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Tue, 19 Aug 2008 14:51:00 GMT
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10 Extraordinary Reasons penis penis enlargement pills enlargement review Why People Join the Military

It is hard to live with guns. This must have been the reason why many parents despise their son�s or even daughter�s decision to join the military. But those who persist in joining this institution insist that the feeling is what they call �a call of duty.� This is when they feel that they need to protect and fight for their beloved country.

However, some researchers had found out that people who join the military have mixed emotions, mixed sentiments and various reasons. All together, they compromise what seems to be the most diversified grounds for getting into the battlefield and fight for honor.

Hence, for those who wish to know why more and more people are joining the military, here is a list of 10 amazing yet strange reasons why they wanted to join the forces.

1. Financial reasons

One of the most intriguing review of penis enlargement products reasons why people join the military is due to the bonuses and compensation that they will get.

The reason for this high-paying job is that the military recruitment program is actually experiencing a downfall in their program. In spite of the many contentions of the military people, they cannot dismiss the fact that for the past 10 years or so, they have been trying to recruit as many people as possible to join the military but to no avail.

That is why they have decided to increase the benefits and �enlistment bonuses.� These �enlistment bonuses� are juts the primary benefits that they and their family can obtain even just from the start of the enlistment.

Basically, the military people in the United States can obtain to as much as $70,000 as the government support in the studying of qualified service affiliates.

During the retirement, the military personnel can obtain as much as $100 in a month for the repayment of �tutorial assistance.�

Because of these benefits, the main target of the military recruitment is the college students who might want to take their time off from schooling. The military recruitment also focuses in recruiting high schoolers who are studying in a home school program.

With the remarkable financial benefits given by the military, who could resist such offer?

2. To be away from their parents

Funny as it may seem but many young boys are actually enticed to join the military because they wanted to stay away from their parents. 7 out of 10 high-school- age boys stated that their parents are so strict and demanding that they wanted to steer clear from them.

Hence, when opportunities like joining in the military along with the astonishing financial benefits, they would rather join the forces than to get spank and scolded by their moms.

3. A test of one�s courage

Joining the military is like a �daring� game, where people get to grab the chances of proving their courage and guts. Some say it is a man thing. It is as if when you join the military, you have somewhat proven to your neighborhood that you are brave enough to face Saddam or Bin Laden.

4. Good citizenship

Others say that the reason why they join the military is that they wanted to prove to their beloved country that they are good citizens and that they will defend the nation for as long as they can hold a gun and kill an Iraqi.

Sounds pathetic? Think again.

Some people think that joining a military is like paying tribute to the wonders that the United States was able to provide them. And yet, by the time they get into the war, they claim that the tribute is no longer present.

The problem is that there is no turning back.

5. To fight Al Qaeda and look for Osama Bin Laden

It may sound hilarious but this is actually one of the main reasons why some people join the military. In a recent survey, almost 35% out of the 100 interviewees responded that they wanted to help the American soldiers find Osama Bin Laden and bring down the forces of Al Qaeda.

In fact, this is one of the main reasons why Pat Tillman, a legendary football star, has finally decided to give up his sports career and join the military.

With this reason, it is as if the military is all about the Al Qaeda and Osama Bin Laden.

6. A good career

Another reason for joining the military is that people are enticed to do so because the recruiters say it is definitely a good career joining the military.

Just hope they are not lying.

7. Full time employment

For most people who had been completely jobless for almost 4 years, joining the military is a very attractive decision to make. Many insist that one of their main reasons why they join the service is because of the full time employment that they can achieve.

This would mean a the end of their job hunting, another four years not worrying anymore what to eat and where to buy their baby�s diapers, and a secured future, maybe not for them but for their family.

8. Family tradition

It is the way it is. Some people join the military because everyone in the family is doing it. Not much choice, huh?

9. To learn new skills

People who have these reasons penis enlargement products are the adventurous type. They seek newer skills that they can master, and military seems to be the only way to gain such expertise.

10. Pride

Some people join the military because having those badges on their soldiers makes them proud of themselves. It is as if being a soldier is the most honorable job any one could ever have.

Some of these reasons may sound hilarious, while others sound so pathetic. For those who still want to join the military with reasons that are not included here, just think before you act. As they say, whoever lights a match will definitely get burn.

Indoor penis enlargement review penis enlargement pills Soccer to go High Tech

One of the newest trends in the World of Soccer is the high-tech indoor soccer stadiums. They are used for all year around play without regard to seasonality. Many of these stadiums are owned by companies, which lease or rent them out to the teams. The business model is quite profitable and some markets have more than one company with more than one facility each. These companies also sell items such as soccer penis enlargement products balls, refreshments and video play back services. They also often have automatic kicking machines for practice like those used in tennis or for batting training in baseball.

Since these soccer arenas are indoors and climate controlled I propose that we take the coaching and training to a much higher level. I propose that we incorporate Holographic Technologies, which are getting closer to becoming reality, and use them to teach soccer techniques. Imagine the benefits to coaching if you took some of the greatest plays in World Cup Soccer and allowed the kids to replay them. Setting up the holographic 3D images to move in full motion video on the field.

First you would put an athlete next to each of the players and then run the projection as the athletes matched them stride for stride and step for step, aligning themselves to confront the opponent by moving with the hologram into position and taking the shot or defending the goal. The athletes and players would learn emensly by watching and playing along side the greats. And all this is nearly possible. By using special coatings on the artificial grass to review of penis enlargement products help the projection reflection it could be done quite easily. Think on this new technology and what it means for youth soccer.

Funerals penile enlargement top enlargement products - Military Funerals

In this article we're going to discuss funerals that have more tradition associated with them than probably any other. Military funerals.

Military funerals are loaded with tradition. A final farewell to a fallen comrade is one of the most glorious events that any person can attend.

The first thing that one notices at a military funeral is the flag draped casket. The blue field of the flag is placed at the head of the casket, just over the left shoulder of the deceased. This custom actually began long ago during the Napoleonic Wars of the 18th century. A flag was used to cover the dead as they were taken off the battle field.

If you take a good look, you will notice that the horses that pull the casket during a military funeral all have saddles on them. However, the horses on the left have riders on them while the horses on the right do not. This is also taken from old times when the primary means of moving ammunition was by horse. The riderless horses carried the provisions.

There is a single riderless horse that follows the procession. This horse is called the caparisoned horse because of its ornamental coverings. By tradition, in a military funeral, this horse follows the casket only of a soldier of rank colonel or above or the casket of the President, who is the commander in chief of the armed forces.

At the graveside itself, military honors consist of the firing of three volleys, each by seven service members. This is very often confused with the 21 gun salute, which is actually for honors not associated with funerals at all. However, the number of guns fired in both are the same.

The three volleys came from an old battlefield custom. The two sides at war with each other would cease fighting in order to clear their dead from the battlefield. The firing of the three volleys meant that the dead soldiers had all been removed sizegenetics penis enlargement device from the field and that battle could resume. penis enlargement with vigrx plus War was relatively civilized back then.

In the case of the death of a former or current president, there are additional salutes and traditions. On the day following the death of a president unless the day falls on a Sunday or a holiday, the commanders of each army installation order that one gun be fired every half hour beginning at reveille and ending at retreat. In the case of a Sunday or a holiday this is held over until the next day.

On the actual day of the funeral, the 21 minute gun salute is fired starting at noon at all military installations across the country. These guns are fired at one minute intervals. Also, on the day of the funeral there is a 50 gun salute. This is one gun for each state. This is done at five-second intervals upon lowering of the flag for the day. "Hail To The Chief" is then played if the funeral is for a past or present president.

Poker Affiliate penis sizegenetics penis enlargement device enlargement with vigrx plus Program Marketing: Website Ideas

One of the primary considerations you must have when deciding to become an affiliate is how as a website owner you intend to promote the sites that you advertise. In an industry as large as online penis enlargement pill gaming or more particularly poker, there is plenty of scope for subject matter and material. One thing that must be considered if you are designing a site specifically with affiliate marketing in mind, and that is how you wish the content to present your advertisements.

There are two distinct opportunities in which to market your site and your products. Essentially if you are attempting to make affiliation a business you can earn serious money from, you have to treat the adverts as your product. Just like a shop online or otherwise might promote particular items in order to maximise profits, so must a successful affiliate. Except the affiliate is actually marketing for another site in order to make their money, and not selling any products for themselves.

The first of the two methods is a rather overt and unashamed promotional website. Offering very little in the way of actual information, you can create a site that bombards visitors with adverts and links. This is a rather simplistic and easy way of marketing sites. It is also the least time consuming option as all that is really needed is a small blurb, a few adverts and some emotive language. Essentially the website becomes a portal to poker establishments, rather than a useful informative site. There is nothing wrong with this in the slightest but it may not produce the results you require.

The second option is a little more secretive and serves a purpose rather than simply being a shameless advertising page. If you create a site dedicated to the game of poker, or just an aspect or particular game within the overall genre (for example Texas hold 'em), you can generate the interest and bring in the required audience. This is a more time consuming and serious approach, requiring some background knowledge and perhaps some monetary investment to make it of the desired quality. If you penis enlargement make a living breathing poker site, there is a good chance that you will be able to attract a number of poker players and as such tempt the potential clientele of the poker sites.

By making the language more passionate and interesting a website owner can tempt or persuade their visitors to try and hopefully join a site via their links. This second approach is arguably the more successful of the two. For those fortunate enough to already have a website on poker or a similar subject then the battle is already half won. All that will be needed is to sign up to an affiliate program get your advertisements and start making your website work for you.

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