Perusing fly fishing articles is a great way to learn more about the passion of fly fishing. The library of fly fishing literature rivals other forms of fishing even though in sheer numbers fly fisherman are out numbered by almost all other forms of fishing. There are terms in penis enlargement products fly fishing literature that are thrown out frequently without explanation or definition. One such subset of these terms is the classification of fly fishing rivers. One can read for years and hear about freestone rivers, tailwaters, and spring creeks review of penis enlargement products, without elaboration of what these terms actually mean in general and to fly fishers in general. We will attempt here to explain these classifications a little bit. This first in a series of articles will go into the spring creek.
Spring Creeks are infamous in the United Kingdom, long credited as the ancient birthplace of fly fishing. Specifically, in the UK and the Midwest United States, are the limestone spring creeks. By definition spring creeks are fed obviously by springs. What this means for fly fishing is that the water temperature will most likely remain stable year around, ideally in the high forties to low fifties on the Fahrenheit scale. Stable temperatures allow for a healthy environment for aquatic insects to grow, which doesn't take a huge amount of mental power, to make the jump to the thought that this is also great for the growth of fish.
Not only do the water temperatures remain steady but the volume does as well. Unlike other rivers that depend upon snow melt, and/or dams, spring creeks water comes bubbling up from the surface, and is fed by springs and smaller spring creeks as it works itself downstream.
When one thinks of spring creeks, one thinks of, meandering hills, gentle slopes, meadows, and wide shallow valleys. Although spring creeks can occur in mountainous regions as well, carving out a niche that is usually reserved for freestone streams. They typically are at lower elevations.
The characteristics of spring creeks, leads to some special considerations when selecting your arsenal of fly fishing flies. The meandering of the typical spring creek, with all its stable features lends also to vegetation growth. Therefore insects that feed of vegetation are the rule here. Also the banks tend to be cut into the earth, perfect habitat for mud dwelling grubs, worms and nymphs like the hex. There also tend to be abundance of scuds, sow bugs, as well as midge patterns. Since the terrain is likely grassy, look for terrestrials like hoppers and crickets. And in the riverbank itself will be ants and beetles. Terrestrials make a good bet all summer long. A good selection for spring creeks will include, patterns imitating species above, as well as some small classic dry flies, like Adams, BWOs and PMDs.
Spring creeks are likely to be small and certain tactics need to be remembered. Everything is more likely to be noticed by your wary prey. Including your approach, your colors, your silhouette. It is best not to wade, it is best to approach from upriver, and you are likely only going to get a few casts, and then moving on is your best bet. With gentle gradient the spring creek will have many, many holding areas for trout. Using tippet down to 7x is common, as is long leaders. Perfect presentations are required, and it is a great time to practice your accuracy and line management. Bring your 4x or smaller for precise fly placement, mending if necessary must be done early in your drift and without ruckus.
Many think of the spring creek as the epitome of fly fishing. And with good reason. Their very nature, evokes relaxation, tranquillity, and all the things fly fishers love.
If you are sending your adult children off to college you know that there are three school related expenses which make up the bulk of your budget: tuition, room and board, and textbooks. The first two expenses are mostly fixed and predictable costs, while the third is impossible to predict as well as a potential budget buster. You may not be able to predict textbook expenses, but you certainly can reduce them by following these three important steps:
1. Shop Online. Your college bookstore has an ironclad grip on textbook inventory, right? Well, at one time that was a true statement. Today, thanks penile enlargement to the internet, websites have sprung up that sell new and used textbooks at prices much lower than those found on campus. Shop with those retailers who have clearly outlined payment, shipping and handling, and return policies. Scan auction sites too for additional savings.
2. Shop Retail. The big bookstore retailers as well as some of the office supply stores carry some titles. At the very least your student can purchase all of his or her supplies off campus, saving you big money in the process.
3. Shop Used. Your campus bookstore knows that having used textbooks on hand will keep them somewhat competitive. The trick with textbook publishers is that yearly updates can make used copies obsolete: planned top enlargement products obsolescence in action! Still, when I was in school I had one professor who encouraged students to pick up the �outdated� copies of one book since he knew the cost was outrageous and he planned on referencing it sparingly. Your student may also learn that some of the titles on the professor's list are optional, not mandatory purchases.
Students today no longer have to feel as if they are being �held hostage� by outrageous textbook prices. Have your student shop wisely and your budget will remain on track.
It doesn�t matter what stage of life you are in, everyone has the same basic needs. These needs are physical, emotional, social, intellectual, spiritual, and creative. When all of these needs are satisfied, you�ll discover that your life is brimming with joy and good feelings. You�ll find your self-esteem at its highest peak whenever you are fulfilled within your daily life and activities.
Physical Needs: These needs are the basics. The need for air, water, sleep, exercise, and sex.
Emotional Needs: This is the need for praise, love, trust, security, feeling OK inside, and self-fulfilled.
Social Needs: This is the need for companionship and friendship. This is usually gained from a peer group.
Intellectual Needs review of penis enlargement products: This is the need for challenging thoughts, reading, learning something new, and mind stimulation.
Spiritual Needs: This is the quiet need inside that wants to know and believe in a higher spiritual power than ourselves. This need increases our awareness and sensitivity to the greater aspects of life.
Creative Needs: This is the need to express yourself in any manner you desire. This can include the arts, dancing, acting, and writing - almost anything that allows you to feel imaginative and inspired.
All of the above needs are usually a part of every human�s life. All of us want to have these needs met in life. Having these needs met increases our enjoyment of living and creates a healthy body and soul. So how do parents fulfill these needs in their growing children? The first way is to become aware that the needs of a child are the same as yours. Being empathetic to your child at all times creates a bond that nurtures the needs of your child. For example, whenever your child wants penis enlargement products to create or make something, allow your attention to center on your child and give him whatever you think will help to inspire your child�s creativity.
My children loved to create drawings on large pieces of paper. I helped them do this by supplying them with the all the paper, crayons, paint, brushes, etc. necessary to stimulate their minds. Then I let them go to it! It was exciting to watch my child create a masterpiece of their imagination. Their artwork was sweet, beautiful and full of ingenuity. I then posted the artwork all around the house to show to their siblings and guests. As a parent, it was my goal to communicate with my child that I truly understood and valued his desires and feelings to be creative. I empowered my child to become all that he can be at that moment. This process immediately shows your child that his opinions and thoughts are valued.
By empowering your child, you are allowing your child to take ownership of their feelings, take responsibility for their behavior, make decisions that help them grow, follow through with commitments and most importantly, to become aware of the needs and feelings of others. You are giving your child the chance to experience success and understand his own uniqueness. It�s rewarding for a child, adolescent and adult to have recognition and respect. By empowering yourself, as well as your child, you are fostering basic needs that truly make you glow inside and out.
At different times in our lives, we are capable of doing certain things. Stay tuned to where your child�s capabilities are during his childhood and supply the above needs according to his stage in life. In fact, developmental stages continue right into old age. When a child�s needs are met, his discomforts and fears are quickly removed and he finds that his life is truly a safe and fun place to be. This feeling leads to a child that learns to trust his environment and each successive stage of development.
Know that meeting these six needs in your child�s life is not hard to do at any stage. Getting involved in your child�s exploration of his life doesn�t take money, but it does take thoughtfulness and time. Providing these needs throughout your child�s lifetime allows your child to go through his stages of life with a healthy regard for himself and for society. It encourages your child�s autonomy and capacity to do more with is his lifetime. Who can ask for more?
Copyright � 2006 by Linda Milo and Empowering Parents Now. All rights reserved.
�We do not remember days. We remember moments.� Casare Pavese
A couple of weeks ago, a dear reader emailed me for help on documenting her family�s life and history. For several generations, we knew this as �stuffing pictures in shoe boxes.� If we were super-organized, we used photo albums.� Today, we call this �scrapbooking.�
The fastest growing hobby in our country�with more than 25 million Americans, or 1 in every four households, participating�it didn�t even exist as an industry eighteen years ago, when I first contemplated how I would document and organize our own family photos�or �memories� as they are now called. Less than ten years old as an industry, scrapbooking holds more than 52, 000 sites on the Internet; over 4,000 retail stores support this multi-billion dollar industry and even traditional stores such as office supply giants, pharmacies, groceries, and gift shops all carry a sampling of scrapbooking products. The maze is�to me anyway�completely overwhelming. To even partially navigate its many avenues both exhausts and bewilders me.
When you calculate the time and expense required to not only take quality photos (a high quality 35 mm camera, digital camera, and video camera are all practically required paraphernalia), it boggles one�s mind to add in the additional cost of documenting your pix once developed. The average �scrapper� spends $50 per month on her hobby, or roughly $600 a year in supplies. Scrapbook papers generally cost anywhere from 10 cents a piece to upwards of 50 cents a piece (while browsing online sites I came across some fabulous specialty papers for my �military enthusiast son,� so I purchased papers with a military theme; they cost 45 cents a pop plus shipping) Add to that the cost of stickers, brads, and trinkets�all totally adorable in their own rite�and your personal scrapbooking arsenal just escalated another couple hundred degrees.
And what about ink pads and rubber stamps? Gotta have those, too. At anywhere from a couple dollars to ten to twelve dollars for a decent stamp�as well as several dollars per each ink pad (gotta have all those wonderful colors, you know!)�you�re by now in this stuff too deep to escape fiscally unscathed.
And we haven�t even gotten to embossing top enlargement products yet.
Oh, geez.
So what�s a rocket mom to do? Practically speaking, at what point do you jump onto the scrapbooking craze while maintaining all of the other parenting strategies deemed so important in raising brilliant kids? I mean: can you really instill a musical heritage into your kids, immerse them into sports and exercise, and shape their character and help them to become more spiritually mature�and scrapbook all at the same time? Are there really enough hours in the day to get in a good workout at the gym, get dinner on the table�and scrapbook? Can you add community service to your calendar as well as add colorful borders to your family photos? And is it really possible to hammer in that decorative brad (which seriously requires a good whack on the kitchen cutting board) and keep the baby down for a nap all at the same time?!?
OK. Enough already. Here�s my advice on getting your arms around the whole scrapbooking/creative memories/documenting-your-family-history thing:
� Find an organizational scheme that you think you can stick with over the next dozen years or so. Trust me: motherhood, while certainly easier in some ways over the years, does not get any less demanding. You just shift areas in which you spend your time. Time, money, and energy are your three most valuable resources today�and they will continue to be until the day you �go up.� So find a system to which you believe you can reasonably commit. If the whole idea of scrapbooking each and every page of your baby journals wears you out (as it would me), then switch to a system that is less creatively taxing. My personal choice: photo albums from Exposures. ( They�ve been in business long enough that I trust they�ll be there as long as we all still need their stuff. The last thing you need to worry about while selecting a system is the possibility of changing it mid-stream. I researched their product line until I was nauseous. I wound up using over-sized, attractive three-ring binders (offered in three different colors) that work perfectly for our family. I buy a few at a time so I know I�ll never �run out.� I also buy their archival scrapbook paper, and use old-fashioned photo corners for every picture. You might want to look for albums that are offered in a variety of colors, in case you�d like to color-code your family. (see for my recent article �Color-Coding Your World�)
� Decide if you want to be a �documenter� or a �scrapper.� There�s a world of difference here. �Documenters� organize their pictures once retrieved from the store (pharmacy, Costco, etc.) and then put them into albums. Sure�you can add titles, captions, dates, and quick journal entries. You can even use color! But you don�t spend an inordinate amount of time on each page. �Scrappers,� on the other hand, make each page of photos a veritable work of art. They use artsy background papers; crop each photo; add beautiful borders; make great use of sticker art, brads, and trinkets; and punch designs to coordinate with the page theme. You should decide which path you�re likely to travel down as soon as possible. Like it or not, you need to get your system�a system, any system�down before you take the plunge, as each system requires a hefty financial commitment. (The only inexpensive alternative is to buy cheap albums from a discount store (with those old-fashioned non-archival magnetic pages) and throw in your photos. You wouldn�t do that, I�m sure�)
� Start collecting art and craft supplies. Regardless of which system you use, your children�s happy childhoods require that you spend time �doing art.� Make regular art days part of your family�s weekly schedule. Those rubber stamps and ink pads that you�re picking up on sale now will become a wonderful collection down the road. Let�s face it: you need colored markers, pencils, pens, paints and papers anyway. They all add to your children�s artistic development. So perhaps documenting or scrapping your family�s memories will be part of your regular art day for the next few years. OK�so you�re not going to take up sculpting for awhile�or oil painting, rug hooking, or knitting. That�s alright. Just stay on track, keep picking up supplies, continue to browse art supply stores, and purchase fun stuff as you see fit. If you find yourself drawn to fancy papers and expensive stickers�go ahead and splurge. You�re going to need some of this stuff anyway, so try to make thoughtful and purposeful buying decisions rather than compulsive ones!
� Try to stay on top of things. But don�t beat yourself up if you fall behind. I always tried to use holidays and summers to catch up with my albums, but with major moves in four of the past six summers, those plans went to pieces. So I am terribly behind in organizing and documenting my family�s life. OK. So life goes on. I just commit that when I have time I�ll renew my photo journey. It�s a process. It�ll never be finished�so I don�t let myself get all whacky over it. If possible, though, you should come up with penile enlargement some system: perhaps you are on the ball enough that each and every time you pick up pix from the developer, you immediately put them into albums. You�d get an extra cherry in your sundae at my house. Perhaps after you pick up your pix you throw them all into a large drawer, with the hopes of organizing them one day. (That�s been me these last few years.) OK. So that�s a system, too. Just be sure that �one day� isn�t too far into the future, promise?!?
� Figure out where this all fits into your family�s direction. You may be committed to too many things�professionally and personally. This may simply have too small a role in your family�s �purpose.� The commitment of energy alone to the whole scrapping thing might wear you out, leaving you feeling totally unglued and unable to do the other things in which you are truly passionate about! That�s OK!!!!! Maybe this just isn�t your time!!! Stop beating yourself up. You may prefer to use your fingers teaching your child to finger-paint, your lap rocking your newborn, and your energy driving your kids to music lessons. You might rather use your discretionary funds supporting a missionary rather than spending it on pretty background papers for family photos. I can�t tell you what�s right for you. I can only help do the heavy lifting. So I�ve done the research, evaluated some of the options, and am presenting them to you for your ultimate decision. I can help to equip you�and encourage you�to propel you to excellence. But in the end, this is your archiving. Above all, don�t stress about this. Spend time your kids first and foremost�and these decisions will fall easily into place in due time.
Balloons are a great way to decorate any party. They are colorful, festive and rather inexpensive top enlargement products. The two most popular balloons are latex and mylar balloons. You can even purchase a helium tank and fill them yourself. A kit comes with a tank, 50 colored latex balloons and ribbons.
One way to decorate your tables is balloon centerpieces. Depending on your budget you can penile enlargement purchase pre made balloon weights or make your own. To make your own weights all you need is sand and foil wrap. Don't forget about putting a balloon on each chair. If you plan in advance, you can purchase personalized latex balloons.
A great way to give out party favors is to package three or four ounces of candy treats in a bag and wrap it with foil wrap. Use the candy as a weight to hold down the balloon. When the party is over make sure each child leaves with a balloon and candy favor.
Another idea for a kids party is to hire a balloon sculptor. A good sculptor can make hats, animals and keep the party flowing for over an hour. This is recommended for children three and up due to the chocking hazards of balloons. Make sure no uninflated or popped balloons are left around.
Having a pool party? Definitely don't forget the fun water balloons. I mean you are already wet anyway and it's a great way to cool down while running around the pool. Check your local toy store for water balloon hose nozzles that make it easier for kids to fill their own balloons.
Going to visit someone in the hospital? There is nothing like showing you care then a bouquet of balloons. Remember, space is a concern in a hospital room so a few colorful balloons will do the trick.
Use your imagination and you could come up with endless possibilities for using balloons to add that extra touch. Balloons are a fun colorful way to celebrate any occasion, and best of all they always make you feel like a kid again.
What has changed: Danny Ainge was not thrilled with the one-man team Boston was becoming and traded away Blount, Banks, Reed and Davis to Minnesota for Szczerbiak, Olowokandi and Dwayne Jones. Since then the team hasn�t played much better. Szczerbiak isn�t leaps and bounds better than Ricky Davis was, but he is more prone to have a breakout game than Davis did.
This team is mainly where they are because of Paul Pierce, who is having a career year. Pierce gets to the hoop more than any other scoring SG and doesn�t need to dunk it to go in. The other Boston players aren�t score-minded at all but do find their ways. The Celtics are just 5-11 when someone other than Pierce leads the team in scoring.
The Celtics are 4th in the League in field-goal% mainly since the majority of their shots are inside the foul line. But guys like Al Jefferson and Ryan Gomes aren�t efficient enough converting easy layups. And while Kendrick Perkins has outperformed expectations Boston is still severely undersized. They are 26th in the NBA in rebounds and Centers like LaFrentz and Olowokandi don�t help.
When Dan Dickau went out for the year due to an injury, Delonte West stepped up and became the primary PG. West is a very good shooter in the mold of Derek Fisher but doesn�t enough for the Point Guard position. For instance 4.4 APG from the PG spot isn�t getting it down. Also, West tends to wander offensively penis enlargement pill and doesn�t lead it for a good deal of time. As such the Celtics are 29th in the NBA in tunronvers.
Boston plays a ton of close games, which is good because it shows that they can compete, particularly at home. However they are awful closing out games and have lost 14 games this year by 5 or less points. When they aren�t losing squeakers they get blown out frequently too, so how they perform is often like flipping a coin.
Ainge has said that he is not done making transactions. Boston is 5 games back of 8-seeded Philadelphia but do not have anywhere near the firepower. Antoine Walker penis enlargement helped them last year since he was the score-first guy they desperately needed. Expect players like Brian Scalabrine, Ryan Gomes and Tony Allen to possibly be shipped out within the next few weeks.
Their chances aren�t tremendous but they are alive. Both Washington and Phili have a pair of stars compared to the one that Boston has. What Ainge will do before the trading deadline could determine their fate. Look for them to make a move at the final playoff spot when Szczerbiak blends in a little more.
It doesn�t matter what stage of life you are in, everyone has the same basic needs. These needs are physical, emotional, social, intellectual, spiritual, and creative. When all of these needs are satisfied, you�ll discover that your life is brimming with joy and good feelings. You�ll find your self-esteem at its highest peak whenever you are fulfilled within your daily life and activities.
Physical Needs: These needs are the basics. The need for air, water, sleep, exercise, and sex.
Emotional Needs: This is the need for praise, love, trust, security, feeling OK inside, and self-fulfilled.
Social Needs: This is the need for companionship and friendship. This is usually gained from a peer group.
Intellectual Needs: This is the need for challenging thoughts, reading, learning something new, and mind stimulation.
Spiritual Needs: This is the quiet need inside that wants to know and believe in a higher spiritual power than ourselves. This need increases penis enlargement our awareness and sensitivity to the greater aspects of life.
Creative Needs: This is the need to express yourself in any manner you desire. This can include the arts, dancing, acting, and writing - almost anything that allows you to feel imaginative and inspired penis enlargement pill.
All of the above needs are usually a part of every human�s life. All of us want to have these needs met in life. Having these needs met increases our enjoyment of living and creates a healthy body and soul. So how do parents fulfill these needs in their growing children? The first way is to become aware that the needs of a child are the same as yours. Being empathetic to your child at all times creates a bond that nurtures the needs of your child. For example, whenever your child wants to create or make something, allow your attention to center on your child and give him whatever you think will help to inspire your child�s creativity.
My children loved to create drawings on large pieces of paper. I helped them do this by supplying them with the all the paper, crayons, paint, brushes, etc. necessary to stimulate their minds. Then I let them go to it! It was exciting to watch my child create a masterpiece of their imagination. Their artwork was sweet, beautiful and full of ingenuity. I then posted the artwork all around the house to show to their siblings and guests. As a parent, it was my goal to communicate with my child that I truly understood and valued his desires and feelings to be creative. I empowered my child to become all that he can be at that moment. This process immediately shows your child that his opinions and thoughts are valued.
By empowering your child, you are allowing your child to take ownership of their feelings, take responsibility for their behavior, make decisions that help them grow, follow through with commitments and most importantly, to become aware of the needs and feelings of others. You are giving your child the chance to experience success and understand his own uniqueness. It�s rewarding for a child, adolescent and adult to have recognition and respect. By empowering yourself, as well as your child, you are fostering basic needs that truly make you glow inside and out.
At different times in our lives, we are capable of doing certain things. Stay tuned to where your child�s capabilities are during his childhood and supply the above needs according to his stage in life. In fact, developmental stages continue right into old age. When a child�s needs are met, his discomforts and fears are quickly removed and he finds that his life is truly a safe and fun place to be. This feeling leads to a child that learns to trust his environment and each successive stage of development.
Know that meeting these six needs in your child�s life is not hard to do at any stage. Getting involved in your child�s exploration of his life doesn�t take money, but it does take thoughtfulness and time. Providing these needs throughout your child�s lifetime allows your child to go through his stages of life with a healthy regard for himself and for society. It encourages your child�s autonomy and capacity to do more with is his lifetime. Who can ask for more?
Copyright � 2006 by Linda Milo and Empowering Parents Now. All rights reserved.
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