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Saturday, August 30, 2008

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Researchers test on-line drug services - Canadian Healthcare Technology

Sat, 26 Jul 2008 19:08:00 GMT
TORONTO – After watching their e-mail boxes become inundated with spam from companies offering mail-order pharmaceuticals, a group of Toronto-based researchers decided to see whether the products would actually arrive if ordered. The answer was yes ...

Definition of Congenital Adrenal Hyperplasia - HealthScout

Mon, 18 Aug 2008 06:31:00 GMT
CAH comprises a group of disorders resulting from defective synthesis of adrenal corticosteroids. Lack of glucocorticoids, especially cortisol, causes various kinds of metabolic problems. The response to low levels of cortisol is increased production ...

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In our modern day society we have moved away from walking anywhere and think nothing of jumping into the car for a quick trip to the corner shop. We live life at such a fast pace that we feel we dont have time to walk anywhere and as a result we are probably the most unfit that we have ever been.

Things are beginning to change as we slowly realise that our own health is in our hands and many people are turning to Sport to help them enjoy becoming healthier.

Sport is a diverse area, which continues to grow. Many countries around the world embrace and claim a Sport as their own, calling it a national Sport. It has become a World Wide industry in which countries compete and stake claims on penis enlargement pill titles and trophies. There seems to be a Sport that suits everyone and of every age.

There are various types of sport that range from professional to amateur. There are Olympic Standard Sports and sports that are just for fun. There are lone sports such as hurdles, javelin throwing and pool. There are team sports such as basketball, hockey and rugby. There are also sports that can be both, such as tennis, running and swimming.

Sports can be played on many different levels, such as locally, nationally and internationally penis enlargement. Sports can be relaxing, or stressful, depending upon which sport you choose to pursue.

There are so many different types of Sports, that it is sometimes difficult to define exactly what sport is, as for some people, in some countries, yodeling is a competitive sport!

Use and Misuse Of penile top enlargement products enlargement Subliminal Messages

What are subliminal messages? A subliminal message is a message displayed for such a short period of time that your mind sizegenetics penis enlargement device does not consciously register what it sees or hears. Instead your mind registers it sub-consciously. This means that your conscious mind cannot build and use arguments penis enlargement with vigrx plus against the ideas exposed and thus you can be more susceptible to the unconscious idea. We�re talking about mind control from the outside that is working below the threshold of our awareness.

Like many others you may ask, is it really possible that the content or meaning of an event can affect people�s behaviour without their being aware of this event? The commercial and advertising businesses would probably pay millions to confirm whether or not such techniques are more effective than promotional communications of which people are aware.

Here are some examples of how such communications have been applied;

Examples of purposes of a hidden communication are;

Controversy and ethics

There has been much controversy about using unconscious messages without willing or aware subjects. This is not a strange thing, because for years hidden persuasive messages have been used, to manipulate viewers or listeners to behave in ways they otherwise would not using imperceptible or masked stimuli. There have been two particular areas where the ethics of this practice have been questioned

There�s no doubt of the insidious character of subliminal persuasion. There has been much criticism regarding the unscrupulous, unconscious persuasive methods many large corporations have used in their cravings for increased profits.

Another ethical inquiry has been targeted towards religious and political fundamentalists who have promulgated their belief of occult, satanic communications in rock music.

The self help market

The most useful application of hidden persuasive messages according to my opinion is the self help or self improvement market. This $50-millions a year industry is still expanding at a high rate. Subliminal self-help tapes, CD�s and mp3�s have been used by thousands of people all over the world and there are also numerous testimonials available showing their effectiveness in personal improvement. Examples of areas where concealed audios have been useful are

and more. Some of these programs enable you to display your own unconscious communications and use them to change your life the way you want. These audios can be used anywhere; while driving your car, at work, playing with the kids, watching TV, doing workout, etc.

You use the subliminal program to display your own positive affirmations unconsciously in word or picture form. You are in total control of all communications which are displayed and also how they are displayed.

Back to penis penis enlargement pill enlargement School: Textbook Savings

If you are sending your adult children off to college you know that there are three school related expenses which make up the bulk of your budget: tuition, room and board, and textbooks. The first two expenses are mostly fixed and predictable costs, while the third is impossible to predict as well as a potential budget buster. You may not be able to predict textbook expenses, but you certainly can reduce them by following these three important steps:

1. Shop Online. Your college bookstore has an ironclad grip on textbook inventory, right? Well, at one time that was a true statement. Today, thanks to the internet, websites have sprung up that sell new and used textbooks at prices much lower than those found on campus. Shop with those retailers who have clearly outlined payment, shipping and handling, and return policies. Scan auction sites too for additional savings.

2. Shop Retail. The big bookstore retailers as well as some of the office supply stores carry some titles. At the very least your student can purchase all of his or her supplies off campus, saving you big money in the process.

3. Shop Used. Your campus bookstore knows that having used textbooks on hand will keep them somewhat competitive. The trick with textbook publishers is that yearly updates can make used copies obsolete: planned obsolescence in action! Still, when I was in school I had one professor who encouraged students to pick up the �outdated� copies of one book since he knew the cost was outrageous penis enlargement review and he planned on referencing it sparingly. Your student may also learn that some of the titles on the professor's list are optional, not mandatory purchases.

Students today no longer have to feel as if they are being �held hostage� by outrageous textbook penis enlargement pills prices. Have your student shop wisely and your budget will remain on track.

Easy Ways To Make Money Through School review penis enlargement products of penis enlargement products Fund Raising

Did you know that school fund raising brings big business to many companies? This is because schools purchase the supplies they need for fund raising in large quantities. The company can easily give a discount because they sell a lot of products at one time. School fund raising is also becoming an important part of school life because it offers schools different ways of fundraising the money they need for the equipment and trips.

Schools are constantly on the lookout top enlargement products for penile enlargement fundraising ideas for their next school fund raiser. They have to be creative to come up with unique ideas so that people will attend the fund raiser and contribute to the cause. Every season of the year brings school fund raising events and some are easier for coming up with fundraising ideas than others.

Halloween, for example, provides schools with fund raising ideas in the form of a haunted house or a costume ball. This type of school fund raiser needs a lot of volunteers and is best for middle schools and high schools. An idea for an elementary school fund raiser for Halloween could include a Halloween party where the children have an opportunity to take part in games where they win prizes.

Quite often school fund raising takes the form of selling items that people need or want to buy. Selling chocolate at Easter, for example, always goes over well as a school fund raiser. Instead of purchasing large amounts of chocolate in hopes it will sell, most schools take orders. The company supplying the chocolate for the fund raiser offers a discounted price along with specials for orders of a certain quantity. They also supply prizes if the school wishes to award prizes for the person who sells the most.

Read-a-thons are a specialty for school fund raising. Parents avidly support this type of school fund raiser as it does promote a school activity while raising funds for other programs. Students really get into this type of fund raiser as they compete with the other classes in the school. The principal sometimes sweetens the pot by offering an incentive for the success of the fund raiser, such as offering to shave his beard or come to school dressed in pyjamas.

School fund raising is a competitive field, and needs some good ideas.

Why Organic penis enlargement pills penis enlargement review Cotton?

Organic cotton begins with living soil. This means the soil has not had any chemicals used in it for at least three years and it has been enriched with compost and other organic matter. Enriching the soil in this way ensures vigorous plants which in turn means they will be better able to be bug, weed and disease resistant. Cotton plants need huge amounts of nitrogen; so organic cotton farmers use chicken manure or plant cover crops of Vetch or Fava Beans all of which supplies the cotton plants with the desired nitrogen. These replace synthetic fertilizers that are harmful. Organic farmers also make sure they have �good bugs� in their fields. These don�t harm the cotton; they prey on the �bad bugs� that would harm the cotton plants. These �bad bugs� are the reason that regular cotton farmers feel the need to use chemical sprays. How penis enlargement products much better it is to use natural ways of controlling them! Weeds are managed by mechanical or hand-hoeing methods. When it is harvest time the cotton is handpicked!

The processing of organic cotton is done with potato starch instead of chemicals. No chlorine is used. When spinning the organic cotton fiber, natural easily biodegradable oil is used. No finishes are added! It comes to you pure! Being chemical free can be a life and death matter!

Cotton is a very versatile fiber and almost any type of fabric can be made from it. It conducts heat well and soaks up to 27 times its weight in water. It is also very comfortable and durable. Think how important all these qualities are when it comes to your bedding review of penis enlargement products and clothing!

Go penis penis enlargement pills enlargement review Sailing

Sailing is a fantastic way of spending your vacation amidst the clear blue ocean and getting involved in lots of sea faring activities. Whatever occasion it may be, a honeymoon, a wedding celebration or a family vacation you can make the most of your opportunity by snorkeling, scuba diving, hiking, playing golf, kayaking, swimming and sun bathing.

Apart from enjoying these several recreational programs, you can surely spend your time by observing sea birds, dolphins, sea turtles and whales. Sailing boats are available in a variety of forms and magnitudes depending upon the purpose for which it is going to be used. Some of the essential sailing gear comprise of gloves, short waterproof boots with review of penis enlargement products a solid traction on the soles, wind shorts or pants and waterproof hooded windbreakers. Life jackets are also essential for sails boat. Hawaii and the Caribbean islands are two very exotic sailing destinations attracting large number of tourists each year.

Sailing School And Lessons

If boating, sailing and cruising are your passions then joining a Sailing School will prove to be of immense help. The sailing schools offer penis enlargement products all-round sailing lessons � basic sailing instructions, basic cruising instructions, bareboat charter lessons, navigational lessons, coastal cruising courses, etc. Lessons, that are beneficial for both the novice and the veteran. While the beginners learn the basics from these programs, the experienced lot get a chance to hone their skills.

The many sailing schools like the Annapolis Sailing School, Offshore Sailing School, Ottawa Sailing School, Windward Sailing School offer comprehensive sailing lessons that enable the sailors to guide the vessels to safe anchoring at a targeted port. Equipped with the best of programs, the most experienced instructors, quality sailing gears, these professional sailing institutes offer different certificate courses. The backdrop or the environment in which the Sailing schools are located, also works to the advantage of the learners/trainees.

How To Move review penis enlargement products of penis enlargement products House

Moving house is one of the most stressful life events. When I first came to London I had about twenty addresses in three years. After the first few moves I got pretty good at it. I had to! Here's what I did:

1. Pack well in advance

It used to drive me wild how some people in our house left it until the last minute. The result was they'd still be going back and forth from the old place, to the new, days later, for the last pot plant or bit of cutlery.

Make up your mind that you are quitting this house for good, then don't stay a minute longer than you have to. Otherwise you'll be wasting time that could be more profitably spent doing something else.

2. Put small things into a large container.

This saves multiple trips. Sturdy medium-size boxes are a life saver, as they can be stacked easily.

3. Containers should be light enough for one person to lift.

Some people try to fill up a big box with books, for example. The result: no one can lift it, or worse, it's just light enough for someone to try lifting it, and put their back out.

4. First to go in, last out.

You'll be putting the carpets down first, presumably, so they should be last into the van. If you're super organised you can decorate the new house 'on the fly'. Otherwise, put all your stuff in the smallest room in the new place, and then move it about from there, when it's all moved in. This stops the need to move stuff between rooms later.

5. Leave behind what you don't need.

If you've always hated the sofa, leave it behind. Some people have a curious pack-rat mentality; they love to hoard. If what you're hoarding is not gold or jewels, but jam-jars and newspapers, leave them behind.

6. Hire a big van with a big man.

This should really be the number one tip. The idea of a big van is that you'll make fewer trips, ideally only one. Some people try to save money by using their cars, or a friend with a mini van. The result: umpteen trips stretching over days. You get cheesed-off, and so does your friend. Instead of decorating your new place, you're still half-in the old one.

Moving house is very stressful. Get it done as quick as you can. Hire the biggest van you can find.

7. Many hands make light work.

After you've hired the big van, get as many friends as you can involved in the move. If you're really organised, you can move house in half a day. I did this once, to the great surprise and gratitude of the van driver we used. He'd been expecting a day-long slog.

8. Mark parking space penile enlargement for your van.

Cordon off enough parking space for your van driver, so he can park next to the house.

9 top enlargement products. Cancel the utilities.

Bit of an obvious one, really. You don't want strangers running up bills in your name. Let the utilities know the date you're due to move out.

Brain Concussions penis enlargement review penis enlargement pills in Sports: What's the Fuss?

If you're having difficulty understanding what a brain concussion is, and how your son or daughter's head-injury affects their further participation in sports, then you're in good company. The nature and effects of concussions are still poorly understood by many athletes, parents, coaches, news reporters and, to a certain extent, even the medical community. But because the brain is a treasured organ�one that athletes should want to keep in good working order for the rest of their lives�a good understanding of concussions is crucial.

Neurologists and neurosurgeons cringe when they hear sports-reporters make comments like, "Johnny had a CAT scan and it showed that he didn't have a concussion." The truth is that CAT scans don't show concussions. They do show other serious consequences of head injuries, like bleeding within the brain, or hemorrhages that compress the brain. But concussions�while no less real�are invisible to brain-imaging tests like CAT scans and MRIs.

So what is a concussion? If a blow to the head caused unconsciousness, a concussion occurred. Most people know this. But a concussion can occur even when there is no loss of consciousness. Other symptoms after a head-injury indicating a concussion include:

  1. impaired attention, e.g. vacant stare, slowness to respond, easy distractibility
  2. slurred speech, or speech that doesn't make sense
  3. clumsiness or unsteadiness
  4. disorientation, e.g. walking in the wrong direction, forgetting the day of the week
  5. excessive emotional reaction, e.g. easy tears, overly upset
  6. memory impairment, e.g. asking same question repeatedly, can't memorize new facts

Other symptoms can develop hours or even weeks after the injury, including headache, dizziness, poor concentration, irritability, impaired memory, fatigue, disrupted sleep, anxiety, depression, and a lack of good judgment or insight.

You'll notice that all these symptoms share a common feature�an alteration in brain function. The normal brain processes, which depend on proper signaling among the brain's 20 billion brain cells, are out of whack.

There can also be physical damage to the brain's cells. Because brain-cells are so tiny, brain scans don't detect them. Injuries causing more severe concussions can tear apart the cells' axons (the long filaments that carry coded messages over long distances within the brain). As you can imagine, these rips in the very fabric of the brain can cause lasting impairments in brain function or require long periods of time for recovery.

One certainty about sports-related concussions is that they are very frequent. The Centers for Disease Control estimates there are at least 300,000 of them in the U.S. per year and they comprise about 20% of all head injuries. Research also indicates that the brains of high school athletes are more vulnerable to concussion than those of older athletes, and require longer periods of time to fully recover.

Individuals who have had one concussion are at greater risk for another. For example, in one study of high school and college football players, concussions occurred about six times more frequently in student-athletes who had experienced prior concussions than in those who had not. Moreover, repeated concussions can have more severe outcomes than first concussions.

A rare but particularly scary phenomenon has been called the "second impact syndrome" in which a second concussion occurring within days or weeks of an earlier concussion can produce catastrophic consequences�including death�way out of proportion to the apparent severity of the re-injury.

Because of the potentially serious consequences, athletes, coaching staffs and parents need to have a heightened awareness of head-injuries and their need for proper evaluation, including by medical personnel. Various guidelines have been created for decisions about when it is safe to resume participation review of penis enlargement products in contact sports. These guidelines, while based more on expert opinion than on medical evidence, are penis enlargement products still the best benchmarks we have until more studies are done.

All guidelines agree that an athlete needs to become symptom-free in all areas�thinking, memory, emotions, coordination, balance, etc.�before resuming play. After a first concussion, the athlete should have been normal for at least a week, and after a second concussion, for probably two weeks.

When should an athlete hang up his or her cleats and retire from the sport? How many concussions are too many? No one has a definite answer to either question. As Clint Eastwood's "Dirty Harry" might ask, "Are you feeling lucky?" Three concussions in the same season�or even in an entire sports career�should certainly raise concern about long-term damage to the brain.

Of course, student-athletes often pressure their parents to allow them to return to play sooner than might be wise. In these circumstances it is useful to recall that many professional athletes in football, hockey, boxing and other sports have retired from their lucrative careers rather than suffer additional concussions. If these high-profile individuals were willing to give up their big paydays in order to protect their brains, then perhaps your son or daughter will be able to follow their examples when less money is at stake. However, if you are the parent and are being pressured to allow an early return to play, you just might have to stand tall, do the right thing, and say no.

For more information about traumatic brain injury see the websites of The Brain Matters and The Brain Injury Association of America.

(C) 2005 by Gary Cordingley

A Ball, Some Friends, and a Soccer review of penis penis enlargement products enlargement products Goal

If Pele, Maridona, and Beckham don't sound at all familiar to you, or if you think Freddy Adou is a guy you may have gone to high school with, keep reading... please. This article covers all the equipment and skills you'll need to join the rest of the world in playing the wonderful game of soccer.

Actually, the rest of the world plays football - they call the sport that Steve Young used to play American football. The term 'soccer' came into being in the later part of the 19th century when people began abbreviating the French variation of 'association football' to soccer. Whatever name you use (I'll call it soccer for the purposes of this article), it refers to the fast-paced, exciting game that has captured the interest of more and more Americans in recent years. If you've found that you've been left behind when it comes to the sport, here's a few equipment tips and skills you'll need to have to start playing.

As the name 'football' suggests, you'll need a ball. Soccer balls come in many different sizes, materials, and styles; and league specifications vary depending on the age and level of the players. If you just want to buy a 'normal' ball, double check with the store clerks to make sure you've chosen the right one; or if you're buying online, you can check the ball size against the standards found at The best material for your ball depends on the type of surface you're going to play on. If you'll spend any time at all kicking the ball around on the street or playground, I would shy away from buying a nice leather ball - the asphalt will tear it up. Synthetic materials will usually hold up better on those surfaces, and typically cost less.

Once you've got your ball, you're going to need at least one pair of feet; however, if you want to do more than just kick the ball against your garage you're going to need at least two sets. There are a number of penile enlargement different techniques when it comes to kicking the soccer ball - I'll just summarize them all by saying that the goal of kicking the ball is to hit it with some part of you're foot and make it go in the direction you want it to. In fact, in soccer matches you may use any part of you're body to move the ball except your hands and arms. If you grew up playing catch in the back yard, the first couple of times you try to kick the ball you'll probably look even more awkward than you feel, and it's very likely your kids are going to laugh at you. Practice makes near perfect, and you'll get better over time. Kicking the ball back and forth between two or more people helps. Once you feel like you might be able to kick the ball and jog/run at the same time, you're ready to graduate to playing a game.

Goals (pronounced 'gooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooal!!!' in actual soccer matches) in soccer are scored by kicking the ball through a rectangle top enlargement products shape appropriately called the goal. Though the rectangle is standard, goals can be made by placing any two objects a few steps apart. I have personally played in neighborhood games where the goal posts were chairs, barrels, younger siblings, and shoes (if you're playing barefoot, make sure no one is wearing cleats). Kicking the ball below head height and more or less between the makeshift goal posts constitutes a goal, though you will find each goal will be heavily debated.

Competitive leagues almost always require shin guards, and you can usually pick up a decent pair for pretty cheap. Even in a friendly park setting, players can get pretty passionate, and it wouldn't be a bad idea to wear them during the game.

The rules are simple and easy to learn. The basics you need to know are that you should try to avoid kicking people, you can't tackle people like in American football, and you can't use your hands. In that sense, except for the hands restriction, soccer is a lot like life. Other rules apply more in competition, but it wouldn't hurt to read up on them at

As with any sport, the most important thing is to look good, so go out and buy yourself some silky soccer shorts and jerseys. Long hair and an Italian accent certainly won't hurt your chances of going pro - but if neither of those is an option for you, just remember to have fun and play fair.

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