing sight of the intrinsic value of the actual event. But as viewership continues to erode for Olympics coverage, the NBC network is largely responsible. In its zeal to compel the American viewer to tune in, it has overproduced its coverage, thus turning off the very audience it is trying to attract and retain.
The Olympics tells its own story and most sports fans do not have the patience to sit through over three hours of teaser-filled coverage. Now we all know the reason it is done this way. The hope is that viewers will sit through enough coverage in order to be exposed to advertisers as well as to garner more consistent ratings. But in fact, NBC is accomplishing the opposite result, forcing many to either record the coverage and thus eliminate the ads, or tuning out completely.
So what you say? Who cares? Well, chances are if you are reading this, you are a sports fan. Although we all have our favorite sport, we crave watching competition, with few exceptions. For example, the idea of watching curling is comparable to watching paint dry and how it is considered an athletic event is beyond this writer�s comprehension.
But for now, we are stuck with what we have. When the numbers are crunched this time �round for NBC, perhaps they will get the message that the sports fan drives the numbers and more and more of us are getting fed up. Maybe they need to go back to the drawing board and revisit the Jim McKay playbook on covering worldwide sporting events. It worked for ABC broadcasting way back when, when the athletes were the story, not the network; sadly a crucial element which NBC seems to have forgotten.
Before you list you home for sale, determine what you don't want to leave behind.
Our friends sold their home for full price and moved out a few days before closing.
The next day they received an angry call from the selling agent telling them that they had to bring a mirror back before the sale would close. When the home buyers did their final walk through, they refused to make their down payment because a large mirror had been taken down.
This mirror, an antique family heirloom, was never considered by the penis enlargement sellers as part of the sale. The seller refused to give her grandmother's mirror back.
However, their sales contract, a standard Home Purchase Contract with Terms and Conditions penis enlargement pill, included all attachments. The mirror was considered by the buyers and their agent as part of the sale. The mirror did not hang like a painting on a nail. The heavy mirror had been screwed into the wall with the screw heads covered with fancy wooden circles cut to match the wood frame.
The buyers refused to budge. Our friends refused to budge protesting that their listing agent knew the mirror had belonged to the seller's grandmother. (Their agent was a family member.) The sellers pointed out that their agent should have told them that the mirror was considered "attached." After three days of quibbling and negotiations, the listing agent agreed to forfeit $3,000 of her commission and the sellers dropped the price by $2,000.
Decide what goes to your next home and what you agree to leave behind, before you offer your home for sale. Take down any attachments that you don't want to part with, such as any item screwed into a wall or a light fixture permanently wired. What a home buyer doesn't see, they won't expect to buy with your home.
Copyright � 2005 Jeanette J. Fisher. All rights reserved.
Hindus believe that life and death are an eternal circle. After life comes death, then reincarnation and so on, until, in some circumstances the soul can be set free from that eternal circle. One such circumstance, is the person dying in or near the holy city of Varanasi in North East India, where the funeral ghats are beside the sacred River Ganges.
Hindus also believe that penis enlargement review cremation allows the spirit to move on to its next incarnation and therefore nearer to heaven. Thus, although death is a sad event to Hindus, the emphasis is more on the soul's onward journey and that is celebrated. The flames of the funeral pyre are said to represent Brahama, the Hindu God of Creation.
After a death, the family of the deceased will meet as soon as possible to pray by the body. The body will not be touched if possible, as a corpse is considered to be unclean.
The deceased will be normally be dressed in white (a wife pre-deceasing her husband is dressed in her red bridal outfit) and will be placed on a bier and decorated with flowers and sandalwood.
The funeral service will be conducted by a priest and lead by the eldest son or nearest male relative of the deceased, who will light the fire and will circle the pyre praying for the soul of the dead person. The exact order of service may vary depending on location and family traditions. The ashes are often sprinkled on water and some families go to the River Ganges to do this to ensure the most auspicious passage to the next life.
The house of the deceased will be cleansed and purified by a priest using spices and incense and the 13 days of mourning will begin. During this time, there will often be a picture of the deceased on display, garlanded with flowers and friends will come to the house to offer their condolences. Mourners will wear white. On the 13th day, the ceremony of Kria is performed, which involves the offering of rice balls and milk in thanksgiving for the life of the deceased, after which, life for the family returns to normal.
One year after the death and sometimes every year thereafter, Shraddah takes place, where the family offer food to the poor and needy in memory of the deceased penis enlargement pills.
Fitness is the key to optimal health and an exercise bike can help you top enlargement products to achieve just that. But, why an exercise bike? Why not go for something else? There are many reasons why you should purchase a bike and use it. If you plan to use it for a clothing hanger, don�t bother. But, if you are ready to improve your overall health, then you should consider the purchase of an exercise bike.
Here are some reasons why you need a bike:
Are you seriously overweight? Those that are more than 25 pounds overweight often have trouble losing that weight no matter what they try. The catch 22 is that you need exercise to lose the weight but you barely can make it from the bedroom to the living penile enlargement room without becoming tired. How can you possibly do a routine that will allow you to lose weight? An exercise bike is the perfect solution because it allows you to work at your own pace. It allows you to start off slowly and build up in speed gradually without overexerting yourself.
Heart problems? Many doctors that have patients with cardiac conditions will tell them they need to lose weight. But, stressing out the heart is a huge problem for them. The benefit here is that the body gets a workout and the cardio workout obtained is significant but light enough for many heart patients. Simple. It�s the right combination for those with a heart condition. Of course, as with all other fitness equipment, you should consider talking to your doctor before starting any exercise program.
You won�t go broke- Most people can afford a decent bike. That�s because you don�t have to purchase the most expensive to get the benefits of exercise. A simple stationary bike can be a great way to start off.
Do you get bored? Okay, the problem with many exercise routines is that they are boring or too hard. But, with an exercise bike this is anything but true. If you find yourself becoming bored, move the bike in front of the TV. Turn on your favorite football game and you�ll never realize you did three miles while the team has the ball. You get your mind working and your body too.
Easy to do- Many people find that things that are too hard are things they just find excuses not to do. With an exercise bike, you have less of a chance of this because you can do it. Results happen each time you get on and you�ll see yourself building muscles that burn fat and you�ll see the inches coming off. It�s that easy.
Cooling down,I term this the reflection phase. It is a time to prepare for physical and mental relaxation. This includes stretching and flexibility work as well as light group jogging and limbering down exercises.This is the time of mental reflection of the practice, game or even the day's events.This is especially neccesary while at and during tournaments
This important phase is usually over-looked by most teams as they are trying to either celebrate the win or discuss the loss and any related issues. If this aspect is incorporated every practice then it will be a natural process after the games as well. Yes the practices need to incorporate warm up as well as cool down. Apart from the physiology of increasing strength through stretching regimes. This helps the team members understand their bodies and it's needs.
It is also a great time for the coaches to get feed back on the events. This gets the team to contribute to their immediate experiences, whether is be a competition or practice. It helps everybody paint a mental picture of their collective accomplishments.
When a group of individuals gets together and focuses on something other than the immediate task at hand then the task becomes another routine within the training regime.This is switching the focus from the actual cooling down process and focuses on the socialization aspect of cooling down. It deals with the fresh experiences that have just occured. Let the team discuss the events first before the coach talks or the meeting penis enlargement pill is held in the locker room. Young minds need to also voice opinions to penis enlargement each other before they talk to the larger group. This helps build unity within and a power of responsibility throughout.
It is a time to also talk about the other aspects of sports activities. These are nutritional and additional aspects of concentrating on mental focus.
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