Today, August 22, 2005, I am clean and sober for eight years which simply means today I am still an alcoholic and on this day I will choose not to pick up a drink. If you look at me today and compared my appearance to eight years ago you probably would not notice much difference (with the exception of a few more wrinkles). Back then I had a pretty high-powered job with a good salary and was working towards my master�s degree. Today I work as an administrator for a church and I am developing a life and leadership coaching practice. I am not attending school I am teaching at a local college as an adjunct professor. My life is probably just as hectic now as it was eight years ago. So the question is besides not picking up a drink what is the difference between then and now?
First, it is only through a graceful and loving God, AA, meeting rooms in which other alcoholics openly shared their faith, strength and hope, and a sponsor who saw right through my charade that I can claim eight years of sobriety.
Second, back then I thought I had control of my life and now I realize I do not and everyday I try to remember that fact.
Finally, I have come to learn the difference between change and transition and that has and continues to bring a new perspective to my life.
When I first started to attend AA meetings I remember thinking that the stories these people were telling about their lives aren�t even close to the life I live. I only drink a little and I am very careful to monitor it so I can maintain my image in the community and the church I attend. These men and women are talking about horror stories in which they lost their jobs, families, savings and literally penis enlargement with vigrx plus their self-respect. I would question my sponsor about the possibility that maybe I really wasn�t a drunk. Maybe it is just in my head, that perhaps I could drink. He would just laugh and say the mere fact that you have to think about is evidence enough.
My sponsor used to ride in a Hell�s Angels motorcycle gang. He was one tough dude and probably the complete opposite of me or at least that is what I thought. I actually remember when I began looking for a sponsor God kept putting this man in front of me and I kept asking God to get him out of my way so I could find a sponsor like me. It is odd how I was looking at the outside appearance and God was looking at what was going on inside. I was working from my head (a dangerous place to be for an alcoholic) and God was working from my heart. As it turns out I was just like my sponsor and my sponsor was just like me, at least where it counts, in our hearts and souls.
For the most part of my life I really believed I was in control. Actually I suffered from an anxiety disorder and panic attacks so the only way I could live my life was to be in control, or at least I thought I was in control. Actually my behavior was more obsessive � compulsive than orderly. My daughters used to twist the phone cord when they got home from school just so the could watch me faithfully go to the phone each day I got home from work and untangle it. I would vacuum the rugs and then not allow anyone to walk on them. I would comb the little fringes on the ends of the rug. My drinking was just as tidy. I would only drink at certain times and at certain places. Even though most weeknights I would only have one drink or think one drink is all I needed. If the liquor bottle would be only three quarters full I would get another one just in case I decided to drink more and maybe run out. If I was going out somewhere to eat, to a party, trips for work, or vacations I could not wait for the moment when I could justify having that first drink.
As a functional alcoholic it wasn�t so much about how much I drank, I would do my best to control when I would take a drink or how much I thought I could safely drink and not get tagged as a drunk. Having an anxiety disorder that centered on low self-esteem and the fact I did not believe I was good enough as a person really helped to maintain my control. The issue with me was the fantasy or the delaying of that first drink. If I were traveling I would be thinking about when I got there and could have that first drink. If I were on a business trip my thoughts would be with once the business was conducted how great it will be to have that first drink in the bar. Many years ago I used to play softball and it got to the point I could not wait for the game to be over so I could go to the bar with the guys to drink. The issue was not just taking the drink but just as importantly, the permission to take the drink, albeit I set the rules in most cases. Unfortunately right before I went into AA I was giving myself more and more permission.
I was giving myself more permission because I was dealing with some changes in my life. Two months before I went into AA my mother passed away. My relationship with my father really was more strained then ever after my mother died. My wife had become ill and she began a month long stay in a hospital and as I had mentioned I was working towards my master�s degree. Spiritually I felt dead even though I was faithfully attending church and teaching Sunday school as though nothing was wrong. That is the point; it was becoming tougher and tougher to keep putting up a front or pretending the world was a great place, only to go home and feel so depressed and sad about life that I wish I could just run away and hide.
So what did I learn in AA? Although today I am intellectually describing the process it is obviously the heart wrenching desire for sobriety and the feeling that you have no other place to turn that is at the core of recovery. For me recovery is about understanding the difference between change and transition. We say we want to change our lives and often we do just that. Perhaps we take a new job, a new spouse, a new place to live, a new car, or we want to change our drinking habits. William Bridges in his book, �Transitions� says, �Our society confuses them (change and transition) constantly, leading us to imagine that transition is just another word for change�In other words, change is situational. Transition, on the other hand is psychological. It is not those events, but rather the inner re - orientation and self - redefinition that you have to go through in order to incorporate any of those changes into your life.� If you want to change your habit of drinking alcohol the solution is simple just don�t pick up a drink. If you want to get into recovery from alcoholism than as the saying goes you have to deal with the �ism� part. That means a life transition and now we are talking about a change of heart not a change of thought.
Eight years into recovery I don�t believe a day goes by that my head doesn�t try to tell me it is OK to have a drink, you probably weren�t an alcoholic anyway, it is not like they found you lying in the gutter. There isn�t a time when I am going to a party or getting ready for a vacation that I don�t think what is the fun of going if I can�t drink. But then there isn�t a day that I wake up that I don�t thank God for allowing me to be sober for just one more day. My father died just three years after my mother. I was a year into my recovery when I realized the problem I was having with him was not about him at all it was about me. When I looked at my dad I saw me and that is what got me so angry. That awareness gave me the two best years of my life with my dad. Now each day I see myself becoming more and more like my dad and I could not be more proud of that fact.
Years ago when the USA was seconds away from defeating the then USSR hockey team in the Olympics the announcer shouted, �Do you believe in miracles?� If you can find someone in recovery they will tell you all about their miracle. Remember God creates miracles and God resides in your heart, not your head. I believe in miracles, I am one sizegenetics penis enlargement device!
By Robert Wummer
When I meet people and tell review of penis enlargement products them what I do, I often hear, �Oh, you are a motivational speaker,� with some amount of assuredness in their voice. While I realize there are many speakers that people lump into this category (some who are my friends and mentors), I strongly disagree with that label.
Do I speak? Yes.
Can I inspire, challenge thinking, provide ideas, input, and encouragement (and in smaller settings), provide feedback? Yes I can.
Can I motivate? No I can�t.
There is a channel on my television called DIY � The Do It Yourself Network. On this channel you can learn how to make drapes, redo your landscape, take care of your yard, build a deck, make unique crafts, and much more. Many people must watch it, because it has been on my television for several years.Actually this doesn�t surprise me. People want to learn how to do new things. They want to avoid the cost of the expensive plumber, carpenter or painter, and they like the pride that comes with seeing the results of their efforts.
If people do the things they learn about (rather than just watching) they are doing it because they are self motivated. No crafty, clever, or comical TV host has motivated penis enlargement products them � they have motivated themselves.
It is the same with our personal, professional and business projects � we may work with others and need expert coaching, advise, counsel and encouragement, but in the end these are �Do it yourself� projects too.
Five Suggestions
Here are five things you can do to make your own improvement and growth and �do it to yourself� project.
1. Have a reason for doing. If your windows are bare, you know you need drapes. If your grill sits in the grass, you know you want a deck in your backyard. What is the reason you want to improve your skills or habits or achieve new results? Having a clear goal is the first step towards self motivation. If you watch the TV show because you are interested, but don�t need that skill, you will just watch. If you listen to a great speaker or read their book and don�t have a clear goal, you�ll get no more than an enjoyable experience.
2. Take action every day. You have your goal, your reason, so now take action. I can�t take that action for you any more than Bob Villa, your boss or a family member can. Make a plan and get started. You don�t have to carve out two hours in your already over crowded day, but do something. Take a step towards your self-improvement project every day. At least one thing, every day.
3. Put in the positive stuff. Many people who are learning to build that deck buy books, magazines, and software; go to the local hardware super center for classes and ask for advice, and much more. Are you putting anywhere near this amount of time, effort, and money into reaching your personal or professional improvement goals? Read or listen to the positive, uplifting material each day. Consider it inspirational fuel for your own motivation.
4. Lose the Losers. Do you have people around you who aren�t willing to invest in themselves? How much time are you spending with those who ridicule or put down your efforts? While you may not be able to remove these people from your life, you can reduce the impact their attitude has on you. Recognize how they negatively impact you and move on.
5. Turn off the TV. Yes, even football, I remind myself. Am I saying you should not watch any television? No, but TV is the major time stealer in our society and is a self reinforcing habit. Every show has commercials for other shows. So not only are watching others achieve their goals while we aren�t achieving ours, but we are being bombarded with messages about products we don�t need and being convinced to watch even more. You will find as you watch less TV it gets easier to watch less. Why? In part because you won�t know what is on!
The person who learned how to dry wall his own basement when asked why they chose to do it says something like, �I figured no one would care as much about the quality of the job as I would, so I decided to learn myself. Besides, I have so much more pride in the results.�
These are great reasons to �do it yourself.� Apply that same logic and reasoning to yourself. Don�t ask me to motivate you. That is your job. Just like the expert on TV, I can help show the way and help you see that it is possible. But in the end, it is your life, your results, your project.Go out and Do it yourself.
Besides your credit score and the other five qualifications you must meet to finance a real estate mortgage loan, you need to gather papers and documents. Speed up your financing and make your life easier. Organize your papers into a three-ring binder or file system. You won�t need all of the documentation listed below. However, the more information you gather, the more likely you will be to get the best loan rates. Keep in mind that all of these documents may not be needed for all types of loans.
Documentation Required for Real Estate Mortgage Loan
Whether you want to buy your first home or many investment properties to build wealth, this checklist will help you save money on loan costs.
1. Proof of Income
Include copies of your last two pay stubs or other proof of employment and income verification. If you are receiving fixed income like trust income or social security, then include the beneficiary letter stating how much you get.
For self-employed, you will need to prove that you have been in the same line of work or business for two or more years.
If self-employed, show a copy of your business license for two or three years to show you have been in that business for at least two years. If you don�t have these, then show whatever you do have to evidence you have been in business for at least two years in the same line or business field. You may also ask a CPA to amend your income tax returns for the previous two years and then write a letter verifying that you�ve been self-employed for at least two years.
2. Tax returns
Provide tax returns for the last two years or at least the last two years of W2�s and/or 1099s if you don�t want to disclose tax returns.
If you�re self-employed, the mortgage company may require your personal and business tax returns for the previous two years and your company�s year-to-date Profit and Loss Statement. If you own a business, you may need a Financial Business Statement prepared by an accountant.
3. Bank account records
Gather your account numbers, address of your bank branch, along with checking and savings account statements for the previous two-to-twelve months. You only need the last two months� bank statements in most cases. Most lenders will only need twelve months bank statements when you are trying to get a "full doc" loan (with the best rates) instead of stated income for a self-employed individual. Talk to your loan officer about whether twelve months of bank statements will help you get a better rate.
Include all bank accounts, savings accounts, retirement accounts, and investment accounts. Include any account that you sign for, even if your spouse also signs on the account, and even if your spouse does not apply for the loan with you. Financial assets like these are considered important by lenders as a reserve, particularly now that property values are not rising as quickly.
4. Driver's license and social security card photocopies
5. Proof of housing payments
Whether you own or rent, you must document your housing payments. Credit reporting agencies list mortgage payments. Provide copies of your mortgage statements or a copy of your lease agreement with twelve months� of checks showing rent payments on time.
If you rent your home from a professional management firm, they can verify that you have paid rent on time. If you rent from a private party, most lenders (though not all) will require you to show canceled rent checks for twelve months.
6. Major assets (other real estate owned, automobiles, boats, antiques, stocks, etc.).
You don�t have to include individual stocks if you own shares in a mutual fund or hedge fund. Just provide the latest fund statement. Include vested cash value of whole-life or universal life insurance policy, if any. (Cash value is not the same as the face value. Cash value is what you would get from the insurance company right now, if you surrendered the policy while still alive.) If there are antiques or other collectibles, provide only the total collection value; you don�t have to itemize.
7. List of debts (car loans, furniture loans, student loans, and credit cards)
Even though the debts will be on the credit report, you must be aware of all of your debts so that you can tell if the credit report has mistakes. Include any debts that you have co-signed for, like when top enlargement products you co-sign for a child�s car.
8. Divorce settlement papers, if applicable, no matter how far back in time
9. Delinquent or inaccurate debts or credit report items
If you paid a collection, judgment or lien (especially a tax lien or other lien against your house), include proof of payment.
10. An irrevocable gift letter if you are receiving a monetary gift from a relative.
11. Purchase agreement (for new purchase).
Provide a copy signed by both parties, including all the signed disclosures.
12. Items needed for a refinance
Furnish copies of your note and deed of trust, home insurance declaration page, copy of your last property tax bill.
13. If you own investment real estate in your name, you need rental leases for each of your properties, plus the items listed in #12 for each of your properties.
14. Bankruptcy
Supply all pages and schedules for any bankruptcy filing within the last seven years, and the discharge sheet, for any type of bankruptcy (Ch 7, Ch 11 or Ch 13). Bankruptcy must be discharged before the date of the loan application.
Preparation Leads to Financial Freedom
Talk to your loan officer to see which documents you need to copy and send. Prepare your credit and your real estate mortgage loan penile enlargement documents so you can buy your dream home and even multiple investment properties.
Copyright � Jeanette J. Fisher
Striker DJ Campbell, last season�s FA Cup hero with non-league Yeading, dumped Premiership strugglers Sunderland out of the FA Cup to secure Brentford�s spot in the last 16 for the second time in as many years.
The �5,000 summer signing opened the scoring after 57 minutes only for Argentinean midfielder Julio Arca to equalise for Sunderland. However, Campbell became the hero in the 89 minute, netting the winning goal to set up a memorable win for the 11/4 Bees.
Bolton Wanderers extended Arsenal�s away day blues with a 1-0 win at the Reebok Stadium. The bookmakers priced this match according to Arsenal�s reputation, rather than their performances this season. Bolton were as large as 2/1 before kick-off, an insult considering they beat the Gunners 2-0 in league duty back in December. Greek international Stelios scored the decisive goal with six minutes penis enlargement remaining.
Shortest price of the day unsurprisingly was Chelsea at 1/2 but they will have spoiled a few betting coupons after a 1-1 draw at Everton. The Toffees, priced up as 11/2 before kick-off, took the lead through James McFadden but a 73 minute equaliser from Frank Lampard took the tie to a replay at Stamford Bridge.
League One high flyers Colchester United sent another Championship side packing in Derby County. Colchester were 11/8 favourites and found themselves 3-0 up through Neil Danns and Richard Garcia. A penalty from Tommy Smith 11 minutes from time was the Rams� only reply.
Leyton Orient will have had their supporters at 10/1 to beat Charlton Athletic. Jon Fortune gave the Addicks an early lead but the League Two side hit back through veteran Lee penis enlargement pill Steele. Charlton, 2/7 jollies before kick off, needed a stoppage time winner from Jay Bothroyd to spare their blushes.
The scent of an upset hung in the air before the lunch-time clash between League Two side Cheltenham Town and Newcastle United. Despite their efforts, Newcastle scored two goals in as many minutes just before half-time through Michael Chopra and Scott Parker to justify their odds of 8/15.
Rank outsiders on the day, 14/1 Port Vale, gave Aston Villa a scare with five minutes remaining to claw the score back to 2-1, although highly-rated midfielder ensured there would be no upset with a third goal in the 90 minute to please the big hitters who waded in at 1/4.
Better finishing could have earned Coventry City a shock 5/2 win over Middlesbrough but the tie ended all square at 1-1, extending Coventry�s unbeaten run at the Ricoh Arena to eight matches.
On Sunday, Manchester United were shorter still at 4/9 but did not disappoint against Wolves, brushing aside the Championship team 3-0 at Molineux. Two goals from Kieron Richardson and another from a resurgent Louis Saha inflicted Glenn Hoddle�s heaviest defeat as Wolves manager.
Liverpool were also short at 8/15 to win away at Portsmouth and they didn�t disappoint with two first half goals from Steven Gerrard and John Arne Riise. Sean Davis pulled a goal back for Portsmouth nine minutes into the second half but the Reds held firm.
It is a fact of life that all of us will lose someone that we care about in death at some point, and although we may not be able to be with them any longer, it's a widely accepted part of the grieving process to memorialize them in a fitting penis enlargement way. There are many ways that this can be done today and the funeral industry has a wide variety of products that can help dignify the occasion.
However, one of the most time-honored and ancient of burial customs is that of cremation. The practice of cremation was the most predominat means of corpse disposal until the advent of Christianity in the Roman Empire. There were several reasons why cremation was popular among ancient cultures, and one was that fire was considered a purifying agent that would release the spirit of the deceased in the proper way and allow for a safe journey to their next life.
Of course, besides the philosophical or religious properties of cremation, the health benefits of the practice was never in doubt. Disposal of the body in this way eliminated the possiblility of disease being spread by decay. Therefore the practice of cremation has become more and more accepted in Western cultures as cities have grown larger and cemetaries have become more crowded.
Cremation in the modern era involves the use of high levels of heat that reduce the body of the deceased to ashes. The ashes can then be spread without causing any health problem to others.
However, increasingly many people today are returning to the ancient practice of storing the ashes in a funerary urn instead. In such a container the ashes can be kept and memorialized by their loved ones, or it can also serve as a fitting receptacle for burial as well.
Cremation urns are available in many different configurations and price levels, and they need not simply be penis enlargement pill a utilitarian object. In fact, some urns can be very decorative and attractive in appearance.
So if you wish to memorialize a loved one in a dignified way, be sure to consider a crematory urn as another way to honor and remember them.
Wouldn't it be nice to have Roger Hazard�s design team from "Sell This House" come visit for a weekend?
Many "redecorators" and designers offer "Staging Homes" services from $250 to $5,000. These services usually give good advice, some help with the actual work involved, and others even move in new furniture for you.
However, using Design Psychology strategies will help you make the right choices on what is necessary to stage your home for a top-dollar sale.
Residential Design Psychology encompasses your entire home setting, from the fist sighting, whether your home is a condominium, single family home, or a manufactured home. Design Psychology, based on years of research on how our environments affect our emotions, helps stage homes with the buyers� emotions in mind. Also, this interior decorating system uses the underlying physiological response to design details-- how our senses react to colors, patterns, textures, and furnishings, to entice a buyer to REALLY want your home.
Home buyers make their ultimate home selection based on their emotional reactions to the properties they visit. The way their brains interpret what they see, hear, touch, smell, and even taste causes them to feel connected to the home they choose. Buyers may think they make a choice based on economics, but even this decision is based on the way they feel because they're getting a deal.
You, as a home seller, have two initial choices.
1. Sell your home as a bargain to investors or bargain shoppers with limited penis enlargement products income, or
2. Sell your home for top dollar to your target market.
To prepare your home to sell to investors and bargain shoppers, all you need to do is look for a real estate agent who does a lot of advertising. This agent will list your home under market value. Then sit back and allow the agent to sell your home for a rock-bottom price. Don't be surprised when you get many offers for lower than your asking price right away.
If you want to work a little, or perhaps a lot, you can sell your home for top dollar. Explore ways review of penis enlargement products to create a buyers� dream home. Because buyers let their emotions rule their decisions, stage your home for your specific buyer profile. Learn how certain colors, textures, and even plants help attract buyers who will spend more money on your home. Get busy removing clutter, packing memorabilia, staging, and sell your home for top dollar. Don't be surprised when you get many offers for more than your asking price right away.
You may be able to assemble your own team of friends to help you clear out your crowded rooms, paint, and spiff up your gardens. Who needs Roger Hazard�s team when you've got a few good friends and Design Psychology?
(c) Copyright 2005 Jeanette J. Fisher All rights reserved.
Team Canada is looking to repeat thier Gold Medal performance in Turin in the upcoming Olympics. The 2002 Victory in Salt Lake City over USA was the first on 50 yrs for the country that brought this great game to life. Canada along with the Czech Republic and Russia are the early favorites, but in the Olympics one-game situation a lot of teams have a chance to surprise anybody. (Belarus' stunning win over Sweden in the 2002 Olympic quarterfinals)
Canada appears to be the team to beat � and Brodeur is the main reason. Martin Broduer has a long list of accomplishments and a solid record in goal. In addition to the 2002 Olympic win penis enlargement with vigrx plus, he also led Canada to the World Cup title a year ago, is a three-time Stanley Cup champion and the winner of the Vezina Trophy the last two seasons as the NHL's best goalie.
Canada also has forwards Dany Heatley (Ottawa) and Joe Thornton (San Jose), who are perenial top 5 goal leaders in the NHL this year.
The Team Canada Roster and the Great White North version of the "Dream Team"
30 Martin Brodeur, New Jersey Devils
1 Roberto Luongo, Florida Panthers
35 Marty Turco, Dallas Stars
4 Rob Blake, Colorado Avalanche
52 Adam Foote, Columbus Blue Jackets
55 Ed Jovanovski, Vancouver Canucks
24 *Bryan McCabe, Toronto Maple Leafs
27 Scott Niedermayer, Mighty Ducks
44 Chris Pronger, Edmonton Oilers
6 Wade Redden, Ottawa Senators
28 Robyn Regehr, Calgary Flames
14 Todd Bertuzzi, Vancouver Canucks
9 Shane Doan, Phoenix Coyotes
33 Kris Draper, Detroit Red Wings
21 Simon Gagn� Philadelphia Flyers
15 Dany Heatley, Ottawa Senators
12 Jarome Iginla, Calgary Flames
40 Vincent Lecavalier, Tampa Bay Lightning
61 Rick Nash, Columbus Blue Jackets
39 Brad Richards, Tampa Bay Lightning
91 Joe Sakic, Colorado Avalanche
94 Ryan Smyth, Edmonton Oilers
10 *Jason Spezza, Ottawa Senators
22 *Eric Staal, Carolina Hurricanes
26 Martin St-Louis, Tampa Bay Lightning
97 Joe Thornton, San Jose Sharks
*Alternate Players
Playing for Team Canada, coached by Pat Quinn is such a sought after position, and right now the talent pool is so deep that it is interesting to note that Eric Stall is an alternet. The team is headed up by Wayne Gretzky as Executive Director and Bob Nicholson as President.
Joe Sakic will be Canada�s men�s hockey team captain. Sakic has served as team captain with the NHL�s Colorado Avalanche since 1992 and was an alternate captain for Canada at both the 2002 Olympic Winter Games and the 2004 World Cup of Hockey Notably absent will be Mario Lemieux, who retired from hockey due to health and age issues.
In the history of Olympic Winter Games, Team Canada has amassed a total of 13 medals, seven gold medals 1920 sizegenetics penis enlargement device, 1924, 1928, 1932, 1948, 1952, 2002, four silver medals 1936, 1960, 1992, 1994 and two bronze medals 1956, 1968.
Professional hockey players have only been allowed to take part in the Olympic Winter Games since 1998.
Current Odds to win Men's Ice Hockey Gold Medal at Bodog
Canada 6/5
Czech Republic 5/2
Sweden 4/1
Russia 5/1
USA 5/1
Slovakia 10/1
Finland 12/1
Switzerland 70/1
Germany 200/1
Latvia 200/1
Italy 400/1
Kazakhstan 450/1
While you won't make a pile of cash betting on Team Canada, it is in my opions te safest bet on the board! We will be following the 2006 Winter Olympics and will be posting plays on Mens and Womens Olympic Hockey!
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